Sup Forums girls - see how easy this is?

why does Sup Forums hate on girl anons? i know girls post on here all the time. yelling "tits or gtfo" is really setting yourself up, bc no girl will actually post herself. we have jobs, professional lives, etc.. she'll just steal a random pic and post it (if she posts at all). i'm a girl and i add content on here all the time with you guys and you never know that i'm a girl - i never let you bc i dont feel like hearing shit, but i make myself blend in bc we share the same views and i have no filter. easy. are we permitted here, as long as we never talk about it, or do ya'll really hate Sup Forums girls? you all talk about marrying a redpill girl, but you dont want to accept that we are already among you.

Tits or GTFO

>newfag has never heard of a timestamp

hahaha, exactly. let me just google some rando's tits bc i'll never actually post mine... see how that works? we are among you!

you can put a timestamp on any picture.

why don't you add something to the discussion instead of stating your gender all the time?

what i am adding is, why do you think "tits or gtfo" will work here?

The whole point is that you should never bring up that you're a girl as a way to get attention. That's why we insist "tits or gtfo". If you want attention solely for being a girl, then you have to use your actual girl parts.

The whole point of anonymous is that we have no gender, race, or anything. We are all humans spouting off about shit. Nothing more.

so the internet is genderless? okay.. i can appreciate that

There are no girls on the internet and being a girl and a Sup Forumsack you should know this.

Prove it roastie

Internet is male
Why are women so dumb

Did you even read that anons pic? It answers your question quite thoroughly. The irony is, if your OP isn't full of shit, you were naturally following the tits or gtfo rule. Right up until you decided to be a massive faggot and out your genitals.

i understand the methodology behind it now.

KYS kikes

feminine penis now

>i'm a girl and i add content on here all the time with you guys and you never know that i'm a gi

Yeah, because that means you're just an user, not a FemAnon, there's a fucking difference, you attention seeking slut.

>tits or gtfo

here - timestamp proof

thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that women are dumb

you're embarrassing yourself OP

if any user shows their genitals, it's not their genitals. that is all

you don't even know what a timestamp is
this is either bait or you are an extreme newfag

I'll go with the former and sage this thread