Why doesnt Big Money back the Alt Right? Why do they back the SwoleLeft/Antifa/alt Left and basically ANYTHING BUT the alt right?
Is it because smart businessmen can smell Doom?
Why doesnt Big Money back the Alt Right? Why do they back the SwoleLeft/Antifa/alt Left and basically ANYTHING BUT the alt right?
Is it because smart businessmen can smell Doom?
Why ask obvious questions?
They want western civilization gone.
They want the white race gone.
the "alt right" oppose both.
Right so Big Money, which is primarily WASP, wants the white race gone. Impressive mental gymnastics
Big Money has more than enough money. That is self-evident. Big Money craves power and the Alt Right is opposition.
But they do
Mercers bankrolled Trump after they dumped #Cruzmissile
Koch Brothers is the other big one
trump, the jew loving, saudi loving cuck is alt right?
huh, really makes you...
"alt right" grew out of the American tea part movement
internationally grew out of US media linked to tea party
and pol grew out from Trump, which grew out from it all
essentially American politcs...
but the Koch Brothers were big backers of the Tea Party, before Trump was a thing
if you dont side with the Tea Party then just get out
>Why doesnt Big Money back the Alt Right?
the kikes are afraid of Hitler rising from his grave and doing it right this time
you should also start reading content from right wing think tanks
you will never go back to the mainstream media ever again
But he backs all sides. Profit from conflict.
Becaushe they want to make more consumers and democratic policies make people dumb and helpless and dependent
Why doesnt Big emu Money back the aussie shitposters? Why do emu's back Sup Forums natsoc and lolbertarian basically ANYTHING BUT the aussie shitposters?
Is it because smart emu's can smell Doom?
You called
Because the left, and Soros, share a common goal. They want to destroy America in it's current form. Soros cares less about that than he does profiting from the transition, like all globalists. The right
wants to preserve America, and is by default diametrically opposed
to the transition. I should clarify that only radical neo-liberalism is
behind him, pretty sure classic liberals don't want America destroyed.
These monied elites would have you beleive this is right verses left. But if it looks like they are funding the left it's only because the goals of communism overlap with globalism in open borders and producing products in factories in the third world. From the globalist perspective the third world can be used for the cheapest labor and natural resources possible and open borders ensures any jobs in the first world that can't be exported have wages driven down by third world immigration.
So yeah globalist monied elites fund the left because of overlapping interests whereas nationalism s antithetical to the globalist intrert.
>Why doesnt Big Money back the Alt Right?
it does.
lel, go suckstart a shotgun you fucking commie.
>which is primarily WASP
>Right so Big Money, which is primarily WASP
sure thing moshi