Do your friends and family know you're a Trump supporter?

Do your friends and family know you're a Trump supporter?

Yeah, can't say they like it though.

Yes my friends and family aren't retards either

we have a loooooong history of conservatives mein friend

Does your family know you're a reddit goof? We already know you have no friends...

sure. even long before he actually got elected, which makes it all the sweeter

Sup Forums is my friends.

And you are ours.

You are my friend too, user

I hope you have a splendid evening

If you fucks start singing kumbaya...

>Tfw almost all my coworkers are Trump supporters
>Tfw every one of my friends Heil Hitler every day

Its almost as if we magnate to each other.

My entire extended family are pretty red pilled as far as politics go
Cant get anyone to fully take the red pill. Got weird looks last time I mentioned something about the kikes running the world

None of my friends or family are Trump supporters. But they all voted for Trump, because fuck Hillary. Except for my sister. And none of us talk to her, because she's gone full SJW. This isn't because she knows we voted for Trump. She thinks that I voted third party. This is because she thinks we didn't vote against Trump, and she's become anti-social with the family. I haven't talked with her in months.

if it's not too much trouble, when the fuck did osuthpark start showing penis

My family knows, and they voted Trump as well.

One friend I thought was liberal turned out to be a secret Trump supporter. Another friend I don't care about turned out to be a Hillary voter, but he's a literal bi-sexual faggot who is actively trying to destroy the concept of marriage, so what he thinks of me is irrelevant.

I met a girl at my school who said she thought she was the only Trump supporter there. It is for her, and those like her, that I am open about my support for the President. A 19 year old girl has to live in fear about her political beliefs. But since I am an adult man, it is my biological and social role to be strong and prominent. I must endure the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to show the other people who think like me that it is okay to do so.

Does Sup Forums know OP is a faggot?

When I visit my family they complain about the Jews who bought out the local mall and are running people out of business.

Oh golly no I wouldn't ever let anyone close to me know I support Trump out of shame. I'm so fearful people will find out my secret.

But nah. Kill yourself fucking shill

idk, long after they were showing giant balls.


slide thread

Hitler was a socialist. They would gas me if I supported trump. Kill the jews ....I mean the 1%.

Yes, my entire family is also trump supporters, we all went to go vote for him together

There were people who secretly voted Trump not out of shame, but just because they weren't interested in getting randomly punched in the face. It was more of a practicality thing.

I live near a college campus. Lots of people wouldn't let on to liking Trump unless you dropped enough hints that you liked him as well, then they'd open up after they knew I wasn't going to make life horribly inconvenient for them.

My parents are full blown conservatives. They'd be redpilled if they weren't so pro-Israel.
My brothers voted for Bernie and genuinely think Trump's gonna start a nuclear war. Needless to say they don't get along with my parents.

>Trump supporter
wow so edgy

my parents do and they are also.

my coworkers are actually pro trump cause highly religious and seniors but anyone my age doesn't know because :trump is white supremacy"

Yes. I'm unapologetic about it too. And I'm really good at fighting so no one can threaten me. I'll just laugh and tell them to square up.

I let everyone I knew know that I was one... it was hilarious when all those fuckin SJW students started shrieking and flipping me off... one of them even went to the deans to complain about me causing "microagressions" and making them feel "unsafe."

Yeah. Of my two best friends, one was another Trump supporter, and another was a Hillary supporter who didn't vote anyway, partially because I talked up her flaws to him. Of family, most were Trump supporters, except my bi-sexual sister, whose support of Hillary I undermined by pointing out how recently she switched on LGBT issues, and also pointed out her history of defending rapists, which nullified the prospect of her voting for Hillary. I also convinced my grandma that Trump was our guy, and we both went to vote together.

That's what sucks about what a dumpster fire Trump has been. I spent a lot of capital doing my part to make this happen. The way things have turned up, it seems I've wasted it.

Most of my friends and family are conservative. Heck, half my friends browse Sup Forums. However,
>little sister is typical naive liberal
>gets so upset at my dad for voting trump that she threatens not to come to thanksgiving
>every time politics come up she ends up frustrated or crying because "you and dad are better at argueing than me, its not fair"

I would be mad about it, but its too much fun to mess with her. Hopefully she'll grow out of it when she graduates university.

Parents and myself all went Trump. State went blue though so what can you do.
My sister attended CU Boulder, one of the most liberal campuses in the country, and she still voted Trump though.

Apparently it's true when people say that liberals being childish get people to become conservative. She said she voted Trump because she couldn't stand the people at her university becoming the norm across the country.