Denmarks turn

We knew would happen sooner or later. Fucking leftist scum!
Can any fellow danes help identify? Might just be my national loving heart bleeding... but i dont really care right now! Theese welfare parasite piss up and down on the back of the people that pays for their healthcare, education and most likely their welfare check. Fuck 'em!

Other urls found in this thread:

That bicycle did nothing wrong.

God damn it.
Guess they were bound to come here eventually.
Got a source on that image?

No. It was send to me from a friend, who got it from DDL's kikebook page.

If you find out who they are, just report them. You get huges fines for burning the flag.

Do I spy a Fedora in the back ?
Yea its absurd, however young people tend to be aspie autists.

That's true. Working on it as we speak.

Also, their house at Dorteavej should get mauled for this. These spoiled punks have enjoyed leeching of us long enough.

Thanks mate. You're doing a national service.

Who else but them... fucking degenerates

At brænde flaget er ifolge loven den eneste rigtige måde at komme af med det på. Knep dig selv din wannabe amerikaner.

Indeed. However, burning our flag is still a felony and they should be brought to justice.

You can see just by looking at their clothing and style in general that they're degenerate norrebro leftist faggots.

How very fucking leftist to be burning the flag of the country who lets you study late modern feminist art in RUC while paying you to do so.

Ber om ursäkt att vi spridit detta till danmark.

thats my bike

It's only legal if you send it to the combustion station.

I'm on your side Denmark, bring that dumb idiot to justice

This. We're paying their rent at Dortheavej as well. We're getting fucked so hard.

Om det er rigtigt eller fokert... goy alert!

>combustion station

>that dumb idiot
All the others will according to our laws also be punished for spectating without interacting.


Du er fucking retarderet. Det er ingen joder i DK næsten. Der er måske 200 på Carolineskolen.

I er fuldstændig retarderede.

Make them regret it Danes, make Her Majesty proud.

Wauv, godt comeback commie

He's obviously an antifa faggot from Modkraft... a newspaper our tax money is also paying for.


My god! Even though it's not my flag, watching people burn a flag (ancestry, traditions, war,...) drives me mad.

A goy isn't a jew you spergelord.

Do you really have laws against burning flags? I didn't think that was illegal, not that I disa

Is Denmark as cucked as Sweden?

Wait, are these the same faggots who threw an absolute shit-fit some years back, because their gathering place was demolished?

We do. Also, don't believe that retard who's saying it's legal to burn them, it's not. If you want to dispose of your flag you have to send it to a station, otherwise the fine is big.

In a way they are already paying the toll. Social and neo-lib autism. We should feel sorry for their degradation.

No, we are further down the cuck scale IMO, but still cucked and moving upwards if things doesn't turn around.

Nope, a lot of danes still have a sense of self-worth and determination to live a true, traditionalist lifestyle, though this antifa shit is happening everywhere in Europe right now.

Well, we don't do much about antifa. We right winged danes are realæy bad at joining together and fighting Antifa, because we think every other dane on Sup Forums is an annoying nazi type like the nazi from falling down.

Yes. Our government became aftaid of them, so they bought them a new house from our tax money.

Trust me, we are still a long way from sweden

T. Half swede

goddamn communists on the rise again. this time they may actually succeed. if they want to break barriers do it step by step retards... When Macron said French culture didn't exist I felt personally offended. This offends me too. fuckin retards go burn yourselves

Burning your own flag should count as treason

It's a fucking trend or maybe the side effect of Trump election. France is the worst though, communists burned cops and they also have a twitter account that helps doxxing right wings

Glad to hear it brother

So just find out who she is and notify the police.

well, they could buy it at least somewhere far far away from civilization

Also, after our cuck liberal government got them a new house, they still continued to trash Nordvest as revenge for destroying the last house.
Police can't do much either because Amnesty is cucking them.

No one is as cucked as Sweden yet, Germany are trying very hard to catch up, followed by France.

Stop whining and get rid of your Jews...It really is that simple.

>South Africa leading by example.

Danes love the Dannebrog, check out their "most wanted painting"


Yep. I don't know her though because I'm not a commie.

Yes, but our retard government got them a house ridiculously close to the last one. Thankfully we've got a lot of new and aspiring right-winged extreme parties.

Like you're getting rid of white people?

We hardly have any jews, only a ton of commies and muslims.


Not yet. Here's a debate on the refugee crisis between danish and swedish politicians and journalists. It's subtitled. Clearly shows the difference in mentality if you have an hour to waste.

Lad os få ram på de fucking tabere.

I wonder who could be behind this

The danes on the right are bad to gather, because we for way to long have been indoctrinated with political correctnes and white shaming... nobody can be sure if they are around people with the same views OR doesnt want to speak up bc it is not "correct" and "bad". It is time to raise the flag and see who solutes it... no pun intended.

Ohh er du skudt i hovedet?
Google det for du snakker.
I Danmark er vi 2000 joder, desuden er der virkeligt mange ikke troende men kulturelle joder.

Gud bevare Danmark, må antifa straffes som de landsforrædere de er.

No worries, they will get atleast 3 years on prison

fucking kek

Yeah, I can safely say that the the whole "new-proggresive" hoard came seeping in over here through the black pete discussion, which in itself is completely ridiculous.
The frighting thought, is that I've come to realize that the SJW cabal started to pressurize our government leaders into accepting this through the UN.

I honestly belief if certain ministers would have rightly told the UN to fuck off, they in turn would completely slander these figureheads and tarnish their reputation internationally.
And that the government did eventually bend to the will of a few, select, "unprivileged" Surinamers is unprecedented and quite dangerous indeed for social stability and will only lead to worse things to come.

Remember, the same people who will burn the flag of their home country are the same people who want you to "save the environment"

What's the basic gestalt here, Danebros? What the actual fuck are these people's problems? Are they triggered because they want to live in an outright communist autocracy, and all that modernity, freedom, and prosperity is fucking up their commie leaping?

What do you suggest?

True. Hope to see a day where we can take pride in our nation.


It's because they never experienced any sort of challenge in their life, that they think they can act without consequences.

*commie larping

spell check doesn't like larping

can you say post-modernism... obviously you need to watch Jordan B. Peterson, Canada and C-16 you can go from there on your own. save your father



Thats why South Africa is such a blessed multicultural Utopia

People in great countries do this because they compare their country to the perfect country they have made up in their heads and not other real life countries that exist today or did in the past.

It's good to want things to be better but it's horrible not realize how amazing things are historically and how many people had to sacrifice to get to the current level.

They're just spoilt brats who style themselves anarchists, because it's cool and edgy.
Some years back, the owner of the place they hung out sold it, and the new buyer demolished it, and the flipped the fuck out.
They broke everything in sight and set fire to the rest.
I didn't really keep up with the story, but it seems the government chickened out in the end and rebuilt the place.

Well said burger

This. They are used to pampered by society and they eventually grow bored with it and decide to this edgy and cool shit.

Their fucking facial expressions almost pisses me off as much as the flag burning "look at men I'm such a fucking rebel and cool"

What other user said, you're doing a national service.

Had the opportunity to live in DK for a few years for uni, brilliant country. Breaks my heart to see this.

Tusind tak. You're doing gods work, user.

At me*

Kek, have a (you).

That lot is still empty lol. Makes me happy every time I see it.

Dayum, that bitch is made for da' big chilean cock

we will send you a bus full of Croatians, they'll fix your communist problem in no time

Fucking phone auto correct

they do indeed look painfully naive, soft, and cherubic - if only they could experience the reality of what they're promoting. The obscene suffering they'd endure would make their rose-cheeked heads spin. Their ignorance is incredible.

What is their reasoning for this? Is it just "muh oppression" like in the US.

Are they angry that we aren't letting enough Achmeds and Jamals in?

You're going to have to start taking matters into your own hands. It won't be easy and it will be dirty. You may got to jail or worse but it's a risk you're going to have to take.

I'm tired of seeing this shit also. If you do nothing they win, if you do something and win you will be a hero.

What you must do will depend on the circumstances of your situation and your country.

Good luck.

I still think we can win the proper way. Our right wing parties seem to grow stronger every year and our police fuck these commies up when they get out of hand.

OH for fucks sake! you guys better fix your shit before we get to travel to denmark to kick commies

If what they are doing is illegal then you will need to unmask and report them to the authorities.

You only need to identify 1 of them and once the cops put pressure on that one the others might be identified by him or her as well.

That's good to hear.

More like the imaginot line, senpai.

>mfw we only took a tenth of the refugees Sweden did

The image was posted somewhere and probably has her name right next to it. If the police do nothing then it's more evidence for police corruption.
This shit needs to be done properlike so the bluepills will tag along when it's time for the lynch mob to activate.

that's infuriating - how utterly dense and myopic can they possibly be? Not realizing they're residing in comparative luxury... under some perverted impression that violating the trust, honor, and solidarity of your countrymen and culture is anything other than repugnant - and extraordinarily counterintuitive considering the opulence and stability they enjoy as a result of having been born into such a great land

They must have supremely low self worth coupled with a major identity crisis AND gargantuan sense of entitlement to be pulling a clownish stunt like this - reality won't coddle them forever

First Sweden and now Denmark!?
Jævla fitter!

Another Northern European country falling, pathetic.

I am looking everywhere and intensly for a source. I really want to find these scums!

does this shit happen in Norge too?

Tfw you dident listen

The jew problem stems from the grab they have on american politics. The jew dont really need to care much about Denmark, because Denmark is so small it will automatically follow in the footsteps of the big bro merica', it is kind of how it is for the entire western world. All western nations follow in the footsteps of what merica wants because it's a unipolar world.

I know their kind. We have them here as well, and they are the same caliber as danish AFA.

Basically, this is a silly game of protest for them. They are ill prepared for actual political violence. The day push comes to shove, maybe 1/10 of them will have the guts and determination to actually fight. Seriously, just look at the guy, or whatever that's supposed to be, at the right of the picture. They guy with the wild backslick mohawk. That's not someone who will be able to handle a fistfight.

The far right, over here, on the other hand, are committed. Physical exercise, discipline, and a culture of sacrifice and preparation for actual battle.

The battle will stand between the european right-wing youth and Islam. AFA is nothing.

Where did you find this OP? If it's from some fb event it should be easy enough

There are still alot of jews in danish media, and much more so in swedish media.

Meanwhile the two-faced Jews tell us we should be more like Scandinavia, especially Sweden.

We almost became Sweden(1500s) or Germany(1864). The flag doesn't have much meaning, like nationalistic, other than the feeling of happiness.