Thunderf00t vs sargon

What's his end game?

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Battle of the cucks.

he was always cuck behind the mask to me, now he just removed the mask

The entire pseudo intellectual atheist movement has been exposed as SJW buffoons by brexit and trump

He's a symptom of what is happening to the "skeptics" on YouTube.....

Many of them are fleeing to the Left now that the far-Right has begun to actually grow in size. It's made all the worse by the fact that many of the "skeptics" have watched their own friends and family transform into far-Right people.

thundern3ck versus shitfuck from london who like to rp as someone from a place he's not related to because he's a white shitter with civilization older only than niggers and even then it's contested since niggers had a decent civilization east of africa right when britain was still hunter gatherers

fade into irrelevancy

>Mason, P. E. et al. Nature Chem

99.999% of you guys got nothing on him

dudes been assblasted ever since his EU funding was in jeopardy, doubled down on faggotry

the last stand of the "rational, reasonable" progressive


>Atheist hippie vs Atheist quadroon

I guess that Sharia would be a step forward for United cKuckdom

He has always been a liberal cuck, just like The Amazing Atheist. They were lumped in with some alt-lite people only because they were the first ones doing anti-SJW content on Youtube.

His political videos outside of anti-SJW stuff have always been shit. His Brexit videos were shit, his anti-Lauren Southern and anti-Milo videos were garbage. Even his own audience thinks so, those vids have a shitton of dislikes.

thundaf00t needs to be gassed, the pretentious fuckface

I found TF to be a reasonable man up until he started defending Remain:
>muh EU funding for science
I respect for him, then all my respect for btfo when he started defending this because
>muh UK has unelected bureaucrats too so unelected EU bureaucrats aren't so bad
It was literally the death nail to me ever watching this faggot again.

A man of science...who wants free shit. It's hard to believe I used to think of him as being smart.

The "skeptics" are merging with the Alt-Lite, and the enlightened fedoras are all losing their euphoria over it. I expect the Armored Skeptic will come out with a video soon about how both sides are correct and he respects both of their opinions.

>it's a retard fight, thunderfoot is the bigger retard

*Fake chuckles*

Now really

*fake chuckles some more*

Did that SJW really just say this?

Intelligence is like a house with many different rooms. You can have a pristine bedroom, but a kitchen infested with mice and turks. Very few people, if any, can sort out the entire house.

This guy might be smart in the academic field, but a complete idiot politically. I wouldn't trust a doctor to fix my car, just like I wouldn't trust a mechanic to do surgery. Being competent in one field doesn't mean you are competent in every field. If anything it means you are more likely to be ignorant of other fields because you don't have time to research and study everything. No one does.

Didn't that guy make Mortal Kombat X videos?

In the end the question is, who is the better stepfather?

both are faggots


Well isn't that what everyone would love to get? Fame, Fortune... We all want it, even if we say we don't.



why the fuck did he choose the name "sargon of akkad" for his shitty channel?
do you shitters think you wuz kangs and shit?

Maybe he's just interested in history, you silly dunecoon.

how about he gets interested in your non existent history you white shit?
>we wuz akkadians and shiiieeeet man

You at least gotta give him some respect that he sticks to his convictions and doesn't just cuck out to please his audience.

To find ever larger necks to support his infinitely growing brain.

He's not saying he's Akkadian you inbred ape.

True enough.

His anti-creationist videos were shit too!

some mudshit acting tough online

VenomFangX has the last laugh

This is the second fucking time Thunderfoot has done this, edited two things somebody has said together to cut out the middle

He has lost all credibility

do you think someone who fought against american war machine with a rusty ak-47 and a homemade bomb needs to act tough online?
you wouldn't last a minute in my world you autistic white shit

>my world
>needs to act tough online?

i will bet you a million dollars that my military training shits all over you homemade bombs and rusty ak.

We wuz Kangz!

Money is good. Fame isn't.

Good goy, remember your script.

Theyve been exposed as the low hanging fruit pickers they are. Wow, you btfo a feminist. Wow... truly this is the power of rationality.

But we are way past the point of """"btfo"""" SJWs. Its retard Tosh 2.0 tier stuff at this point. And since HBD / Race Realism is where many people are starting to get woke up to, these liberal skeptics are getting left behind into utter irrelevance.

fight me irl
whoever beats the other gets to fuck his ass
i'll fuck you till you love me, you piece of shit

oh wow another political e-celeb bitching over nothing serious for attention and revenue

this has never happened before

>fuck his ass

can't you sandniggers think of anything else?

do you have that pic in a not-shit resolution?

yes,i occasional think of having my dick sucked
legit tho, even niggers are scared shitless of iraqis and usually avoid us
i don't need to act tough online

I had to unsub thunderf00t after his nonsense videos about brexit. It was all feels and no facts.

That sounds pretty homo desu

Battle of the necks.
it's not gay when said in anger

Uh, yes. Yes it is.

thunderf00t is a genetic dead end (he doesnt want kids) like the rest of the atheist leftists pseudo intellectuals who has lost touch with reality for spending decades in academia/research labs and jumped the shark with his opinion on trump

as for sargon hes a proud cuck quadroon nigger apologist who for some reason gets held up by the "alt right" as some kind of savior despite always having taken the centrist route because taking sides could have meant less youtube sheckels

tldr both are giant faggots

maybe a little but not full blown homo

Have you seen the poorly researched and pseudoscientific opinionated garbage thundercuck has put out lately?

I don't know why but he turned into exactly the same screeching kind of faggot he lammented years ago. At this point the question is why even bother about this faggot?

I stopped even considering to listen to anything this faggot has to say after the piss poor circluar logic and emotional rant about the meme drive.

>Many of them are fleeing to the Left now that the far-Right has begun to actually grow in size. It's made all the worse by the fact that many of the "skeptics...

What the fuck are you talking about, neither of these are alt right, they are self proclaimed leftists.
This has nothing to do with politics even, it's a dick waving contest where thunderfoot is jelly of sargon becaue bigger e-dick so he goes full moralfag on him laughing at some cuck going on a murderous rampage.
Then sargon cucks out by going ACTHCKUALY we weren't laughing at the cuck, it's a tragedy, humor is blablabla.
Could've owned it and called thunderfoot a faggy cumchugger, but no, that would require some backbone.

99.999% of people dont care about these things nor will they remember/know the people who uplifted humanity

Thundercuck is out for pure revenge after multiple fails in 2016. His channel is dying.


Theres eyes on Austria.

>bunch of guys makes jokes about a guy who killed his girlfriend on some youtube livestream BEFORE THE BODIES WERE EVEN COOOOOOOOOOOOLD
>compared to the westboro baptist church who go directly to soldiers funerals to fuck with the grieving family
He went bonkers m8.

I don't like his anti milo and anti southern videos but he is right there...

kek, i should fix it sorry. nah.

Right about what?

Calm down mate, its not our fault you have an identity crisis because your mum and dad are brother and sister and your country was assblasted by the americans. Control your incest rage friend.

Yeah they're scared you might rape them

To shave and get a haircut.

that's an unfuckable hairstyle if i ever saw one

my parents are from 2 continents you shitter
yeah it took usa and an alliance of 30 countries to assblast my country, while you 1were assblasted by non flying birds
i don't rape niggers , i have standards

his science stuff is cool
phil is a definitely a fucking cuck reddit atheist though, even his feminist videos are shit tier and he always rehashes a ton of clips. he doesn't upload very often either even though he e-begs for video equipment despite getting $3k+ for every video he uploads

that's all there is to it
look at this fatfuck unfuckable piece of shit
how would he support himself without government money
bye bye "science", hello mcjewnalds
his whole eceleb fame is due to him being a state money teat sucker
which makes him yet another sjw

your dad imported a goat from another continent?
>not buying local
Absolute haram

You'll rape a goat but you wont rape a nigger? Thats just sick achmed


the answer will always be shekels

Good thing he's published because he's sure not going to be sending his alleles into the future.

I've learned over the course of my life to distrust childless 'voices of reason'.

Thunderf00t has his talents in exposing peoples scientific illiteracy however politically he's lost it. Science and manchild hobbies are his life and that's all he cares about, since he has no children the future of his civilization is irrelevant.

what the fuck
is he an actual ent?

>ACTHCKUALY we weren't laughing at the cuck, it's a tragedy, humor is blablabla.
Wasn't that basically the point of his video? That this is dark humor, we're laughing at the fact this cuck exploded, you can like it or not?

I didn't feel as though there was any obfuscation there, felt like he was calling a spade a spade. Could be wrong though.

acsually thundercuck edited two of different parts of the same stream together, that was the point of the video
he said he doesn't care what tuhnederneck thinks or others for that matter he cares because thunderpussy misrepresented him

i like how you used 3 different misnomers for thundertwat

Both faggots with pleb tier opinions and annoying voices trying to shill as much as possible on youtube
sargons 2nd channel is literally just him stealing videos to make money like the faggot he is

He also steals memes from here to market them to normies. Witness this "Kekistani" debacle.

yeah thundernog was in the wrong, but still, it didn't even merit a reply

sargon only admits it a few times, but he does think the means justify the ends

he's a lefty after all, and will act in favour of things he doesn't care or like if he thinks he can get something out of it

he literally has taken this "culture war" meme too seriously

but while he thinks he's using people, he's just the tool

while it is good that thunderf00t reminded the young'uns that their community is turning to be a septic community, and talks about the cancerous spread of marxist ideals into it, he used a bad example. a couple of dudes making a joke about people dying in a skype conversation isn't the same as making jokes about his dad dying of cancer because the intent is different.

what made it bad is that they decided to monetize it and make it public. these guys keep forgetting Sup Forums isn't real life and that Sup Forums is the place to make jokes about dead people.

I love how people are acting like Thunderf00t wasn't this retarded the entire time, like this is a new thing. Try going back and listening to his discussions with Ray Comfort or Eric Hovind with a neutral mind and you'll see how stupid he is. Those two have to be the dumbest apologists in Christian history yet they regularly tied Thunderf00t up into philosophical knots.

>1000 + 1017

I honestly don't think he has one, he just like to stroke his ego. Which can be entertaining at times so i really don't mind at all.

what is this flag?

cuck clash

I lost all respect I had for this cunt when he made his latest (quite conniving) video about """"Quitting""""" the skeptical community as if it were some grate feat of strength.

you Semitic tribes are fucking degenerates

>All that IQ
>Still can't make a convincing argument without tampering with audio recordings.

Seriously I have yet to see one convincing argument from this guy that isn't from his "why people laugh at creationist's" video's

I know Sargon of Acuck but who is Thunderfoot?

The flag of the United Kingdom. Often mistaken as the Union Jack, which is the naval vessel version.

Thundergay says that antifa are not leftys. Thundergay still atta ks chritians.

>who is Thunderfoot?

One of the first "rationalists" making anti-sjw, anti-feminist videos, his fanbase, of course, is 95% made up of alt-right borderline neonazis who get triggered when he exposes them as the degenerates they claim to fight against.

To get together with Maxine

lol, he also thought that the antifag riots that happened on Trump's inauguration day were not anti-Trump.

Thundercuck should either kill himself and record it in high-speed, or stick to science and keep his mouth shut.

I mean the brown and blue one you posted.

Does he even smoke cigars?

Brexit broke that mans mind

Sargon actually replied to thundernigger? I wouldn't have even bothered talking to that irrelevant jew
