Get in here fackin mierdas.
Literally /Our/guy
old thread
Get in here fackin mierdas.
Literally /Our/guy
old thread
Other urls found in this thread:
TFW you realize you are in Mexico
In Russian culture madmen are considered holy. For example St Basil was a guy in Moscow who roamed the streets naked in summer or winter and showered verbal abuse on the sinners. He was particularly fond of insulting the tsar (Ivan the Terrible) and publicly denouncing him as a great sinner, a merda, and a fucking animal. After Basil eventually died, the Tsar wept, carried his coffin at the funeral, and had that famous cathedral built on the Red Square in his honor.
So you have to understand that if someone is a genuine madman and not an attention-seeking showoff he's beyond reproach, and being accosted by him is a great honor. Observe how the discussion centers on discerning if he's really mad or not.
Yes, so the issue at hand is whether the Mexicans punished a rude cunt who got what he was asking for, or martyred our holy fool.
A fucking subhuman is Sup Forums's guy
Ameribros need to go down to that shithole and kidnap him. He needs better treatment.
Please keep your "holy" Russians in Russia.
For a time i really though this place was full with satire and lol so randum you mad?
But now I see what i refused to see...
This place is filled to the brim with edgelords playing to be the next cumming master race...
GG sweet Sup Forums it was nice while it lasted
>In b4 you mad dirty spic
Origin Story
It's cultural exchange. We get those cool murricans
fuck you shit fucc you mierdas, monkey bitch
TFW I'd stone the shit out of George Lopez because he is the real racist who said basically the same shit on TV about whites and who claims to be normal. Fuck your Mexican trash desu. You fucks don't even have any culture. Trump was right all along. Also all your comedy is shit even worth than Jews also dumb.
*worse than kikes
You are not even human you dirty monkey
Don't give a diagnosed psychos resident permit then?
Mob lynching a mentally ill person is not civilized. Why is this edgy?
>a leavening agent makes the people rise??
what did he mean by this?
Holy Basil
Russian-Mexican War happening?
I hope ivan nukes you taco niggers
You'd probably defend us though.
can i get a rundown on alex? i'm afraid le media is not giving the whole story
Can someone explain to me why he draws a swastika AND jewish stars?
WHY in Cancun city he walked and beat passers by TWO YEARS! Hundreds of videos on his channels. WTF is wrong with Cancun residents and their police...
Stop forcing that bullshit
>Holy man moves to Mexico
>tries to bring modern medicine/education to savages
>ruthlessly attacked by mob for no reason
Currently in coma, he's badly injured and suffering in a Mexican hospital.
>poorly made meme using the simpsons & weed
every fucking time
gringo puto
Anyone have the video with Alex stabbing the spic
you better watch your fucking mouth taco bell
Get your shit right, The Simpsons are Argentina's weakness.
>fucking beaners go back to mexico taco bell
It means that the people in a good society must look at the subhumans and motivate themselves to not be like them, to not be stupid and fat like alextime, to push your limits and be a better human, to show yourself that you're not a subhuman like alextime, who had no appreaciation for other people nor himself. The same he did in Cancun he did back in russia to his own people
fucking illiterate
Russian women: goddesses
Russian men: subhuman
nice crocs, did he took them out of the trash can?
Chicano comedy =/= Mexican comedy
Read this thread
Read this fucking thread and I fucking dare you to tell me this is not just a fucking 13rd old shit playing to be illuminated
This is not about the death of a poor guy,whatever his nationality was
This is not abvout a mentally ill person slowly decaying to be just a husk of a human being
This is all about monkies throwing shit to each other while claiming theirs is less stinky
Cancun is a place for tourists. Their mayor's wife will suck your dick in public if you offer them enough money. Most mexicans are fucking sellouts and have no dignity when it comes to making the money.
Russian women are all made by men
Genetic code guarded, preserved and passed on for centuries, resulting in the ultimate distillate of beauty
If I were a Russian I'd lunch every fucking faggot Westerner who dared to look at a Russian girl.
Just kys
has anyone ever been blown the fuck out savagely
Chicano is the same as Mexican. Lopez says hes 100% Mexican.
>You're an average teenager in Mexico
>Works on shitty job just to have some goods yet cartels take off all your money.
>Compose money from your stash with 3 friends. Your company finally can afford one small pizza with chips and bottle of cola. You will have at least one good day in your poor life.
this gif is fucking amazing, fuck canada
Whatever rapefugees welcome they're still hot
kek, both Canada and Mexico BTFO in one fell swoop
Nobody really cares about what he was to say. I'd dare to say that nearly no one here knows about him.
Only chicanos look up to him.
When we arrived there, you were running half-naked killing each others with sticks, taking people's heart because an eclipse, or worshiping a feathered serpent...
We gave you order, peace, laws, God... We gave you civilization! The first thought your people had when the white men appeared: they are Gods! And we were. We took this filthy and heretic animal and educated and treated like one of us. But, we knew you weren't, despite we did. You got spanish citizenship, the Conquistadores gifted your daughters with their precious seed, even the emperors offered his daughters.
You were treated as equals if you accepted the only and true God.
Pizarro with 168 men, 37 horses and 34 dogs did more than your entire country for 200 years. Is it worth it? Today you are US bitch, if Trump close the border, 88% of your business vanishes.
We are not sorry.
Case and point...
In 2012, he was already a bit fucked up (see video)
>50% desempleo, arabes, crisis desde 2011, puede que españa sea dividida en el futuro, perra de la UE, la unica manera de hacer dinero en españistan es haciendo videitos para niños en jewtube
Me dueles papa
>in a coma and paralyzed
Press Ф to eat blini
>Today you are US bitch
Today you are your own bitches' bitches.
Russians sound retarded 2bh
>Psychologist who gave him a mental evaluation"He has a high level of IQ"
I think that is more than can be said for you, you low IQ fucking beaner.
A bit fucked up? That's pretty fucking daffy dude
BS. There are poor people everywhere even in Russia and America. Why should I care about some Mexicans eating their shit pizza? Besides it's better to be poor in some warm country because when the weather is hot your body doesn't need a lot of calories to function unlike in the cold weather. Also you don't need that many clothes and electricity to keep warm. I'm actually glad he rekt'd their pizza because it was shit pizza made by some dumb lazy Mexican lol.
By the way, after reading all the previous thread I started to think that even he's insane, he's kind of right in everything he was saying in mexico to all these monkeys. I've never seen a population as stupid as mexicans on the internet. Alex did nothing wrong. Best time = Alex time.
>We gave you civilization!
You failed. Apologize.
>niggers nog in USA
>fucking niggers
>snownigger nigs in Mexico
Are you people legit right now or are these threads some shit made by shillbots
30% unemployement rate in spain!
he bribed the hospital, that´s why he got out earlier
He's a piece of shit who deserves to be attacked by a horde of subhumans but his vids are pretty funny.
I moved my post from the other thread
accines chlorine and gmo are little ufos
beds are antenna grids
news talks only about the daily sacrifice
english royals clinton+bush built 1000 concentration camps
chemtrails sprayed daily just to give them up to a year time to run b4 we guess our gov sprayed us with AIDS
vaccines can be swapped with AIDS at any time giving up to 1 hyear to run b4 we guess our govnt hit us
feds are taliban, gues dressed in black with huge cocks, deathsquads
amy winehouse reincarnated
Tus datos son incorrectos
>18,4% desempleo, crisis desde 2008, más sudamericanos que árabes (y prefiero a los árabes, 500 yihadistas por 5000 pandilleros latinos), España lleva siendo dividida desde su nacimiento para resurgir con más fuerza, 1a potencia en tecnología energias renovables, 4 de las 10 mayores empresas de grandes infrastructuras del planeta son españolas, 1a potencia en trenes de alta velocidad, 1a potencia en construcción de diques flotantes, floreciente hub tecnológico mundial, 3a compañía mundial de comunicación, 4 de los 30 mayores bancos del planeta son españoles, potencia en deportes y podría seguir tooodo el día.
Lo único que te concedo, es lo de la perra de UE, pero no te preocupes. Ustedes sigan cosiendo ropa y montando rancheras para los gringos mientras guardan su plata en el santander y llaman con movistar, que les irá bien.
I feel sorry for him and his family. He was a really sad dude and I empathize with him.
"Couch troops"?
alexey makeev doing the same shit back in russia
>b-but at least i´m not doing that job, even though most people around here would kill for one like that
>it's not 30% it's 18%! unemployement
fucking kek
Being unemployed in Spain is better than being employed in Mexico.
>Filthy pakistain starts defending a mentally deficient slavshite
Boy, "politics" sure make the strangest bedfellows
Stop being a sad dude
I think it's hilariously awesome that the Tsar respected this madman for having such big balls.
That's fucking hilarious
I need link to this thread, please for the love of god
is it just me or does he look like a fat rasputin
fuck man was he selling drugs?
he looks like the guys from the end of breaking bad
This is a beautiful story.
Fucking Russia Rules.
so he is still alive?
where says that i should speak english? I wasn't talking to you, want a translation?
If you believe the official numbers of unemployment, you are far retarded that i thought. Here everyone "unemployed" works without contract and doesn't pay taxes. Everyone have a side-hustle, people work and get the gibs at the same time. I've been in your country, i travel a lot bc of work. You should shut up, i know your people and the shithole where you live. How many times have you been in my country? If you are a rich guerito, me alegro mijo. If not, i'm sorry.
with parents like his no wonder he didn't do a Time Square attack and mowed people down with his car
i hate this, i hate this because its true
The Russian (or Jew?) guy who live in Cancun city too, reported on FB now:
>All the information that I distributed about Makeev was aimed at making people understand who they are dealing with, that this person poses a real threat. If he was placed on time in a medical institution, there would be no victims. I know a lot of Mexicans and I can say that they are very friendly and tolerant people. If Makeev behaved this way in Russia, he would not have lived a week. He would have been shot by the first father, to whom he would voice his plans for the murder of entire family, including children. In Mexico, because of the language barrier and a different mentality, the inhabitants of the city endured him and hoped for the police, which was inactive.
Not the same goy, try again Pablo
The Guy is currently in coma and will ost likely die
You know is the true culrpit tho?
These despicable pieces of human waste over at 2chan, the Sup Forums of russia
They doxxed him and leaked the I do to spice journos who then drew attention to him
I'm fully convinced every Russian who isn't Orthodox and a patriot needs to be culled on sight.
I've never seen actions more despicle than those committed by "liberal" and self hating Russians
Fucking subhumanity
RIP Lord Russo Nazi
What makes you better, the color of your skin?
That doesn't make you a man, boy. I see why you idolize him. That crazy fucker stood up. I seriously doubt you would do the same. Man up before calling people names, and if you do, do it to their face, not on some user forum.
according to the thread on 2ch it was this fucking kike
mexiniggers and bat shit crazy ruskies make for much mirth
Please US nuke the shit out of the Russians ASAP
if this holy fool dies mexico will pay.