Sup Forums unironically believes this place is so important that agencies bother to pay people to shill for a certain ideology here or to disturb the narratives
Grow up, it's just all the other boards trolling you. And you take the bite every time.
Sup Forums unironically believes this place is so important that agencies bother to pay people to shill for a certain ideology here or to disturb the narratives
Grow up, it's just all the other boards trolling you. And you take the bite every time.
I have noticed this too, the fucking reddit influx ruined this place forever
You Mus be a F.B.I or C.I.A still that coming to take my freedoms.
But in all seriousness I people who I've meet on Sup Forums and other boards love screwing with the tools who don't come here for shit posting.
gtfo you retard shill
This place is important faggot. The paid subversion is proven. There are more people browsing Sup Forums in a given day than watch CNN. Let that sink in.
It's this. The redditors come here and call anyone who doesn't agree with their Le Based Black Guy, MAGA Xd, muh civic nationalism, etc a shill. Because of this whenever Trump does something wrong which is often nowadays a lot of shitposters make bait threads to trigger them. It's actually quite funny all the larping that goes around.
begone jew. its undeniable proof differen shillcenters have their eye on us.
>tfw this place is so ruined that nobody even notices the replying to yourself meme
real shill here. this is low tier bait
>The paid subversion is proven
Post the proof then faggot
>There are more people browsing Sup Forums in a given day than watch CNN. Let that sink in
There are more people using the toilet daily than browsing Sup Forums. Let that sink in
Don't bother with those faggots. Everything and everyone is a shill on Sup Forums to them.
0/10 shill b8
0.02 shekels has been deposited into your account
I've been posting on Sup Forums before it was even Sup Forums. I was always skeptical of the idea of dedicated shill teams coming here and I'd agree there's a lot of baiting. But my opinion changed during the 2016. Shills exist (both pro and anti Trump) and they were/are here in droves.
Dude /new/ had some intense stormfag shills.
>No one even commenting on the file name
I wonder if redditors even realize how hard they stand out in this crowd.
This. The real shills I've noticed never start their own threads but infiltrate the serious discussions and try to moderately alter the narrative
haha you're right OP
gee im getting pretty sleepy anyone else?
you should go to bed.
nice b8,
but i do agree with you, its definitely nufags from places unmentionable that think shariablue or w/e is running some kind of campaign when its just Sup Forumstards out for lulz
although there are shills and social media engineering going on, the extent to which its occurring is disproportional to the extent at which it gets called out by the torrent of nufags.
>he doesn't know how much the government cares about civilian thought
They may not be shilling to their best efforts, but there is certainly interest.
It's a good thing I love my country and all the people in it and I'm just a nobody with no power! God Bless America!
Kill yourself shill. If anyone was around when that Aussie leaked actual classified intel and saw the thread, it was nothing but fucking shills calling him a larper IMMEDIATELY after it was posted. they literally sit on their fat fucking autistic ponyfag asses doing nothing but shilling for govt agencies all fucking day. Mods are in on it too, they deleted it shortly afterwards.
Kek'd. I could not have phrased it better myself. Based shill. /ourshill/ MASA
Trump did get elected desupai
>Resource 143 (rename before posting).jpg
Youre pretty naive if you dont think this place is monitored. They focus heavily on full/pol/ too, because there is very little meme loving going on, and a lot of serious discussion about how to stop the kikes. People regularly make posts encourages felonies and trying to get people to conspire to commit a crime. Getting V& is something any Sup Forumsack knows about, just because youre a shitposting larper doesnt mean everyone else is.
>Some of you are okay, but dont go to...
This place is watched, kiddo.
We are on the news nearly every day. We are obviously important.
Im glad you corrected yourself so I didnt have to spend 20 minutes dumping examples of all the shill groups.
I told these idiots to rename their files.
Heres just a few. Theres all sorts, Ive got like 10 images for jidf alone.
vaccines chlorine and gmo are little ufos
beds are antenna grids
news talks only about the daily sacrifice
english royals clinton+bush built 1000 concentration camps
chemtrails sprayed daily just to give them up to a year time to run b4 we guess our gov sprayed us with AIDS
vaccines can be swapped with AIDS at any time giving up to 1 hyear to run b4 we guess our govnt hit us
feds are taliban, gues dressed in black with huge cocks, deathsquads
OP replied to himself, probably a troll, fishing for a screencap and overreaction.
Hey nigger Hillary had a speech on the frog in your picture... you dumb nigger.. Where do you think the place on the internet she was talking about is?
It was proven vaccines cause autism a couple weeks ago, not that we didnt already know. DD is code for autism, and thimerosol or w.e and mercury are exactly what was in question.
that study is about Thimerosal, and we've known that it causes neuro-degenerative diseases for about as long as people have tried to master it. the FDA says there is no PPM that is acceptable for the human body.
Thimerosal is actually not used very much except in flu vaccines, the real problem with vaccines is that its like a neutron bomb going off in your body when they pump poisonous compounds into deep tissue, it forces the immune system to overreact thus ensuring antibodies are produced. it may be like the equivelant of getting into a car crash at 30 mph for your immune system.
You can probably survive a few car crashes at that speed, but idgaf what "science" (pharma) or anyone else says, you cannot expect to take on 30 of them in a matter of months and expect to come out okay.
^i'm referring to mercury in the first paragraph, Thimerosal being the type of mercury used in the vaccines.
hey have you ever considered the possibility of killing yourself. Just consider it.