So, lets have it out, once and for all, no holds barred, winner takes all - is mixing you seed with that of another race preferable to staying within your own (inbred) group?
The Final Debate
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Why are you assuming our group is inbred?
the most healthy children come from 3rd cousins.
ok well not itally obviously, because you guys have been racemixed by everyone and their african dog, but I'm more thinking about Western Europe and the Anglosphere
Fuck off poo peeland.
Outbreeding and inbreeding both produce offspring with double digit IQs.
Breed with people from your own race if you want healthy children.
>implying race-mixing should even be considered
0.02 shekels has been deposited into your account
>people are corn cobs
There's more people in Europe than there were living on the planet for most of humanities existence. White people are not inbred.
All white people are somewhat inbred to a degree. The only people in Europe who are entirely 100% genetically pure are Western Connacht Irish, and they look better than the bongs, so Ill go ahead and say that inbreeding isnt as bad as we make it out to be. Inbreeding really only effects islands like england where after a couple generations the entire population is distantly related. Also their class system further pushes the inbreeding by only having certain classes breed with each other.
You've been at this all day, you total dunce.
You are also using the word "inbred wrong". Inbred means you breed with close family members, not members of your own race.
Also, outbreeding depression is a real thing that affects humans who racemix. For instance, there is a gene that whites typically carry that causes heart attacks. HOWEVER, whites with this gene also have a complementary gene that negates it. However, mulatto children often inherit the first gene but not the second, and consequently those with this trait have an 8x higher risk of heart attack. Furthermore, mulatto IQ is the average of white and black IQ, which means it is on average lower than that of whites.
hybrid vigor works for two genetically fucked up populations. With normal healthy europeans it would have a negative effect.
all the most attractive/smartest people are either full white or part white. White is denominating factor.
vaccines chlorine and gmo are little ufos
beds are antenna grids
news talks only about the daily sacrifice
english royals clinton+bush built 1000 concentration camps
chemtrails sprayed daily just to give them up to a year time to run b4 we guess our gov sprayed us with AIDS
vaccines can be swapped with AIDS at any time giving up to 1 hyear to run b4 we guess our govnt hit us
feds are taliban, gues dressed in black with huge cocks, deathsquads
so, 1/5 blacks are smarter than 1/2 whites?
So, 1/2 of whites are smarter than 4/5 blacks?
am i reading this right?
Shill, bait,sage.
Shut the fuck up retard. Hybrid vigor is a thing you 80 iq nigger.
Why are you assuming western europe is inbred?
>blog cientifico
OP is a brazillian nigger using proxy.
White people are all somewhat inbred.
Because he's a sheepfucker. For the rtecord, though I would mix with a qt Asian, but no other race.
Only parts in western Europe that are a tiny bit inbred is the pure celtic regions of Britain, because theyve been practically untouched in 10,000 years.
Take the finnpill and realize all of humanity needs to be racemixed with superior Finnish seed.
I need some sauce on that pic
Too bad you guys are so authistic and disgusted by human interaction that this becomes inviable.
>Both corncobs are the same color, clearly same subspecies
This just means you should not fuck your siblings, not to fuck a different subspecies.
Shitskins are a different, lesser subspecies
>people are corn
There is enough genetic variation within our own racial and ethnic groups to avoid inbreeding, even Iceland can work around the problem. Stop sliding Sup Forums, thanks.
Humans are too similar with genes to benefit from race mixing at all. It only works on dogs because they are so different.