How do we defeat nationalism and borders...

How do we defeat nationalism and borders? Free movement of peoples is a human right and is also beneficial for the economy.

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Fuck off i dont want no fucking Juan walking into my country like its nothing. Being proud of your country or race is fine.
From shit skin

>how do we defeat human nature

>bringing niggers who wont assimilate to my culture and will only bring strife and trouble is somehow a "human right"

they missed one key detail: people who aren't white or japanese arent human

>How do we defeat nationalism and borders?

>defeat nationalism and borders
Kys for making this thread



> human can't be illegal
But immigrants can

Nationalism and borders will only die when they become borderline arbitrary. I imagine it will be a time in the far off future where technology and education have lead almost every civilization and culture to a single converging point.


>Break law
>Go to jail
Dindu Nuffin! Fuggin patriarchy oppressive nazis :(((

Please shut up and kill yourself who is this crap. It's fucking embarrassing


>No human being is illegal

Fine, you aren't human then. Congratulations, you won.

>borders shouldn't exist

Feels great living in Australia because our border is actually real.

dismantling all borders would be a disaster for everyone. Even the left-liberal project of building a successful welfare state would fail. The Great Society programs are not designed for this.


leave unlocked your home. what are you afraid of?

It's a human right to have private property.
That means its our right to erect a fence and police who comes and goes on our property.
This communist bullshit you have spewed leads to mass deaths.
It's been tried over and over again, and the result is always the same.
It's been discussed so many times and in so many ways that there's no way you can even discuss it at length again, because its settled.
Marxists like you are scum and should sanctioned.

vaccines chlorine and gmo are little ufos
beds are antenna grids
news talks only about the daily sacrifice
english royals clinton+bush built 1000 concentration camps
chemtrails sprayed daily just to give them up to a year time to run b4 we guess our gov sprayed us with AIDS
vaccines can be swapped with AIDS at any time giving up to 1 hyear to run b4 we guess our govnt hit us
feds are taliban, gues dressed in black with huge cocks, deathsquads

boarders to me are to protect the developed world from the 3rd world

open boarders will destroy day far far far into the future where every country is similar in education and behavior it might work but right now would be suicide for the west

the 3rd world is not ready to join us.......canada and america could share boarders,europe and the uk can

but sec you start bringing in niggers with low iq and barbarism it fucks things up!

canada needs are help bros

>tfw I can walk into Hillary Clinton's house and sit on her couch and chill with her, because borders have been made illegal.
Borders need to go!

Yeah but you have Abbos which I have to imagine are worse than Mexicans. At least Mexicans work hard


Why would we? Borders and nation states are fucking great!

Borders are good

Capitalism doesn't work with Islam

Borders are nesccesary for control. Open borders is stupid because you cant know whos where and when ya know for when people do bad shit. This is the worst argument ive seen. No one is illegal until they do illegal shit. Also since blacks and latinos are basically the same as with any other minority who hate whites its a direct attack on us which gives us the right to be racist and as defensive as deemed necessary by us . stay away minoroties you really dont want nazis back or kkk so chill the fuck out

ok lets get rid of borders... and watch the entire world turn to absolute shit.. at least now some places have it ok... if we got rid of borders people would swarm to those places that are doing alright and take them for every dollar they have, leaving the people who were in said places already nowhere to run but to the shit holes that were left behind.
inequality lets some prosper and others fail, equality just brings us all down to the lowest among us

Side dreaddd :D

>beneficial for the economy

The sad thing is there are actually some people on Sup Forums who believe the economy is more important than their nation.

Aww, that nigger has blue lips and looks nice. totally warms my heart.

My mind is changed Sup Forums. Open borders for everyone.

>How do we defeat nationalism and borders?
Firstly, you need to alter human nature.

>Free movement of peoples is a human right
Human rights do not exist.

>and is also beneficial for the economy.

Whats the point of this? Just semantics?

Bait thread.

ITs quite easy to understand and people can be illegal

You see In and white countries (civilisation) we have governments who's job it is to protect the land they govern to do this we have borders which have been forged over centuries of conflict if you cross into a civilised country from a shit one and you don't have a visa you are in that country ILLEGALLY therefore becoming and ILLEGAL immigrant

Mexicans work hard? Loool

"Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor."

Can't wait till Trump proves that these illegals voted.


I agree, the rise in anti-immigrant sentiment is extremely dangerous and problematic. It is simply sound economic policy to bring in more immigrants to replace our declining populations and labor force.

force conservative idiots to confront the complete irrationality of their own fears about the future. unless the irrational and unfounded fears of stupid people are confronted and dealt with then we can never build a society on rational morals.

>Free movement of peoples is a human righ
Yeah but niggers aren't human

Can shitskin art even look good? This looks like the shit the "slow" kid drew in 2nd grade

Okay, here's an idea.

First you take off the lock on your door. Next you invite beggars on the street to come live with you and share everything you own.

Come back to me after a week and let's see if you still care about nationalism and borders.

All humans are illegal. Get the fuck off my planet.

Unless the state actually returns the stolen commons into the hands of the people, your analogy doesn't work, since an individual has no stake in country/society if he doesn't co-own it with his countrymen.

>0 actual counter-arguments in this thread
Never change Sup Forums

that fucking kike

>elie weisel
The literal Jew who even lied about being a holocaust survivor

I'm not paying taxes to support your ass. If we need any people there are plenty in Europe who want to come here. We don't need any more shitskins.

>Elie Wiesel

>This exact thread again with the exact same picture as last time
I think I remember you; OP is just baiting.

OP's actually a republican baiting repukelickan base retards into their two minutes' hate. That's half the fucking threads on this board.

Let Israel open their borders first.

i will never understand this


It's ok to control people's movement, that movement must take into consideration the circumstances of the local people.

You need white reservations, maybe you can get a casino.

By killing yourself.