The unseen west aggression of poland

Poland has annexed German clay after world war 2. And I'm not talking about east Prussia. they have stolen part of Germany west of the Oder–Neisse line. this was done against all agreements.

Other urls found in this thread:–Ribbentrop_Pact



I guess it's full scale nuclear war then. Time to enlist.


Good thing too, the area is free from Turkroaches and political corectness.

t. Living in Mierzyn :^)

Here we go again...

Get fucked, Hans. Too bad this time you are maoist commie.

I'm sure it was orderly and humane.

then invade them and take it back.

Yeah but it's full of nonwhite polaks.

Möhringen* not Mierzyn

I will argue, that it's a lot better than having the area run by self-hating socialists, who invite foreign hordes by the thousands.

we can't. this would lead to an even stronger aggression to the west. Germany is not lost yet.

Oh neat, I always wondered what was it's historical name :^)
Thanks Mehmet, you're a cool guy.

say that to my face kurwa not online and see what happens

It is.

I use to be bad a poles for going to Ireland but I realized its just a cheap media trick to get people mad at whites instead of the invaders.

hopefully poles will take the rest of germany

Eat shit Hans. The Allies redraw the map the way they wanted. Poland wanted their eastern territory back from Russians not shitty German land. They took what they got.

I wish poland had annexed all of germany. At least there wouldn't be any mudslimes living there today.

no russia fucked murica in the ass and murica didn't do anything

have fun in carrot- town (~ Möhringen). In 10- 20 years Europe is completely controlled by Germany, (which is obviously controlled by the Jews)

I will, at least an Imam won't be waking me up at 5 am with his gay call to prayer. :^)

>Poland has annexed German clay after world war 2. And I'm not talking about east Prussia. they have stolen part of Germany west of the Oder–Neisse line. this was done against all agreements.
They didn't even steal it- they where given those to them by buddy stallin and joos from Laandan. In as a whole pooland is on 1/2 clay, that don't belong to them... ungrateful bustards!

sure whatever.

see Poland's secret west aggression

Soon they both will take turns fucking you in the ass.

Would you NOT agree, ww2 is poolaks fault?

leave poland alone, baka

You fucking lost the war

Get over it

Furthermore you don't deserve any more land Germany.

Poland is a bastion of White Christendom

Germany deserves to be completely wiped off the map

Fucking atheist cucks destroying Europa

You get nothing

Relax everyone knows the Poles are just keeping Germany's land safe from the Germans.

I mean.... can you really blame them?

And we're going to take the rest of it too.

Can't steal from Germany, when there's no Germany.

Blame russia, they wanted eastern poland for extra space to pad their moscow from any further german invasions. So since Poland got royally fucked in WW2 they compensated what russia stole with some of your land. Probably shouldn't have started ww2 with russia as an ally. You'd probably have won if you just started with attacking russia i doubt anyone would have tried to stop you, then you could have fought a 1 front war after...though hindsight is 20/20. Im sure youll get it all back once the caliphate takes full control and enslaves the native germans and starts their islamic conquest of the west. Everyone will be sure to thank germany, once again, for fucking up europe.

i agree but only because i bleieve borders should be based on natural ones like rivers

dimwit, 30% of white Americans are Germanics

yes pls make even more people poor with your shitty economy.

Poles are not white they are Slavs. Slavs are the European Mexican.

>be german
>claim they have stolen anything from you

Fuck Pooland, I'm behind the Aryans on this one.

Yep. What are you going to do about it? Nothing, again?

He isnt taking about this. He means the land stolen even AFTER that.

I have mixed feelings on this topic.

My family's ancestry is from Oberschlesien while my wife's family's ancestry is from Königsberg.

What happened to German speaking populations in what is now Poland and Russia is beyond unspeakable.

For the anons in Poland right now, you know how irate you get when you think about what happened to you guys in Galicia? Same shit for us.

Additionally, the Poles more or less tell us "meh tough shit deal with it" while that is exactly what the Ukies say.

I wish we could realign the borders in the East of Europe slowly over a period of decades and for the Germans an the Poles to finally get along to take (((THEM))) on together.

That being said, fellow German anons, you have to admit we (aka our government) is doing an excellent job completely fucking up our own country to the point of nonrecognition.

Additionally, take a drive through some of the C or D cities in the "Neue Bundesländer" ... beautiful old buildings falling apart while some asshole is repainting his Platten.

We can barely take care of our own shit, how could we be expected to take care of more of our rightful clay?

In the end, both our government, the Polish government and the Ukie government have all been usurped by (((THEM))) and we're going to continue jerking them off until we decide to do something about it.

When that time comes, I hope the Poles are reasonable enough to sit down at the negotiating table, because, after all we still outnumber them 2 - 1.


hurr durr szczecin is german

modern Germans that are in Germany

there is a difference

>Poland has annexed German clay after world war 2
Ya, because you got your ass handed to you.

never liked krauts,but poolaks are pests and need to give what's not their back to them and Ukies etc

By the Soviet Union, not by you guys.

D-Day was there to prevent us from getting completely overrun by the Soviets and not liberating France.

The U.S. did more or less dick.

Too damn bad you guys had to get in WWI. Had we won WWI, no WWII and nationalism would still be the norm.

But no, dwarfs from across the pond want to play empire and fucked us all in the process.

You're let Tupolev in the Hunt for the Red October.

"You arrogant ass, you've killed us all."

I think we just have to wait 50 years or so. Poland is basically ruining them self with their politics. In the past we got land from there due to an unstable government. Atm their government is unstable again...

>In 10- 20 years Europe is completely controlled by Germany
how it could be controlled by germany if you cease to exist in few years because of sharia law destroying your country once and for all?

>Atm their government is unstable again..
keep telling yourself that while paying for PO and .N to try and make govt unstable while failing terribly
I will piss on branderburg gate ruins when time comes for 2nd liberation of Berlin


Borders changed over time in continental europea? I have thought that the borders have always been like this.

When will you guys give your stolen clay back to Sweden?

>be kraut
>have your Keizer call British "mad dogs"
>have him say Germany's building navy to surpass the British navy
>"eternal Anglo"


pooland stronk!

Von mir aus können sie es behalten. Bitte!

In Ostdeutschland wohnen eh hauptsächlich assimilierte Slawen, die sehen eh alle wie die Kanisterköpfe hinter der Grenze aus.
Brandenburg könnten wir auch abtrennen.

Brandenburg morgen und am Schluss ist Deutschland ein komplettes Slavenscheißloch

Ahahahahahahaha Wake up, you crap :D

Mit Hilfe der auserwählten Leute

Germany deserves to lose its clay after getting btfo so hard in ww2.

you hate slavs tho. When are you gonna kill the russians for greater turkestan?

would you prefer poland to be inhabited by muslims or those slavs?


You forgot that the evil indoeuropeans stole the clay of the european natives.

all European nations should give the clay back to Basque country

Are you trying to bait us into a world war again, England?

whole clay of pooland is German

Are you out of places to build refugee camps?

And your island is rightful celtic clay, now get the fuck out muhammad

>after all we still outnumber them 2 - 1.
Typically german, trying to be nice and logical and throwing threat at the end just to show what happens when they won't get what they want.

Pls elaborate.

Germany doesn't deserve any clay. You faggots are a detriment to Europe. I support Bavarian independence so that one day, your pathetic country can Balkanize.

CryMeRiver pooland

dim burger

Fuck off hans your lucky we didnt keep your little shitstain country for ourselves after the shit you pulled.

Lebensraum in East. Go figure.

> immediately _after_ the German invasion of Poland


The secret protocol part is important, do not miss it and do not forget that Germans AND Russians did actually divide Poland.

Germany isn't a country.

>Germans AND Russians did actually divide Poland

Dividing Poland is a old Russian & German tradition.

Suck my dirty slavic cock, you fucking peasant. Get over being fucked over by everyone including your own government, wimpy piece of shit.
Krauts after 1945 are worthless.

Please start world war 3, I want to feel part of something

>Be Poland
>Lose every single war you've ever been involved in
>Get eliminated from existence twice and only get brought back because other countries need you as a buffer state
>Fail miserably at defending yourself against Nazis
>Take rightful German clay after the war anyway
>Join EU and accept billions in aid
>Refuse to take in any refugees and call the EU unfair despite all they have done for you

Has there ever been a nation as pathetic as Poland? They literally have no right to exist.

>bitching over Szczecin
>admitting borders "just change" over time
oh, kraut...

come to think of it, we kind of did it roundabout every 100 years. Well. 25 years to go ;)


You should be happy you were so lucky. Next time we'll just burn everything to the ground and make you into a farming state.

Germany can't handle ideology.

And yet we will squat in this piece of land for eternity, steal your cars, leech off your money and do everything we can to keep the fire of butthurt strong.

google 1918-1922 polish-soviet wars?

apart from stalin giving you presents of German lands precend has to be, here you gyppos lived before?

We had independence war 1918-1920. Nobody in their sane state wanted this kike bolshevik shit that was unleached in Russia.

Germany's area of control circa 2017~

They're doing just fiiineee.

We lived here for 80 years already.

No, poolaks (with our encouragment) went opressive against Ukies and Prussians, also Lithuanians as rabbied dogs, hence papa Hitler couldn't stand them no longer

so pooland clay is German, Baltic... any, but yous!?


Weren't Polish lands just run over by rabid germans in ther futile attempt to take on Russians?

You tried to mount anti-bolshevik campaign but fucked that up by trying to use leftover German military on Eastern front. This fired back.

Post WW1 they where pain to all and everyone

and yes, got asses whooped again and again.

poolaks invaded Germanic/Baltic/Celtic lands 6-9'th cennturies and ALWAYS ever since has been causing nothing less that wars. Gyppos

Funny, now they are moaning about half of "their" what isn't their clay in relation to the stalin... the bad, even worse that German?

might as well leave to rightful owners Germans. 80 years too many

>Poland has annexed German clay