Something tells me she's a hoe who's just really good at hiding it. Anyone else?
Something tells me she's a hoe who's just really good at hiding it. Anyone else?
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Be patient friend.
If she is a slut, one day the pics will surface. We will wait.
Ive always wanted a pet hedgehog
Only autists have pet hedgehogs.
t. person who knows a few autistic girls with pet hedgehogs
They're strange people.
Her autism only makes her more attractive to me.
I thought like you at first.
I feel that
Slightly autistic features makes women more attractive, usually makes them less emotionally driven.
Nah. I have faith that she's one of the few decent women under 30 alive today
Of course she's a hoe. Look at the shorts she wears, bleach blonde hair, fake eyelashes.
She's very invested in male attention.
Why do you think Alex Jones had to get a divorce?
Love her thighs
Need some feet pics
I love Lauren. The fact alone that she is trying to be a decent role model for girls is enough. Even shoeonhead as fine as she is for the low hanging fruit is a crazy slut who posts about wanting to get throatfucked and shit. You might be into that but it's literally degenerate.
Read pic related and ask yourself why OP made this retarded thread
Because he literally couldn't go more than 12 hours without blasting a super male cumshot into LeeAnn McAdoo. I can't wait to watch her belly grow and the milk jugs expand once Alex breeds her.
Yeah her video to young women to not be sluts was amazing. Needed badly in these dark times.
> really good at hiding it
You must be autistic. Her entire public career so far has been one big sexual adventure. The notches are accumulating like mad. That said, she's doing good for the world of politics, so go easy.
>implying all women aren't massive sluts
Boy, are you in for a surprise.
hedgehogs are spiny bags of poop
>he still hopes for things
she is a slut. her liking anime now is just one example of it. She used to hate but now that its main stream she fucking loves it because of all the attention she gets from boys online.
She's definitely on the cock carousel. It's not that she's good at hiding it, it's just that nobody cares that she is a roastie. It's obvious from one look at her that she constantly sits on dicks. Probably in mid-level hotel rooms all across the world.. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets knocked up and has abortions once in a while.
people who think she's some kind of based conservative goddess have to be the stupidest possible autists. what kind of decent girl has belly button piercing? thats the kind of shit bitches to take off their shirt often have
on the side note, she has a really nice thigh gap
Belly button piercing too.
>Short shorts
>Tank top
>Hair dyed blonde
She's rode the same amount of cocks as the average pornstar
you have any more nut materials for her? i've fapped to her pics and shit like 5 times now
she mocks and denies white genocide.
she is not /ourgirl/.
OP is a shill.
PS.: white genocide is real
All women are...
Your mother especially was.
>Decent role model for girls?
Have you seen the way this whore dresses?
OP is really lauren southern getting off to the guys posting her pictures
fapping right nao
>decent role model for young goals
lol she's a ho
I have fucked a lot of women, and I am telling you that she will fuck on the first date.
somehow im ok with this...........
>when the female face of the alt-right has so little to offer even her shills are forced to reduce her to nothing but a sex object
Can't believe you stopped thumping your bible long enough to type that response.
You're as looney out as the Antifa fags.
She will start dating a refugee after George Soros gives her $100,000
but you niggers wont see that
I'd gladly watch a northern africanus criminalus breeding bull pound the shit out of her.
God, I hope you're right
She dresses sluttier for her age than 99% of other canadians.
Jean shorts that short are usually only worn by 15-18 y/o.
Shes changed her toon recently
>really good at hiding it
>showing her upper breasts, collarbone, forearms, upper arms, thighs, and calves in the same picture
she's not hiding anything
you would dress younger too if you had the face of a 40 year old
Yeah I'm sure you'd love your daughter or wife dressing a stripper. Well, then again I'm sure you probably have special "daddy daughter" time anyway.
Has nothing to do with thumping a bible you degenerate. Has everything to do with being a slut and broadcasting it.
Autist women are smelly, and not in a good way.
Why do women get so offended when you call them whore cunt bitches?
Because it's fucking absolutely true. Bitches are whores and only good for their wet cunt holes
what the hell is that? where does she mention Jews or white genocide?
Kek you're right I haven't noticed that until now. But you do see women wearing black leggings and yoga pants up until age 30 or so.
Of course, here we have the typical post in a Lauren thread. Always some cuck injecting his cringeworthy interracial fantasy in one way or another because as we all know, whoever you take a picture with = automatic sex before/after.
yeah i noticed it to when i realized no women my age dress lke that anyone, and i kinda missed those days : (
maybe that's why she does it? her look isn't something I'm into personally tho. face too chubby and round idk?
She's not wrong. She was arguing semantics. There isn't a LITERAL, blatantly violent genocide of whites.
see here ???
Hey look, another shill who one-by-one wants us to hate every single right-wing man or woman. With or without evidence.
She's just like any other "le alt right" commentator on youtube. Of course they're doing it for gibs. It's funny how many people outside of this little world on the internet don't know about the culture war.
It's all just a swings and roundabouts circle jerk for autists on the internet at this point.
Read context faggot
nothing wrong with hating a attention whore
>muh context!
White genocide is real.
Jews are behind it.
How hard is that to say, filthy kike rat?
Idk lol got me there xD
How tall is she? I'm 5'5 do you guys think I'll have a shot if I meet her? I'm very outgoing.
(((POL))) will say anything to get laid
Who cares?
She's not anonymous on the internet like you and me. She can't just go full blown David Duke from the get-go.
Decent 5 maybe 6.5 out of 10
you mean shes a woman?
no discontinue ur genetic line dude cmon
I think she's 5'6".
>Of course they're doing it for gibs
This. Its no surprise for why we have seen a large number of new girls claiming to be right wing
Why does she get some much attention she's above average. This girl tho, Aryan princess:
if women are sluts, why won't they fuck us?
She only a whore, if she not doing you. Btw Belly piercings tell the story.
A slut is a woman who sleeps with men who aren't me
She's made multiple videos about why being a hoe is a terrible idea, so that seems unlikely. Perhaps she was in the past, but usually hoes are too invested in their damage to ever turn their life around, so I doubt it.
anyone got pics of cassandra fairbanks? preferably breastasis
Thanks user
Wearing shorts that small continually...
Not exactly modest.
Probably, but she's also just a big attention whore that just rehashes what Molymeme says 1 week later. She's baby's first red pill.
Lauren isn't even THAT good looking. I mean, I'd fuck her if given the opportunity, but if pic attached is a 10/10, which I think most would agree, then Lauren is only about a 7 at most.
And conveniently right after the election, not before the election. They had to make sure they were on the winning side.
Admittedly, Lauren was around before the alt right went into full swing, but I think she was just ahead of the curve.
pic attached is definitely not a 10/10 TOPKEK
>She was arguing semantics.
This is a Semitic trick
She's Aryan perfection you fucking loser.