Why does the Alt Right attract so many losers?

Why does the Alt Right attract so many losers?


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People just want to fit into different groups and tribes. It's part of human nature. Leave the losers alone lol.

Tell them to stay the fuck in the basement then.

What is with all this gaslighting?


>projecting this hard

Mike doesent look like that, sage fag

yes he does faggot.

Fringe politics always attract a few oddballs, yet the far right attracts better and smarter people while the left is losing them.

You could have a conversation with pretty much anyone on the far right but almost nobody on the left, they just screech autistically about racism and homophobia. Just check out the Chris Cantwell interview of That Guy T. youtube.com/watch?v=7QYL4w3V_mo

As for the radical centrist crowd, they're just being massive faggots patting themselves on the back for going after the low hanging SJW fruits.

>Fringe politics always attract a few oddballs
>i-i-it's only a few, guys! I swear!

The same reason the Left or any other political movement does; it gives the losers a group to feel accepted in. Virtue signaling is rampant on both sides.

he isn't alt-right he is fucking Trump guy that is all.

Who cares, he's much more articulate and entertaining than anyone the left produced in the past 20 years and I could think of a dozen other guy like him.

The cat is out of the bag, you can talk shit all you want but you have nothing on /ourguys/ because the left and radical center is such crap. They've been in power too long and got lazy and sloppy.

Why would any ideology that's against the current system attract winners of the current system?

Because the system we are living under is producing more losers than winners

found your pic. Not looking good for FN in the legislatives next month!

because one of the things a person cant control and decide about himself is his race, so people who failed at the important things they CAN control, latch on to their race, because according to the bogus belief they force themselves to adopt they didnt "fail" there.

in other words, the only thing they have "success" in, is the one thing they cant control, their race.

Great retort!

I am a loser.
I don't have nice clothes (cause I don't still live in mom's house).
I didn't follow my dream (so I have a job I hate).
I don't have a lot of friends (because they are adults and have real jobs too and families so we barely see each other).
So yeah, I'm a loser in your dictionary.

Fuck off Schlomo. Not even the Left trusts you anymore.

>Blackpillers Love school shooters.
Nice textbook straw man

t.reddit leftcuck

Why don't you leave your ethnostate and emigrate to Iran or Egypt champ

It didn't work with the homosexuals and their closet

Implying the Left isn't full of dorks too. Admittedly white people are demoralized by decades of guilt-tripping and indoctrination but more and more and rejecting the neo-liberal/conservative status-quo. Things are changing, fast.


Why are you so salty?

All we want to do is to abolish the concept of Jewishness and Jewish privilege.

Semite fragility, I swear...

Go back to your gay little discord kike goon

>calls jew "Schlomo"
>add pic of conspiracy "jew"

my point proven.

looks like a bunch of normies

Anyone have the picture of the literal jew Cushman from chapo-trap house?

There is nothing inherently wrong with that picture. What's your argument, that only pretty people should count? it's kinda retarded, don't you think?

That's kinda the point

THE Chapo trap house fags literally all have neckbeards.

Seize the means of production cumrag


Same reason why Antifa attracts losers.

If you are a winner in contemporary society, you wouldn't be driven to an extremist ideology.

why did you confuse my logical explanation with saltiness?

your poor rebuttal proves my point.


This is what the hosts of Chapo Kike House look like.

Who wants their full dox?

this isn´t a conspiracy
it´s like calling the alt right and their actions a "pro white conspiracy"
This woman admited to do it just like the alt right did

>fat braindead amerisharts talking over an image with melon pan
for fuck sake, do some research if you want to sound and look smart
the picture debunks the whole video and makes amerisharts look even more stupid
USA is literally a third world country when it comes to education and intelligence

At least that's just fanart, as opposed to...

That would sting more if Sup Forums didnt reject the "alt right" from day 1.

it's a normie thread now?

Israel is hardly an ethnostate. rich race mix, and rich cultural mix.

and jews did live in many in muslim states. they were prosecuted, deported or murdered.

>two skinny fats and a regular fat


Lol kill yourself numale effeminate leftcuck. I bet you are some kike living in Brooklyn or something. Day of The Rope soon Shlomo

they don't really look that different. The left is just a good picture with some kind of instagram filter.

>implying I'm "alt-right"


You have no point, just cheap rhetorical tricks to fuck with the Goyim. Look up every bit of anti-white fuckery and you'll find a kike involved. Everyone that isn't a neo-liberal/conservative shill is sick of your shit, just give it a rest.

Are these numale commiecucks part of the (((alt left)))?


mfw leftists be like alt right looks like losers LOL

Stay mad turboautist commiecuck neckbeard

Chapo is good as hell though


No need for dox I bet they are numales living in NYC and at least 2 of them are kikes

Because he closet is metaphorical and the basement is very really, lol

who the fuck is this woman? and how many non jew, 100% white people, i can show you that said radical anti nationalist anti white things?

total waste of time.

These all look like rather typical software engineers, data scientists, etc. What, you think the people in those fields all look like square-jawed chads? kek


You obviously have never listened, awful take

because we're an entire nation of losers now. where have you been? all the real men are gone. we have one of the lowest testosterone, and sperm count in the world. we're fucked for two generations until we get our shit in order.

B ump

Im glad those super cool Marxists told me about all those beta loser basement dwelling alt-right Nazis. WTF?!?! I LOVE NIGGERS NOW!

you've gotta admit, most of the retards on TRS and all the people who follow Richard Spencer, and all the green frogs on twitter, and the vast majority of "white nationalists" on Sup Forums are social failures with very low IQ.

Why is the guy on the far left of the picture holding up the "two gender" sign

another extremely weak argument. you've proven yourself unworthy of a logical debate. now post a jewish caricature and "win".

They still have a higher IQ than 99% of niggers who honestly are not even human

It's actually pretty accurate.

Funny how just a few years ago all of you ironybro fags were making nigger jokes on somethingawful, would be a shame if that got out wouldn't it?
A bunch of faggot STEM nerds with no success with women calling other people incel is pretty ironic.

Double the IQ of the average irony bro who fingers his asshole and is obsessed with the alt-right despite how much he claims to feel superior to them.

Truly contemptible faggots.

>nu- Sup Forums rather sides with neckbeard ironoybro socialists than therightstuff because of some bad pics of one of the hosts

Why didn't they try just being themselves?

At least all the liberal and left-wing STEM nerds have jobs.

These are the people that are calling you incel LOL

her name is on the picture
barbara spectre
she once talked about creating a multiracial country where white people have no say and jews rule over displacable work units
she argued that jews are superior and must exterminate white society and white solidarity to allow jew to rise to the top of society because of their superiority

she is/was (i honestly don´t know and am too lazy to look it up) in the swedish gouverment

she is a batshit crazy lunatic

I would say your right, but it's perhaps more to with the types of people who commit having way less to lose than say average Joe who agrees with 100% of everything they say, but because he has a wife, family, job etc cant commit.

It literally isn't, they actually criticize Bernie pretty routinely and viewed him as a compromise
Lol stay mad


I think basement is metaphorical too, prolly the same room they grew up in or maybe the attic or Grandma's house

LOL the average ironybro faggot hasn't graduated or only has their bachelors. Most of them are shitlib arts major who work as baristas, not an exaggeration. Shut up and make my coffee bitch.

Dude (lady? even I don't know lol) in the middle with the white shirt isn't part of the show. Must be from Katie Halper's.

You can tell that dude would look fine if just got a haircut and shaved. He's not a mutant like you find on the Alt Right.

>u mad u mad

Not as mad as the ironybros who obsess over barely relevant right wing podcasts.

The dirtbag left hits on and get rejected by below average hillary voters like the ones in these pictures.

Do you have a source for that claim? I provided mine. If you work in STEM, you should know better than to make claims without data to back you up.

At least that guy is white not some ugly hook nosed inbred kike monstrosity hipster from Brooklyn


>he-he's not u-ugly


Low test jews calling anyone else incel is just ridiculous.

Rebuttal?! Why would anyone with a sound mind bother debating a Jew? I'm just having a bit of fun.

But let me correct our premise a bit:
- People like Margaret Mead and Stephen Jay Gould fraudulently deconstructed
- The Postmodernists turned all culture into a political struggle
- Multinational corporations made everyone into a rootless interchangeable cog

The fuck did you think would happen?

This guy's skull shape and body in general can best be described as "non-euclidean"

This guy is nothing when compared to weirdos on the left.

>a-a-a-a-t least they're not jewish, right guys?
>superior aryan genes

You sound like a faggot ass nerd.

Faggot stem bro cries out for a source as you push his head into the metaphysical locker of social discourse.

>le grey wolves xD

Oh look a leftcuck jew hipster from Brooklyn. It can't get more stereotypical than that. lol

This shit coming from one of "the chosen people" is so hilariously ironic.


Do these look like the guys that beat you up and called you a queer in high school?

that's some random nobody. Meanwhile the Alt Right's leader has bitchtits.

The far right attracts mostly losers because they have no successes so they latch on to the one thing that they "succeeded" at which was race. There are a few intelligent people in fringe movements but they're voices are drowned out by the autistic kekistan virgins

You are terrible at this. Very low energy


leftypol isnt even trying