Consistently BTFOs leftists

>consistently BTFOs leftists
>runs the largest conservative podcast in America
>has a traditional family
>is redpilled on trannies
>supports the Constitution

Why do you guys dislike Ben Shapiro again?

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>consistently btfos leftists

On easy points that everyone knows already. Wow he criticized radfem? How brave, how inciteful.

>runs largest conservative podcast

(((Conservative))) podcast

>has a traditional family

A traditional JEWISH family. A foreign tradition.

>is redpilled on trannies

Wow so woke.

>supports the Constitution

As long as it helps kikes. See his views on anti-semitic speech (it's totally different goy).

>Why do you dislike Ben Shapiro?

Because he's the incarnation of everything jews have done to ruin the american conservative movement. He simply there to funnel good goys away from real conservative issues like nationalism, immigration reform, isolationism etc. into safe avenues like "sjw-bashing".

Yeah sjws suck, but they are simply a symptom of our more fundamental problems. Shapiro is nothing but a distraction away from our fundamental problems.

Ben shapiro
Also known as WTF i love drumpf now

His foreign policy.

typical shape-shifting jew
nothing but an actor

His stance on Israel.

i love Ben Shapiro and the mental gymnastics all of these high schoolers have to pull off to criticize him

hes unironically perfect and Sup Forums can't do anything about it ... he is Sup Forums's kryptonite in human form

His foreign policy.

a jew


He thinks climate change is a hoax.

And in general an idiot despite taking the right stance on the right issues

Typical cuckservative.
Neocon drumpf supporters should leave.

Ben a cute


is a kike who gladly sacrifices America and her interests in the name of "muh greatest ally"

not to mention the little cock slurper has been against the God Emperor since day 1, complete heritic.

>all these retards using anti semetisim as if it is an actual argument
Wow you sure activated my almonds!

He might be good for entry redpills but is heavily shilling for Israel. Literally muuuh our greatest ally

Don't bring this fucking meme to Sup Forums

I saved this pic just for the weekly shapiro threads

He's a Jewish ethno-nationalist who wants multiculturalism for thee but not for me.

I can't abide the double standard he holds for the goyim.

>shill for Israel
>makes cringe Godcuck "arguments"

His weaponized autism is useful for triggerings but that's about it.


that was quick. saw the title. first thought was first post is gonna say jew.

>not dissapointed

you forgot

>writes hilariously awful novels

read his dumbass tweets on Trump's speech today


>God emperor

Jews hate white Volk.
He wants control over the right to ensure Jews aren't named.


>Liberals hijack "redpill"
>Refuse to call it "bluepilled" because they think they're right
>How to spot a liberal shill

Don't forget when he defended Michelle Fields, even after the video came out. It was clear that he defended her because she was anti-Trump, not because she was right.

I can't trust anyone who takes a position for partisan reasons (anti-Trump), and refuses to change even when new evidence comes out.

Also, he's a kike.


Because pol is full of intuitive rationalists that stretch shit anyway they can to fit their narrative. Ben doesn't fit so they throw the Jew card at him. Just like Thomas Sowell threads will be full of 'nigger' even though he is a net good with great insights.

Pol is for children now.

>Basically, the alt-right is a group of thinkers who believe that Western civilization is inseparable from European ethnicity—which is racist, obviously. It’s people who believe that if Western civilization were to take in too many people of different colors and different ethnicities and different religions, then that would necessarily involve the interior collapse of Western civilization. As you may notice, this has nothing to do with the Constitution. It has nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.

Just in this little bit from a recent interview I can pull out several major errors and lies.

He says it is obviously racist to believe western civilization is inseparable from European ethnicity. First, I'm not sure that is obviously racist. Secondly, Europeans created western civilization, currently maintain it, and ARE it. It's like saying you could separate Romans from Roman civilization.

He also seems to think the importation of other races isn't having a deleterious effect on western civilization when it is, empirically so in fact. He's just straight up lying and virtue signalling at this point.

He goes on to conflate the American Constitution with western civilization which is profoundly idiotic and is clear sophistry. Western civilization long predates the American Constitution. Oh, and the Declaration of Independence is an openly racist document as it refers to the natural quality of British men and calls the native American tribes savages.

Why does anyone here even like this hack?

Yea, he did cuck himself with the Michelle Fields incident. He still defends her despite surveillance saying otherwise.

Controlled op

