It's OK to fund terrorists, attack the only secular nations in the middle east...

>it's OK to fund terrorists, attack the only secular nations in the middle east, blame Iran on being radical while on a visit to Saudi Arabia, further the greater Israel project and continue every foreign policy you criticised before...
>as long as SJWs are butthurt. Fucking libtards. kek #MAGA!

you shills really are going all out today aren't you

I've probably been on this website longer than you, son. I won't deny it, I got hyped by Trump too at the beginning, but then he showed how much of a kike he is. I wish I was paid to shitpost on a Panamian basket-weaving community, though.
And before you bring out the same stale pics and pastas, no, Hillary wouldn't have been better.


>morocco nigger
>valid opinion
pick one and only one
sage btw

We're both from third world shitholes, what are you even trying to imply?

try again faggot
2nd world country here
none of that nigger retardation
only commie retardation for me thank you


>implying cold war definitions of those terms matter anymore
>niggers in North Africa

>implying known facts that are still considered facts matter anymore
>no sandniggers in north africa
sandniggers are a subspecies of regular niggers stop kidding yourself

>Caucasians are a subspecies of negroids

How come Moroccans and Tunisians are the only Arabs who usually have no body hair? I find that so sexy :^)

Yep I'm very disappointed in Trump

Depends on the individual desu
Can't forget that berbers are not arabs either so there's that too

uhhh, try again sweetie
Asians and Caucasians are the only 2 species that accomplished anything
thus categorizing humans into 2 subspecies
Aryans and niggers

Next time I'm going to vote for someone else

>not Caucasians
Also, are you actually implying there was a better place to live in in 1000 AD than Al-Andalus? Or that the Abbasid caliphate wasn't a pinnacle of art and science?

Of course, we were kinda shitty after that, but each civilization has had its peak at one time

That's kind of a letdown though, all I ever wanted is a cute smooth Moroccan or Tunisian bf :(

in the end he used the hillybillies to his personal gain. cucked again

>islamic golden age meme
>bastion of art and science meme
>implying all of north africa isn't arab meme
nice memeing friend


>meme meme
>implying implications
good memes

>meta memeing
stop it

I'm toying with forces far beyond my power but it feels so good!

you realize that you forfeited your argument when you criticized my memes instead of my argument right?
feels good to be a winner

Arguments require a counter-point
Those were memes so I replied with memes

those were arguments explained through memes
you attacked my meme format therefore doing ad memeinem
i won
stop replying

You provided no substance at all, just quoted my points as if they were false
Also don't tell me what to do nerd

you lost stop it
stop replying right now

>dumb frogposter too
Like pottery

>implying a degenerate anime poster is somehow better