If Melania is so based, why did she change her outfit from when she left Washington to when she arrived in Saudi?

If Melania is so based, why did she change her outfit from when she left Washington to when she arrived in Saudi?

Holy shit no one cares

Maybe Trump came on the dress

I'd rather she was in charge than the Kushners

>implying Washington DC and Saudi Arabia have the same climate

Saudi men's erections cannot get any bigger

>implying a diplomat would go to meet with royalty wearing something they sat in for a 13 hour plane flight

>overnight trip
>why did she change her clothes
Reminder to ignore and use the options field on these slide threads.


Reminder this is a pervert thread

>wearing a dress all days and on a long flight and meeting the king in the same clothes.

you're too poor to buy clothes, OP. it's obvious.

>I'd rather she was in charge than the Kushners
She's a mail order bride from Slovenia. And sadly, I think Kushner is the one who has been telling Trump that nuking Canada is not a great idea.

>She's a mail order bride from Slovenia
Is there a website? I need my own Melania

Well seeing as how a flight from washington to saudi arabia is 16 hours long, you would be complaining if she haddn't changed her outfit.

Still losing i see.


Tremendous cum. Great shot

>She's a mail order bride from Slovenia

Kushner is a mail-order bride from Judea, not
that hasnt stopped him from being in power

Because when big Don fucked her on airforce one he accidentally got jizz stains all over it


If you have a private jet with your name emblazoned on the side of it, then maybe you can find your own.

The Trumpster blow a load on her other dress


>Kushner is a mail-order bride from Judea, not
>that hasnt stopped him from being in power
He was born in New Jersey. And all you Drumpf Sup Forums fucks knew Kushner was going to be part of his presidency considering he apparently did a lot to help get Trump elected.

shes prettier than 99% of women her age

You spelled "pissed" wrong. It's ok Sweden, I'll let it pass.

Im board, you people are all giving the same stupid boring answer again and again, so im gonna post rare Melanias

Jesus she is so fucking sexy. Those legs are so damn sexy.

because women who can, will absolutely change outfits for every different venue you take her to.

>If you have a private jet
well then, i think that's most women.


Do you think Melania was bullied here?

She's a rich woman with a modeling background. She'll take any chance she gets to wear another outfit.

Because she, unlike gib libs, knows how to pick her battles. The Saudi speech was worth too much but she still retained the grace a of powerful first-world woman.

Apparently Melania is on the right (1995), and she looks quite a bit different back then. Has certainly had work done on her face. Considering how she looks here

I remember I fapped to pic related in the New York Post in like the early 2000's that was the first time I saw or heard about her

If she was really based, she would have been showed up wearing a shirt that says "fuck Saudi Arabia". She didn't, so she's not based, and Trump is a pussy who will be impeached.


say what you will, but she does not look fertile

She is almost 50, married to a 70 year old, what do you expect.

It was a yuge load... fantastic. Really great load.