Did you know that America is a white country?
It true!!
It was founded by white men, for white people.
It was built by white men, for white people.
It was maintained by white men, for white people.
>pic extremely related
Did you know that America is a white country?
It true!!
It was founded by white men, for white people.
It was built by white men, for white people.
It was maintained by white men, for white people.
>pic extremely related
big if true
protip: it is
>doesn't deport the blacks; insists on colonizing them instead
This is why Johnson was a shitty president.
>Congress passed the first "uniform Rule of Naturalization" under the new Constitution in March 1790. It allowed "any alien, being a free white person" and "of good character" who had resided in the United States for two years to become a "citizen of the United States" by taking an oath in court "to support the constitution of the United States.
A classic
That would be the case if all these quotes were not heavily researched my myself. Look up any of them.
My favorite
Just saying, because some man, like you, like me, said that niggers are meant to be slave, it's true? Jorge Manrique is one of the most intelligent castillian writter and he thought that god created the universe. Is it true then?
hahahahaha fucking savage
But its not just about some man saying something, this is also shown in statistics, research papers, other scientific facts. Even if you don't buy into the facts that are presented, you can see objectively that niggers cannot into civilization properly. To just deny the evidence that is staring us all right in the face is just intellectual dishonesty, your lying to yourself.
I'm opposed to slavery, as are most of the men that I've posted. These quotes, apart from Van Buren and Johnson, are purely in regards to race. The differences in race, inequalities between, and the issues that arise from living together.
But there was and there is black scientists, politician and businessman. How do you explain that? If they are inferior, why there is black people with more success than some white people?
I hate to say it user, but it was a white country. At beast will get our own (truncated) territory that will be indeed a white country.
>But there was and there is black scientists, politician and businessman. How do you explain that? If they are inferior, why there is black people with more success than some white people?
So that fact that I know a Greek dude who isn't gay means that I don't need to watch my arse among Greeks?!
No one is saying that there cannot be smart niggers here. What this proves is that those smart niggers are the OUTLIERS, they are not the normal for their people, in fact if you look at racial IQ, niggers on average sit at about 85IQ. Do we really want to keep arming what basically amounts to an army of big strong retards?
Holy shit, is this your first day at shareblue?
>what is a bell curve
>what are outliers
>what is the most studied area of human biological science without a single piece of opposing evidence
Not being paid enough to try shill?
Get good jew
I can't wait until they start rewriting history and make them all black or mexican.
This whole question of Slavery, was but one relating to the proper status of the African as an element of a society composed of the Caucasian and African races, and the status which was best, not for the one race or the other, but best, upon the whole, for both. - CSA VP Alexander Stephens, 1868
easiest concept in the world
It hasn't been for decades, and it definitely won't be in a few decades. Your ethno-state dream will never come. You should be learning spanish right about now.
nobody likes them
omfg my sides
Holy shit, I've never seen this before.
dont you think its a little easier to ascertain that niggers are stupid than speculating how the dimensional fabric of space and time came into being.
Reminds me of a story my Grandfather told of his time in WW2. He said he enjoyed talking to other men in the service if he found out they were from Georgia, and if he found out a nigger was from Georgia, well then, he'd talk to them, too.
Lincoln was a Homosexual.
How does it feel that the only way your people can possibly get the better of whites is by having unreasonable amounts of shitskin children? Not by working harder than us. Not by being stronger than us. Not by being smarter than us. How does it feel that you guys haven't quite worked out condoms? I bet it feels great. You guys really deserve the U.S. I hope you have a good time building a society with your pregnant 16 year old girlfriends. At least you have a bunch of experience building, and maintaining a first world society and economy. Oh, wait....
We did it before and we'll do it again.
Have you been outside lately? America is not a white country, and will never be a white country again.
hahaha blacks BTFO
Turns out there was a black guy in the room. He'z the key to all of this.
>trying this hard to blackpill
I'm just saying, man. America is only 50% white at this point. There's no way you're going to convince non-whites to renounce their citizenship and go to some other country. It's just not going to happen.
>ben garrison
If we're so dumb then how are we taking over your country, not even by force? Don't blame us for low white birth-rates, or maybe you should, survival of the fittest after all.
Nigger do you really think we're gonna try to persuade niggers, spics, chinks, kikes, and other undesirables to go back?
It won't be a choice
None of these presidents who made these citations would know what would happen in 2017 haha.
Can you imagine their face if they'd seen a Blacked clip ? Kek
>If we're so dumb then how are we taking over your country,
Because we've had idiotic politicians, schools, news programs, etc. tell us this is fine. Oh, and the people saying it was fine were all white. Literally all you people did was jump over a fence and have traitors keep you in here.
Keep it up, Paco. You may lose more land than you think sooner or later.
I just said how you retarded fucking spic. Can you not speak english? o wait....
would be nice if you manage to do it soonish and fix the immigration laws for white europeans. I'd come over and help out where needed then, while I prepare to retake and free europe of foreign invaders.
>Because we've had idiotic [...] all white people
You're not helping your case, mr. "superior" white man.
>Can't comprehend that the only thing that can defeat white people are other white people.
It's okay, Paco. We all know you don't have the mental capacity to understand.
If I were in charge I'd let krauts in (after deporting undesirables). There's enough space here for every huwhite to have their own acreage and to live their own lifestyle (plz no come here and be a degenerate).
I would only ask that huwhite Europeans come here and assimilate to the rugged, cowboy-esque, low taxes, innawoods, military and market fetishist culture.
Unfortunately we cannot fetishize freedom quite yet or quite like we used to because such conditions necessitate homogeneity. But one day I hope we'll return to our frontiersman roots.
do you really think a bunch of obese retards on Sup Forums are going to kick out half the U.S. population? Because no reasonable people are going to rally behind that.
Trump wouldn't, none of the republicans would, none of the military would, etc.
You're delusional.
Do you really think America can be helped ?
It's full of obese people, low IQ idiots, high crime rate, individualists, leftists,.... in what world do you think we live ?
Everybody is living their own lives and are very sensitive to change.
Darn, you got me there, the white man is so superior that he self-destructs. Oh well, have fun learning spanish.
well, if they manage to make it white again any negative aspects are not worth mentioning. Most things can be fixed with an non leftists education system anyway.
The overton window is opening more and more shill. Your time will come to an end soon enough.
Sup Forums is merely the genesis of a burgeoning paradigm shift which rejects (((neomarxist))) hegemony in all sectors of society. We're already seeing the rise of white consciousness, and the wave is still in its infancy.
>reasonable people aren't going to rally behind that
And whom are the reasonable people? Reasonable people are the people who get both stomped by the boot and used as instruments of war. Paradigm change is a game for radicals; the public is a spectator and their morality is as flexible as the victor demands of them.
But by all means, continue believing that humanity has somehow progressed beyond its nature and that history is following some sort of linear progression. Do continue believing that people are inflexible agents of virtue who're too far inculcated with "progression" to stand complicit with us. You see Jamal, it is not my beliefs that are delusional.