Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner is literally almost everywhere and in almost every picture, but we never get to see him talk.

What the fuck does his voice even sound like?

Other urls found in this thread:


It sounds like this "shot eat dan"

I've never heard him. To be that powerful...

Fun fact:
Jared Kushner is in charge of:
- relations with over a dozen countries
- reforming the criminal justice system,
- fighting the opiod epidemic
- embarking peace in the middle east
- revamping the entire federal government

I'm not even kidding, this is his actual job description. yet we never got to hear him

his voice is like any 'young' jewish. sounds a little dumb to what he "achieved"

Jews have a variety of voices

Id say you know that Israeli plant more than us.

Kushner is an effeminate and frail psychopath, instead of a strong and masculine one. This is a mixed blessing for the Zionists who want to make him their new messiah.

That he's effeminate allows him to appeal to the Mommy Party Democrat-globalists, who prefer their leaders young and with feminine energy (contrast with Daddy Party Republicans who like their leaders to be old grizzled males).

But that he's so unlikeable also means they have to build a complete PR image of him as a strong leader before the allow him to appear fully in public, otherwise the body politic will reject him. This is why even with all the talk of Kushner being "Shadow President" there is almost no video of him available anywhere. Everything is done with still images, carefully crafted to make Kushner and Ivanka look like JFK and Jackie. And even that task takes a great amount of effort, as the public's laughable rejection to the "Kushner At War" campaign during Kushner's Syria-bombing debutante ball revealed. Only when this belief is permanently cemented in the public's minds will the Zionists allow Kushner to appear widely on video.

One of the few videos of him:

In general it slides to the plus for them, because by being so seemingly harmless the public is less likely to recognize the danger he poses until it's too late. And of course Kushner himself knows this, and knows the Zionists will make him President as long as he doesn't fuck up, so he follows the script and smilingly prepares to lead the goyim to their doom.


>Jared Kushner is literally almost everywhere and in almost every picture
This is because they are already going 24x7 fabricating the myth of "Jared Kushner, advisor-negotiator-statesman" so they can make him the Zionist JFK.

Watch for him to be given credit for every major US event in the ME, until the myth of Kushner and Ivanka as JewFK and JewkieO becomes unshakeable in the public imagination.

Then the Zionists will make him the first Israeli President - and the Great Culling of the goyim will begin.


Trumps handler what do you expect.


i-i'm scared user

I thought he's /yourguy/? I'm confused


Yeah right, that kind of effort would require Jews to control all facets of media

kind of like pic related

he sounds kinda nerdy


This entire Trump presidency feels like one big gift to Ivanka and Kushner, to give them total power in the very near future. Trump plays the bad guy, and the media buys it hook, line, and sinker that his daughter and son-in-law are these very rational, incredibly competent and able people keeping the country afloat. Every fucking day that passes I feel like it's less about making America great again, and more making his children's legacy great, at any cost. I would respect the fatherly love, if not for the fact that this could potentially throw the entire goddamn nation under the bus for it.

I know. Silly idea since (((they))) tell us such control is impossible.

"Truth has a well known anti-semitic bias."

Kushner is actually a self hating jew ala fischer. He's one of the good guys


>This entire Trump presidency feels like one big gift to Ivanka and Kushner, to give them total power in the very near future
That's because that's exactly what it is.

But it's not Trump pulling the strings - it's the Zionist cabal that controls most of the world. Kushner has already been chosen to be their apocalyptic new messiah, and the next 4-8 years are simply the final steps to make that happen.

Not joking about the messiah business, that the people who back Kushner are genocidal Zionist supremacists, any of it. It may seem ridiculous, but what matters is the people who back Kushner - which include Rothschild, Soros, Netanyahu, Murdoch, the Russian oligarchs, the whole global club - absolutely *do* believe it.

And once they're in total control of the world's greatest killing machine they intend to act out their "End of Times" prophesy and destroy the world so the Jews will be delivered to their Promised Land. (The goyim get to die, though.)

More here:


Pretty much what I expected him to sound like

t. schlomo

Oh yeah, self-hating Jew, definitely.

Have a shekel, Schlomo.

i think you're spot on with your assessment of the situation.
did you happen to read the thread on the david icke forum from 2008ish about kushner being selected by the zionists/NWO as their leader? i think it's fucking strange that it's seemingly coming to fruition.

he is a mute, due to cult stuff


haha i know right, goy?

The Icke stuff is very unsettling, sort of like finding an obscure post from 1987 describing how 9-11 was going to occur.

Thanks for checking my analysis of this situation. If what we're talking about is true we're facing the greatest threat to human survival in history, and our goal must be to awaken and alarm as many other people as possible. And we must awaken people not just online, since that's Kushner territory, but also in human-to-human contact, since as a psychopath the real, human world is a place Kushner cannot go.

The real world of living, thinking, feeling human beings is a place the psychopathic Zionists, disconnected from land and body for so many thousands of years, are powerless. It is here, on the land and in our human bodies, we must stand and fight.

What does it mean?

"Prince Jared Prepares For Saudi Arabia"

Notice how the Zionists are preparing the world for a return to rule by blood-connected geo-financial families. Clinton, Trump, and Putin all have Christian daughters married to powerful Zionists. Murdoch's children and half Chinese, as are Zuckerberg's.

The Zionists have always coveted the world's thrones, which had been excluded to them because thrones were passed down via blood. It's taken a century of World Wars (ending rule by hereditary monarchy and instituting rule by finance, i.e. the bankers, was the reason for WWI+WWII), but the Zionists fully intend to finally overthrow and themselves become the blood rulers of the world.

Damn, even the Jews don't get to hear his voice??

This is so plausible that it's frightening.

He speaks through his puppet. Where do you think his left hand is, in that picture?

It sounds plausible because that's what's happening. And yes, it is absolutely terrifying.

Please, please, please, please tell anyone and everyone you can about this. They control media and money - but we have a 100,000x greater strength of numbers.

Like a cancer patient facing the truth I hate this explanation for what's happening, but I'm unwilling to stay silent and in denial and die. I'd rather live fighting on my feet than die on my knees. They *are* fighting us. Our only choice is whether we fight back.

Please spread the word and join our fight.

Notice the WaPo (owned by Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon) doesn't even try to hide that they want Kushner and Ivanka to "save" the globalists - here openly called "us" - from those who would defend America.

Chatsworth Osbourne, Junior. (Look it up. It's probably on youtube)

It's always the eyes. "Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...."

Another reason for keeping Kushner hidden until his media body is fully formed is if people were to see him in his true form they would intuitively recognize he's a psychopath.

Only when the Zionist media's preferred vision of Kushner as charming Prince is complete and can be successfully inhabited will (((they))) allow him to be seen by the people. Then when the people still recoil in horror the Zionists can blame the people themselves for their reaction and cognitive dissonance - "It's so anti-semitic to think Prince Jared is a psychopath. He only wants the best for everyone."



Like a serpent, SHOLOMO


Quick rundown:

>Jared Kushner is extremely smart, handsome, and rich. He is married to Ivanka Trump, so now he has political power as well.
>Very 1337
>His company bought 666 Fifth ave across from Rockefeller center for 1.8 billion dollars, which is the most ever paid for a single building in Manhattan.
>By comparison, Jerry Speyer bought 14 (FOURTEEN) buildings across the street in Rockefeller center from Mitsubishi for 1.85 billion. It's clearly an important site.

I'm pretty sure you're all just made that he is /sorted/ while you're just so /disheveled/

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

The Ashkenazi lord and the Aryan puppet.
Business as usual. OP's pic condenses our world.

The Aryan is manlier, has charirsma, good at attracting crowds...

The Ashkenazi is more intelligent and controls the Aryan like a puppet.

>yfw the fate of the entire world lies your hands

Probably whiny and high-piched, just as you would expect from a jew.

>you're all just mad we're Chosen and you're not
What an unexpectedly Hebraic claim.

just some rich nerdy guy.
he isnt in charge of shit. trump wouldnt give him much influence and people below him are probably more involved.

trump is just a family man. acting like kushner is satan and doing evil and bad deeds through trump for whatever reason is less believable than CNN acting like comeys note is important...

He's him speaking. Skip to 0:56


Beep bop booop human detected beep boop bop *uses Jew jew magic* beep bop boo *stares in jewish* bop beep bop *sues naturally*

what an incredibly good-goy hyper simplified generalization.

Go the fuck back to r/shabbosgoy you fucking kike

>sues internally
still kekking hard

a dragon's voice from the mouth of a lamb, jared kushner. he is mr 666.

"Nothing to see here, goyim. Return to your slavery."

Oh dear god he's autistic

Like actually

I'm up for this
would totally vote for either kushner or uvanka

You ever watch the Nanny?


That is how he sounds.

Go home Jon, you're drunk

That's why the Zionists have to keep him hidden until they can manufacture the artificial image of him as Great Leader.

Once the media image is solidified then any problems with Kushner - his voice, his effeminate manner, his desire to kill all the goyim - can be laughed off by the MSM as mere quirks.

Michael Cera

And manufacture the image of "Prince Jared, Great Leader" the Zionists and their MSM absolutely will.

From today's LA Times.

No, I think it's just extreme intelligence at the cost of the autism.

No, Kushner was never all that smart. His criminal psychopath father had to write a check for "the Harvard number" to get Jared into Harvard - since Kushner was not smart enough to get in on his own. He's not all that successful as a businessman, his "billionaire" status derives from being given charge of the family fortune, and even at that his decisions have been poor and he's lost money.

What Kushner is beyond measure is *ruthlessly ambitious*.

And like virulence in a cancer, that's not a good thing for the host body.

I can't believe Kushner gets to fuck Ivanka every night. Imagine his thick Jewish cock sliding into her sweet, shaven, European pussy. Just thinking about it makes me wet.

he talks too much, but says nothing
he speaks very fast, autism?

It doesn't matter what Kushner the person is or is not (except the psychopath part, that's gonna be a huge fucking problem).

The Zionist MSM is going to manufacture an ***image*** of what "Jared Kushner" is and then by way of deception make him President.

Finally a good thread emerged, bump

Thanks. I'd like to think of these as more "terrifying warning" than "good," but we need the support in any form.

Please spread the word. This is Paul Revere time.

Kushner is a part of the elite bloodline. Trump only won because they let him to get Kushner in. Trump himself also has elite bloodline but not nearly as powerful as Kushner. Only enough that his daughter was suitable enough for marriage.

t. john boliver cuck

Kushner's father did prison time for scamming people. That's not elite, that's being a piece of shit kike.

It was rigged for a similar outcome regardless of which "side" won. Both Clinton and Trump are ultra-wealthy New York elite, with princess daughters married to powerful Zionists.

You're right about the overarching plan being to unite through bloodline the ruling geo-financial families. They will then create, own, and control all the world's money. And since the goyim will have been Bezmanov-demoralized, race-mixed, and migrated into a rootless, history-less, country-less brown mass that will only know the Zionist worship of money and consumption, the goy neo-Jew slaves who survive (about 1B, 6B will be culled) will be condemned to worship their Zionist neo-Pharaoh-gods forever.

And trump is doing all this to secure his daughter at the jew seat to control the world. It all makes sense now. Trump is trying to become a jew

hes like a little michael cera

Oh, it was far uglier than just scamming people (which Charlie Kushner definitely did - he boasted of only paying 20% of what he owed to people because the people who trusted him couldn't fight back).

The part where he paid a hooker $10K to seduce his sister's husband and then sent his sister the videotape to be played at a family party was a daddy-Kushner highlight.

More here:

Did Michael Cera want to bring about the death of 6 billion goyim?

("Muh 6 billion" is the Zionists' Holocaust™ number, times 1000 - as retribution for not saving the Jews from their imagined Hitler-Pharaoh extermination.)

Here's why it was so important to Kushner's cult that they own the 666 Fifth Ave. building.

They paid far more than they should, were they to be simply buying a building. But that building meant much, much more to them - and so they paid whatever it took to acquire it.

666 in Judaism is not a "satanic" number, because the very notion of "Satan" and being "anti-Christ" only has meaning in a belief system that accepts Christ - which by definition Jews do not. The notion of "false" messiah arises only when there's a "true" messiah to whom to compare.

Without the notion of Jesus as the "true" messiah, leading to life beyond this plane, any other messiah is just fine and dandy. And the more power and pleasure that messiah offers, the better a messiah he is.

In Judaism 666 is a *holy* number. It represents the pinnacle of achievement on earth (and again, since there isn't acceptance of anything after in Judaism, that's a *great* thing).

That's why the Christians would have "666" as the sign of the anti-Christ: because to worship as God money and power in the mortal plane is to be misled (we're back to the Snake again). It's the warning to not be tempted by those who would offer riches in this world at the price of losing everything in the world that comes after (the temptation of selling one's soul).

So 666 Fifth Ave., as the most expensive building in the world, is Kushner and his cult's shining advertisement, his clarion call (not "Satanic," because Christ to them is just a fairy tale):

"We have the power. We lead the way. Follow us."

holy fug this shit is scary
good thread, bump

Here's a rabbi explaining why to Jews 666 is a holy number:

>The number 666 has significance as the numerical value of the Hebrew verse: "Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai – Now, I pray, let the Power of my Lord be great." (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe's prayer invoking Divine Mercy on behalf of the Jewish People.

>"Mosad Hayesod" cites the Vilna Gaon's commentary on the Zohar that "the number 666 contains hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential." No other explanation is offered there.

>We do know that the number six represents the physical world. The Torah describes the creation of the universe as a six part, six day, process. Our ancient sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions – north, south, east, west, up, down – from a central point. All physical space and all physical objects have these six dimensions.

>666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose, to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.

It's all about *power*. And again, since there's no metaphysical notion of afterlife all that matters is the score one tallies up in this one. The more power and money and fame one has, the more one is seen as being blessed by G-d.

This is why they need (((Kushner))) to be President. Because then he will be seen by their followers as being Chosen by G-d, the new messiah, to lead the Jews to ultimate power - and the rest of humanity to suffering and death.

It doesn't matter whether you believe this is true. What matters is *they* believe it - *and they intend to act on it*.

Kushner's model for Chabad America will be Postville, Iowa.

(go read about how the Lubavitchers - of which Kushner is one - raped, eviscerated, and left to die the town of Postville, Iowa)

> I have no idea what I'm talking about - the post

Anti-Christ" is a Christian misnomer. The man is properly called the Towrahless One .

Yahowsha(Yahowah saves, muh Jebus) was the Ma'aseyah , which means the Implement or tool of Yah.

probably sounds like a whiny faggot, like all jews do

He speaks in satanic runes.
Look at that face, that is the face of someone who is literally struggling to hold a demon inside, it's like hillary's bizzarre expressions & facial contortions she had when she was at her pathetic rallies.

Ever seen a pornnstart try to talk while deepthroating

Kinda like that, only deeper.

I've always wondered if, whether consciously or not, western society is self-fulfilling the prophecy of its own deterministic mythology. Was Christianity a psyop?


Societies create myths and religions from their own unconscious inner truths, to be held as external symbol and ritual until such time as they can be consciously re-integrated into the collective psyche.

Thus they must always be deterministic, since they were created from within us, and for the divine purpose of leading us back to ourselves.

Here you go,


i thought jews weren't allowed in SA

you sound deranged




ok , so like 30% of harvard students then...