ALIEN Covenant: Atheist Propo, and Shitty Movie (Where's My Badass Engineers from Prometheus) Sellout with No Pay Out

ALIEN Covenant: Atheist Propo, and Shitty Movie (Where's My Badass Engineers from Prometheus) Sellout with No Pay Out

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I literally felt retarded when I was watching the movie.

So many plot holes that were not covered.

MBWF sex scene at the end threw me off, and the entire movie was so dumb down...

Fuck you Ridley Scott scum. You fucked us by getting us ((very few)) to invest in Prometheus' amazing engineers, and then fucked us over on the quick. Fuck you!!!!
Never again you greedy fucking hack!!

>falling for the Jew movie bait

Fucking pleb.

it looked as good as alien 3 why did you do it

So bummed. So fucking bummed!!

>glorious amazing "engineer" specimens from Prometheus.

How no extension when they literally left us with Shaw "going where they came from..."
FUCK YOU R Scott you fucking cucked sellout. All the potential, and we know you saw it, but you subscribed to fast and dirty seats filled.

Idiot. On the verge of everything is gold -- goes for metal gold instead.

Boo hiss. This movie disappoints start to (wish franchise were) finish(ed).

Did you see the Audi (product placement, it's the rover)? What do you think? Was it cool?

Kek when jews get jewed.

Is it:
>crew finds planet
>crew finds some ship
>ship has aliens
>aliens kill crew
>lone crew member ultimately survives.

>2 lone survive cuz Kenny Powers made it

They didnt make it though. David put 2 aliens next to their sleep pods

>Atheist Propo


I So much wanted it to be cool.
I "invested" heavily in Prometheus. Expectations for the promise made at the end. It was kick ass sci-fi.
But: nada. This movie sucks ass.

>money grab unabashedly for this washed up puke

Very surprised they tried to make a Satan figure in the story.
Overall, it's good but squanders most all of the Prometheus worldbuilding. The writer isn't afraid to pull punches though. The story was a rough ride.

10/10 twincest synth flute scene.

Ridley Scott wanted to tell a new, different story. He wanted to show us the engineers and their civilization.

Then Prometheus came out and the fanboys shat all over his new thing. He was furious.

When you see the Engineer city he's taunting the audience: "See? See what I wanted to explore. It would have been a great story arch. New aliens, new plots. But you don't want good cinema. You want the same stuff over and over and over. Wish granted."

He gives you a glimpse of what could have been, then the robot throws black faeces to the cool stuff. And everything else it's the same Alien move we already watched 3-4 times before.

this movie was kino af, OP is an enormous faggot

saged in every field

Movie was retarded.

>Man of faith made to look like complete loser
>Men in general out of touch, and require the direction of women for most decisions
>Gay innuendo all over the place
>Obligatory diverse sex scene with black man and white woman

too much more to add. It was shit predictable alien tropes. Waste of time.

I read on reddit yesterday that the reason the engineers hate humans is because Jesus was an engineer sent to check up on the humans and show them the right path but the people killed him.

You need to think further into it than what's just laid out in front of you to fully understand and appreciate the movie. A lot of the plot is tied in with connections from Prometheus that you would not otherwise understand unless you did some thinking and research. Unfortunately, that is the downfall of this movie, just like its predecessor Prometheus... You have to invest a great deal of thought into the movie to get anything out of it. Keep in mind that most of the shady plot holes presented are there for aesthetic purposes to insight more fear, for what we as humans fear the most is the unknown. Oddly enough, the movie critic scene is beginning to praise Prometheus a few years after its less than appealing introduction into the public eye because it took a while to recognize the subtle hints. The same thing will happen here. Don't think this movie is just going to hand you it's secrets because you expected a basic horror film.

> Colonization mission
> Gay couple


Gay men breed each other all the time.

>gay couple

They were crewmen, not colonists.
Also, when it showed the ring on the faggot's fingers, I nearly choked on my popcorn.

back you go reddit fag

user pls

>research fiction

collapse your trachea with cordage.

Why did David "drop the bomb" on the Engineers?

The fucking kikes deliberately inserted a gay scene when the two robots kissed I know they did it to push more degeneracy. Every movie and T.V show has some social propaganda hidden in it now.

Maybe if prometheus wasn't shit people wouldn't have shit on it.

He found out they were worse than the humans. IMHO That scene was also a massive fuck you to the critics of the previous movie. see I dunno maybe he took it too personally

I liked it. Yeah the crew did stupid shit and it had gaps in the narrative. Fuck it, it was a fun film. You bitches need to go outside occasionally.

>> Colonization mission
>> Gay couple

This fills me with great anger.

Pretty much this exactly. We knew it was a popcorn movie for months now, and apart from the idiot plot and weird pacing it was fun.

Lots of easily remedied problems, though. A freak accident would have been more believable than the sail incident. (A mystery transmission like the one in Alien would have worked better than the John Denver thing.) The weather issue wasn't useful. The long hike didn't make any sense. Failing to wear protective gear wasn't necessary as the spore could have eaten through the plastic. No one cared if the temple was secure or not. Buddy system not yet invented, etc.

Also they should not have killed off pic related so soon, and semi off camera at that. She was the only one of them with any sense. In her two minutes of relevance she even had a character arc.

What do you guys think about new Ripley?

wtf i hate humans now

Not much. Nothing to prove, nothing to overcome, and her super power was a mixture of luck, grace under pressure, and a desire to live. Who cares.

The more I think about the qt wife on the shuttle the angrier I get.

This is real.

you honestly believe he is this thoughtful? lol

I haven't seen it. What is the Atheist part and why is the film in general bad?

I'm going to go ahead and spoil the entire movie for you lads.

Settlement ship unknownly lands on empty planet that was the home world of the Engineers. Turns out that their are alien eggs/dust that infect you. Android from first movie shows up and brings the settlers to the engineer palace. Turns out that Elizabeth and the android followed the engineer ship map to the homeworld and basically genocided them with aliens. Android decides that humans are weak and experiments on Elizabeth and basically wants to kill all the settlers.

This movie was fucking retarded, can't believe they made David the Android into an evil villain.


why're you two always in the same threads


David was evil in Prometheus too, don't forget he intentionally infected Shaw's boyfriend/huaband

We're oldfags have some respect

>Keep in mind that most of the shady plot holes presented are there for aesthetic purposes to insight more fear, for what we as humans fear the most is the unknown.
I bet you thought you sounded smart when you typed that.

>YFW Covenant is LITERALLY banned in Sweden
>Because it promoted Xeno-phobia

Ahhh that's right, I forgot about that. I still don't like that the Engineers (these super advance alien species with biological WMDs and FTL travel) got BTFO so easily.

I'll never forgive Scott for this

In Sweden it's called Alien: Cuckenant

gay people can have kids too

you. don't. know. SHIT. about. BIOLOGY.

Soak your head.


I'm still hurt by Elizabeth Shaw.

>Sweden it's called Alien: Cuckenant
In the southern US it's original name was Alien : Invasion


because sometimes a piece of metal flying 2500fps is the best tool for the job

Wagner, Milton, Shelley, the writers clearly had grant ideas, but you could tell the (((business))) people were like, moar xenomorphs because muh market research, so that stale shit got crammed in

one bad note ruins the whole symphony

I liked it a lot. It told story of stupid leftist hippie group going for an adventure to just find out that their utopia is not real.

Yeah it boggles my mind that Star Wars people never thought of using metal bullets instead of slow laser.


it was a long long time ago. the speed of light was slower back then

yeah yeah but is it spooky and filled with intense action?

I literally just saw this movie a couple of hours ago.
this is just another movie to trick humanity into thinking the egg came first.
so much Christian context. Twistin the truth

It definitely is.

Let's see... who should we get for this badass protagonist role?
How about weak-jawed overbite woman with no muscle tone? Let's also give her the haircut of a 12 year old boy

Did Alien 1-3 bring all this Christian context to everything or did it all start with Prometheus?
It really seems the point of the Christian context was to paint the villain as Satan.

I do want to see Prometheus again now.

Love it when retards default to "fun" whenever they lack the intellectual abilities to refute legitimate criticism.

Shaw's boyfriend was a dick to David so David had no problems with him being a guineapig. David wasn't evil. He just said "fuck you too".

Im not sure man the only two movies ive seen was this and prometheus.
Whats intresting is none of the predator movies are considered cannon anymore, from my understanding.
But there is no doubt christian context
>be david or (humanity)
>a bastard robot
>question existence
>wants to be like God/create
>Rejects creator in order to create
>kills Prometheans (his grandfathaas)
>embraces the Alien lives because they are bastards like him

if im not mistaken its kinda humanities fault that the aliens became awoken through David.

David represents sin

One and two are the only Alien movies worth watching.
They're actually pretty tight.
These new ones are lame.

And got something to show for it -- answers.

to sum it up its pretty much the same narrative as the first pokemon movie.
what I dont understand is why this dark theme is so popular/common in movies. Perhaps its because people search for a reference to our origin, its just, you cant trust Hollywood with, well anything.

>Senile Ridley Scott wants to make movies about the origins of the mysteries in the first Alien movie
>Said mysteries owe everything to Giger, O'Bannon, and others who are either dead or retired
>Scott thinks he can pull it off on his own.


Interesting interpretation but I took it differently:

>robot quickly begins to develop superiority to humans (creator)
>disobeys the instructions by the creator
>thinks himself better and begins to play creator himself
>To the point of downright loving himself
>survivability is his main claim to superiority and so develops a creature to excel in precisely that
>has no respect for anyone or anything due to arrogance
>destroys for his gain
>thinks himself perfect
>eventually makes parallels into being a God and "reigning in hell"

David as sin is an interesting comparison though. I actually like this. Good eye.

The movie doesn't suck.

>strengthening my arrangement that this story is a perverted version of Adam and eve
>I agree with you 100 percent.
I'd rate this movie a 7.2/10


>The movie doesn't suck.
Well envoy having nu-fun then.

I prefer the term artificial fun to nu-fun

Or David could be a representation of Satan and this represents the initial revolt with him trying to be like God and distorting human nature

I never saw Prometheus btw

>it looked as good as alien 3 why did you do it
Actually, That wasn't half bad.

Alien 4, That shit was terrible and don't even get me started about alien 5 or alien 7.

>4 wasn't the last one of the originals
Are you fucking serious?

>Are you fucking serious?
No. 4 was the last of them.

There was a cheeasey alien italy version called alien on earth, with face busters but that's not entirely canon..

The scientists were barely scientists
Every problem in the movie couldve been solved by a fucking spacesuit
A helmet and gloves alone would've done it

Its two different movies and storylines. The only thing they have in common is Ridley Scott. Stupid burger.
-10/10 for making me reply.

Think again cumwad, I'm 100% 4Chanese

Not really, it's common knowledge.

>Retarded robot wipes out all the engineers by just flying right into their capital square

>In a ship from a military mass destruction mission they died on a long time ago

>Super civilization that doesn't shoot it down or board it for inspection before letting it into the planet

Yeah fuck this shit

Entire reason for watching it was to see engineers

Fuck Scott Ridley and his cuckold fantasies

>Lets check out this unknown planet and risk the lives of 2000 civilians because we dont feel like going back to hibernation

Yeah Scott fuck off

It was a good movie. Best one since Alien 3(which is damning with some really faint praise).

That said, I don't the "lore" this movie contributes to the whole Alien universe. I don't like the idea David being the one responsible for the egg -> facehugger -> chestburster life cycle. Of course, I really, *really* didn't like the black mist and not-really-aliens that come out of places that aren't the host's chest, "innovations" to the series courtesy of Prometheus. Prometheus was such a mistake. A well-made mistake, though. Oh well, I guess that's what they mean by "taking risks."

I did like David's evil fantasy lair with the scary black statues/corpses(which were they?). The creepy dark fantasy setting was a nice addition to the series. They made him a little too overtly evil, however. I liked how Prometheus portrayed him as more of an amoral child. Still, better villian that most.

Alright, Demark.

Let's say the engineers have regressed in technology since their war with ? and it's the reason why we see almost no technology around their city expect for lights and that docking structure that's missing later..

Maybe the reason why they can't shoot it down is because they haven't had to fight in such a long time that there regressing because why do we need to maintain this if were not using it.

Also, Since they've got outposts we've gotta assume that they've got more worlds.

May not be their only world or even a capital world.

He wasn't really "evil," I don't think. He didn't have a sense of morality to betray in the first place. He was like a housecat, but with the intelligence and drive of a human.

lol forgot i was on pol for a moment

>Lets check out this unknown planet and risk the lives of 2000 civilians because we dont feel like going back to hibernation

user, they had a scene about how bad an idea this was and arguing what to do.

More than likely they'll have to breed or otherwise they are only their for labor.

>Still, better villian that most.
>"You blow. I'll do the fingering"
tip top lel

>don't forget he intentionally infected Shaw's boyfriend/huaband
"Poz my neg hole" amirite :D :D :D

you got me there, forgot about that. I had to consciously suppress my laughter.

The main flaws that people point out in Prometheus are regular human errors, like running straight while panicking or the dude weed lmao biologist getting too close to the lifeform even though they said that they ate "space cake" and he clearly was passionate about his job. Twin Perfect has a pretty good dissection of the movie.

My main question is straight away.


Your on a new planet, lots of virus's and other biological hazards that kill dumbass humans for not checking if the air is safe or just deadly deadly nerve gas.


>Super civilization and super beings

>Literally engineered humanity

>Mastered deep space travel

>Somehow regress to nigger we wuz kangz because fuck doing anything n' shit

Yeah no

They just wanted to recycle the same fucking movie

>Spacecrew trained to bring 2000 civilians to a planet that has been studied in and out

>Ayy lmao you guys hear dat, lets land on the planet

>little girl: I dont think is good idea

>Everyone else: lol stfu lets go down to inhale and touch everything we can

Ridley just wanted to shill his eggs and evil gay robot into oblivion

He can't help himself