I really don't understand why so many people in Sup Forums obssesed with Japan.
Isn't Japan non-white nation(so shitskins)?
I really don't understand why so many people in Sup Forums obssesed with Japan.
Isn't Japan non-white nation(so shitskins)?
They like my big circumcised dick
Japan is an ethno-state that tells immigrants to fuck off. They have the kind of country most people on here wish they lived in. While they might not be white, one still has to respect them.
They're cute and mostly harmless desu
western culture is gangrened to the point it has become asphyxiating. anime is the last bastion of humanity.
Don't give those fuckers an inch
so we dominated them into submission like the sub humans they are?
I used to enjoy western TV shows, and movies.
Then I came to /pol, and all I can see when I watch them is the kikery. All the fucking actors, writers, producers, Jews,pushing Jewish propaganda.
Now, even shit like Yuru Yuri is a hundred times more appealing.
Well look who it is.
What's wrong with Yuru Yuri?
we like based places, and the Japanese are pretty based in terms of immigration. There are also plenty of weebs here who love anime and Japanese snack foods.
>Isn't Japan non-white nation(so shitskins)?
No, they are honorary Aryans
they are basement dwelling loser with no life so they watch anime and wish for a japanese waifu
>Implying Asians aren't better than the white man.
Seriously, higher IQs, ethno-states only, all of the good things about the West without any of the fucking bad? What NOT to love about Japan?
Oh wait shit its this troll again. Sorry.
bunch of fucking weebs on Sup Forums you do the maths
They have caucasoid genes that set them apart from the rest of Asia.
>highly developed, prsoperous, high IQ nation
>ethnically homogenous with little immigration
>will be one of the few OECD countries to avoid civil war
You're honorary Aryan. Remember that.
No, we created a monster that is unintentionally spreading degenerate otaku culture to the U.S.
In their defense, it's no more disgusting than the culture our own domestic leftists create and import.
no, you're honorary jap