Legal vs. Illegal Immigration

Why do conservatives care so much about the distinction between these two and act like it matters? Legal immigration is pretty much just as bad for them and there are many more here and will lead to the same demographic conclusions. Are they just stupid or naive?

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Because if you're a criminal or a deadbeat, you can't legally immigrate. The democrat party needs criminals and deadbeats to vote for them, which is why they treat all immigration as being the same.

>Legal immigration is pretty much just as bad for them
Want to explain this?
Illegals don't pay taxes and don't help the country. Thats why

i am very poorly educated and probably wrong/missing the point but an illegal immigrant wouldn't engage in legal work, avoiding tax and taking what could have been a local job

at the very least legal immigration allows them to be taxed

It simply does. A certain amount over per year will devastate the economy. Immigrants who come to the united states need to apply just like it's a job, and if they're fuck ups they don't get to come here. Only desperate depraved people make a deadly journey of uncertainty across the US boarder. The entire illegal alien operation is conducted by drug cartel. It cost each unit about $5000, and is payable by working for them until the equivalent is achieve. Desperate people are simply stupid, and they end up mostly staying in cartel working. Only a few wont. That's the simple nitty gritty without getting into the Mexican Mafia which is an insane organization that is all about money, and killing any problem with extreme prejudice. Have fun being a fucking nigger if you still think it's indifferent.

>pay taxes
>have to have a job lined up
>have to take a test to earn citizenship
>can't have a criminal or terrorist background
i have no idea

>Legal vs illegal
>not an issue
Why should we care about legal or illegal sex like it matters? Legal sex is pretty much just as bad and there are many more instances and will lead to the same demographic conclusions. Are they just stupid or naive?

On a more serious note legal immigration offers a control mechanism. Illegal immigration subverts the system and puts a strain on limited resources. That's one less college spot on offer because Maria snuck across the border, one extra hour in waiting time because Pablo cut the queue (twice), and a whole lot more other resources you and your fellow citizens won't be getting because illegal immigrants have no regard for the law of the land.

I have an EU passport, I can fly to any EU country and when asked "What is your purpose for visiting." I can say

>I am immigrating to your country so I never have to work again, I will stay in your country and never pay tax and live off your benefits.

They will have to let me in. This is legal immigration.

Legal immigrants, depending on their ethnicity/country of origin pretty much use more benefits than they pay in taxes, and most of them are coming from countries where that's the case, and most of them could be said to barely help the country anyway, most immigrants aren't surgeons or physicists.

>pay taxes
>have to have a job lined up
>have to take a test to earn citizenship
>can't have a criminal or terrorist background

this guy gets it

But the Democrats will say you're a filthy nazi racist for not letting them in so they can do the jobs nobody else wants to.

>Legal immigrants, depending on their ethnicity/country of origin pretty much use more benefits than they pay in taxes
Can I get a source on that jose? Sounds like you are talking about the illegal ones to be quite honest.

No human is illegal though. Animals dont have boarders and look what we are.

> pay taxes
Considering the demographic makeup of what we're getting and actual surveys of welfare usage, it's likely that most are net non-taxpayers when considering benefits.
>Legal immigration is pretty much just as bad for them
> Want to explain this?
To go further, the immigrant groups coming in, like Hispanics, even if coming in legally, will effectively ensure a demographic future in which whites and conservatives effectively have no political power and the country becomes very low-trust anyway.
That's a very poor analogy since it doesn't deal with demographics which change the nature of a country fundamentally, which immigration inherently does.
See the post above, it's primarily an issue of racial demographics.

Animals do have borders fuck nut.

you'd need to live here for 10 years or get married to siphon our low welfare

>(((civic nationalism)))

The RAISE act seems to be the only thing that can save us, Non-white immigrants have made this country slowly third world. At least it will finally end restrictions on white immigrants and Diversity visas.

No if you build a fence made of grass it keeps lion out. Animal does not understand boarders so making them is against nature.

Well I guess we should get rid of laws and throw away the concept of society and technology since animals don't have those and look what we are.

No I wasn't addressing demographics with that analogy. I was addressing the implications of arguing from emotion to disparage the law when it is rightly a justified law.


Because we can control the levels and quality of legal migration you retard. I'm fine with importing 50 Indian doctors if the NHS is short but I'm not fine with 50,000 African "refugees" coming to shore on a dingy to rape people.

Diversity is our strength a wise peoples once said to me.

Animals do use natural borders using scents. I'm sure you know this though.

Maybe in the UK it's done that way but in America the average quality isn't anywhere near as high.

Illegal immigration: milions of leeches flood your country every year
Ledal immigration: few migrants who pay taxes, work, etc

Kikes aren't wise, whites always move from Diversity and for good reason. Because it doesn't work and will never.

Ikr, that´s as stupid as pretending there´s a difference between someone taking your money legally or someone stealing it from you.

Hmm good point. Now i think we must a sign that says please dont come or i will kill you. If they come we can kill them but a wall is stupid.

I see thanks.

>legal vs. illegal guns
>Why do democrats care so much about gun control and act like it matters? Legal guns are pretty much just as bad for them and there are many more here and will lead to the same deaths. Are they just stupid or naive?

Like I've posted in the thread before, overall the immigrants to America at least probably aren't net taxpayers, or are at least net drains compared to the native populace.
Also to add to my point it probably isn't a problem in the UK as much since it's much, much whiter and less diverse overall than the US, but in the US it's bad for conservatives because it will effectively guarantee a one-party state which makes them completely ineffective and powerless on any political scale, the same problem will eventually happen to the UK with large-scale non-white immigration, the demographic shift just isn't nearly as big there yet.

legal immigration is controlled, both in quality and quantity

legal immigration = no ISIS, and many fewer economic immigrants, which preserves the integrity of our economy

And this is doubly true for illegal immigrants. They largely take cash only jobs, pop out anchor babies like crazy for the welfare money, overloading our schools, and filling our emergency rooms with people who never pay (they past the cost to us).

Legal immigration is quite different, if you make good decisions on where they come from. It's unlikely that Koreans or Germans are going to come here and instantly go on welfare, for instance, like 70% of Latin Americans do (regardless of immigration status).

You guys like people before are ignoring the demographic issues inherently presented by immigration which change the fundamental character of a nation. Bad analogies.

*no ISIS in theory anyway

illegal immigration means ISIS can sneak across. legal means they can't, unless they falsify this and that; much harder to do

Yeah 1 million people from the third world and barley any Europeans is totally better. That's another 1 million votes for the Dems.

I'm not really worried about votes at this point. war soon. I'm worried about terrorists who've snuck across the northern and southern borders with WMDs

Europe has much worse problems in that regard


>allowing a bunch of 3rd world socialist losers to vote in your elections

>legal immigration = no ISIS
I would argue well organised terrorist groups are able to hack their way through immigration process.

That describes both legal and illegal immigrants

You're an idiot, that's specifically the point I've been making in this thread, that that's what legal immigration is doing/allowing anyway. Do you seriously think that all Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc. are here illegally?

This, I've worked construction with illegals, they're all payed under the table, little fucking envelopes filled with $100's

>be me
>work my ass off
>pay the state and fed
>they make same amount, but no taxes

Fuck that shit, they can't pay them less either because then they bitch and moan about how the black guy and the other three white guys including me get payed more, even tho THEY'RE NOT PAYING TAXES

see it's much easier to just walk into the country, eh?

Even fucking tortoises have borders and they will fight any other fucking tortoise that comes into their territory.

You just dont know fuckall about animals

>Immigration in Uk
>More than 2000k indigenous children treated like sex slaves.

Do you have trouble reading? These are compared to native households not illegal and legal.

a criminal can't migrate legally you stupid hillary supporter cunt

> Do you have trouble reading?
No, did you read the report?
> Illegal immigrants are included in the SIPP. In a forthcoming report, we will estimate welfare use for immigrants by legal status. However, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of immigrant households using welfare are headed by legal immigrants.
Compared to natives, no matter the legal status of immigration, they most certainly do use programs at markedly higher rates. long as we ignore all the species that mark territory and are aggressive towards invaders then you are right.

I mean build wall that stop movement of some human animal. Its wrong. SO i say no wall and let them come but we must kill them or they can kill us. Tahts natures.

Sage shill slide thread

Yeah, and I'm surrounded by these guys. 20 years ago there was maybe a 2% Hispanic population in my town. Now it's around 70%, the vast majority being illegal. They aren't fucking poor. They all have 3+ children they're getting federal money for. Take their cash only jobs, which actually pay very well all things considered. A lot of these guys are making 60-80k a year from those jobs alone, and tax-free that's pretty impressive. Most of them have brand new $40k+ trucks and cars.

They're hardly the poor, disadvantaged people the left tries to paint. They're taking advantage of us.

Legal immigration basically means filtering who comes to your country.
So basically you let in people that come with certain qualifications to fill roles in your society, people who enjoy your culture and all in all people who will invest in your economy through spending and taxes.

With illegal immigration you remove that filter and allow people with criminal records, willingness to live with austerity and send money home and avoid any short of contribution by being a ghost. Also you've got higher risk to attact people that don't like your culutre and will form ghettos since they're only there to take advantages of your economy.

you ever stand in a really long line to try to get on an airplane home for an hour and some schmuck tries to cut the line?

fuck you and so forth for being an imbecile

No, it's not. He's making the case we need to stop legal immigration as well.

Get a load of this Cuck who literally doesn't care about being minority majority

I believe they should all leave because they never assimilate, Even sixth generation ones are mostly liberal.

>like it matters

One group commits the least amount of crime of any category and the other commits the most of any category. One exploits the most welfare programs of any category, one exploits the least of any category.

Legal immigrants exploit welfare very much compared to most natives though, have you been paying attention to the thread? Also based on the demographic nature of those legally coming in they probably commit crime at a higher rate than the native white population does, or at least their children almost certainly will.

What do Americans think about immigrants from countries like China or Russia? Can they really be loyal to the Constitution or will they alway be hyphenated americans who put their “motherland” first?

>Legal immigrants
Yes, non-whites/non-asians, who would have NEVER had any major numbers in this country if not for invading by force.


China - No, a small amount perhaps but the culture, even of multiple generations descended doesn't match well with WASPy/Germanic High-Trust white Protestant civilization which forms the backbone of American civilization and culture IMO, even if they are technically successful
Russia - Yeah, probably

>American education

GOP inc. is talking strictly money, they don't care about people.
>More recently, beginning in significant numbers in the 1970s, Mexican immigrants have moved in large numbers to the Midwest U.S., attracted by jobs in the packinghouse industry, and to the southeastern U.S., where they have displaced many African-Americans and contract workers from the Caribbean in agriculture and related industries.
>In Texas, people of Hispanic ethnicity, most of whom were Mexican nationals, began arriving in greater numbers between 1900 and 1930. Adding to the number of older Hispanic residents already in Texas, some of whom had been here since the Spanish Colonial Era, many of these new immigrants engaged in cotton production by performing the back-breaking work of hoeing cotton fields clean of weeds and harvesting the mature crop during the summer and fall.

Mexicans were first imported to replace cotton niggers.

? Yes i am in americas

>Animal does not understand boarders

Wrong in the abstract sense they fully do. Animals do have countless instances of equivalents of "borders". Thats goes from markings using scents to actual physical barriers like walls of artifical nests as built by ants, spiders, birds or beavers and other animals

If you talk about the complex rules around human borders in civilized human countries, yes other animals wont understand them as much as the wont understand the concept of an Euro or Dollar bill, purchasing property, using a telephone to communicate, using computer to controll a robot to build you a car and so on, simply due to limited intelligence. A limit which does not apply to Western nations. It has nothing to do with being "natural" or not.

>Now i think we must a sign that says please dont come or i will kill you. If they come we can kill them but a wall is stupid.

Stop pretending to be retarded and get off this board you underaged faggot.

tbf I'd prefer them over the previous alternative.

and how many of those legal immigrants were illegal?

>the immigrants to America at least probably aren't net taxpayers
Maybe the cars that the immigrant repaired or the burgers he cooked are more valuable to the economy than a couple hundred bucks in taxes.

> How many zeroes are not zero but one
None, considering those are mutually exclusive categories.

There is no such thing as illegal immigrant. You are either an immigrant, meaning you follow the legal procedures to enter a country, or you're trespassing and you should be hanged or shot.

Look how well that worked in European countries that had a literal flood of niggers cross their country on their way to countries with better welfare.

Why pay for all those bullets when a electric fence does the job a lot nicer for cheaper?

I could get that argument but that's fundamentally changing the argument these people are making then, and even then it's still not optimal IMO. If you have an immigrant from a low-IQ country background that means his children are going to be using institutions like schools, etc. underperforming, lowering the national standards, just worsening the quality of the country's infrastructure and institutions over time. Just compare America's school system and its (lack of) quality compared to virtually any high-quality first-world European country like Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, etc.

>legal immigration is controlled
Is this a joke? Do you have ANY idea how many legal immigrants we take in each year? Do you know where they come from and why they're allowed to come here?

I'll tell you.
>over 90% are from the 3rd world
>70% are "family reunification" which means it's Pajeet bringing over his brothers Pardeep, Ranjit, Mahatma, Sanjay, and Kumar, none of whom have any kind of useful skills or education
>10% are "refugees" and diversity visas
>10% are on H1B or similar visas to undercut American wages

Only 10% of our immigrants are worth anything, and only 10% of our immigrants are white.


>if you have two problems and have to deal with libfags and kikes backing and aiding both problems, you cant just focus on the low hanging fruits first and fix with the problem that just requires you to enforce the fucking laws and is technicaly easy to resolve

You just need to stop being an ignorant nigger and use your brain for a second.

after the ww3 there is no country, stupid fuck

legal < legal + illegal

basic math

I don't think you understand how our immigration policy works. The US only accepts a certain amount of immigrants a year. while under Obama, if 400,000 illegals were to cross the boarder and apply for citizenship then they would get it. The people coming in illegally are poor which is why they get welfare to begin with. now that the cap has been reached for the year, the legal immigrants who CAN afford all the paperwork to apply for citizenship now have to wait until next year.

Again, your argument was that even legal immigrants can be a drain on the system - as far as I know if you're a retarded nigger from central Africa, the only way to get to the US is through the Diversity visa.

As a rule, because of the requirements of the HB1, O1, J1 etc., most legals that come in tend to be intelligent/hard-working.

Family reunification is a thing beyond a lot of stuff like that.

No to fence its how i say inhumane. Some cannot pass so they dont try. Its better no barrier and instead let them come. Whoever kills other wins.

Because conservatives typically are very low in the openness trait and wan't to keep things seperated and orderly.

The advantage with legal immigration is that you can cherrypick the good immigrants from the bad.

True, I forgot about that. Maybe fix your laws then?
I think it's only fair that if Vlad left his gypsy village, went to University and Chevron wants him in North Dakota, he should be free to go. I don't think it's fair to bring his whole gypsy family with them.

Animals have territories amd will fight you if you try to make it yours

because legal immigration can be controlled.

The purpose of legal immigration is to fill in gaps that a nation is missing, you're missing doctors? allow doctors to immigrate, you're missing specialized workers? Go for it.

Left uses it to immigrate voters, which is bad but not as bad as illegal which guarantees you will only get people willing to break the law.

Why havent you reported them to ICE yet

sry I mean some human doesnt understand barrier. Its ok because we fight instead of making wall.

Please stop, please. On map you are island so....only immigrant you must see is fish on land. Never talk about things that you cant understand or concern you.

Those who become citizens by immigration have to wait years so theyre probably not the same

in holland they only have to be on welfare for 5 years and they get citizenship, so they get to go back home at the age of 45 and receive a pension with full medical.

If you don't enforce immigration laws it's the same as not having any.

The whole reason you have a shortage of docters is because
A the demand soarde because non of the untermenshen you let in are docters
B all the docters fled the country because of all the pakis
C you are a stupid blue pilled brainwashed cunt.


((they)) are replacing with ppl, they are increasing birthrates of the dumb decrease it of the whites.

it is called demographic replacements, the dumb ppl will be serf to the jew and voluntary show as the scriptures say.

Is this civ6?