Huma Abedin Files For Weiner Divorce

>On May 19, Huma Abedin filed for divorce from former Rep. Anthony Weiner hours after Weiner pleaded guilty to sexting with a minor in a federal court. The divorce filing was brought as “Anonymous vs. Anonymous” in Manhattan Supreme Court. Abedin, a former top aide to Hillary Clinton, had long stood by her husband’s side.

She's free user. What shall we do with her.

>that chin

>Literally stuck with a confirmed and admitted pervert until he was convicted

Let her wither away as part of the failed Clinton regime

hung with the rest on the day of the rope

Post the non redacted titty shot bro

such an obvious tranny

tits of gtfo

This please

Indians/Pakis are truly fucking nasty bitches. I fucked one that had green eyes and pale skin, really enjoyed myself, but the ones that don't have a fuckton of colonized DNA are just *projectile vomit sounds*. Truly the niggers of Asia.

I got this from another user last night. The user never supplied the uncensored version.

remove black bar

go worship a dead juu Dinesh D'Souza lmao

Where is that from???

is this a shop

> (OP)
And you think we want to end white race by race mixing.

God damn it!

She can join Clinton and Podesta in front of the firing squad.

so Huma doesn't like the Weiner anymore?

How do you not impregnate that multiple times?

Unedited version please.

not gonna lie, former trump supporter here, Weiner's impending gym accident will sadden me deeply

Yeah, it only took how many fucking years? Jesus, what a dump cunt

Not before doing a calendar spread



Iranian women are freaks. Theres a 70% chance she might have a porn career soon

You're too busy sexting 15 year olds

I'd give her my elongated potato alright

That's clearly who face shopped onto someone else's. She has some tummy flab irl

pics shopped

She is wearing a bra


We'll end the white race by being the #1 income earning and wealthy community in the USA, while we stick to a strong culture founded on worshiping strength and virility, rather than the weakness and slave-worship of the christ god. And now I'm gonna charge you more for gas, motels, prescription drugs, money management, and engineering. Because that's what we're good at, unlike you whites and your need to racialize everything.

no clit. her mom had it cut off. Do not want.

Nope, he's pretty much politically and socially dead. He's of no use to her now.

me 2

she's not iranian

Huma is from Saudi Arabia.

Haha really?

So Huma is a degenerate just like Anthony. Good to know

>ywn be Huma's little boy
>ywn nut on her feet and be called a good boy.

Our women are way classier and GOAT than poos (inb4 goatfucker) when need be. You know nothing burger cuck.

Encrypted Blackberry in hand..

Foot fetish is next to cuckoldry in the degeneracy pyramid.




Same word for Paki woman and goat in your languge right?


what a cuck


I kiss feminine feet while ramming them.
What the fuck is your problem.
Feminine feet =/= guys feet.


This means we get the DNC trial we were denied during the campaign?

The thing is.
For Paki the whole Big white cock meme is not even a joke.
Its the most searched porn related term in your place
Keep on starring at my dick brown boi

>What will >WE do with her
What we do best? Not have sex with her?

I'm thinking she has a very hairy muff

Cant compete with your pig fucking abilities

Then why are Indian Americans higher earners in America then all whites, including Jews?

Looks like you whites got outniggered

It's funny because you're implying that fucking a goat is any better than fucking a pig.
Lol fkin goat fucker

Kissing feet is an act of submission, cuck.

mfw you're confidence is adorable



It's because they are goats, user.

Kissing feet is an act of loving everything about their naked ass. I love big asses and tits with nice feminine feet.
Go watch your hentai fucking pedoweab.

Hey guys dont forget Seth Rich is going to put all the fucks in jail. Spread the word to the normies. We can't let this story disappear a second time. (((They))) are already trying to paint this as a flat-earth tier conspiracy.

because there are a billion to choose from, and whites, being superior at choosing, are brain draining you

Newfag lurk ffs

hilldawg will take her in and work huma over with the same strap on she uses on bills rectum.


this was in the Trump thread yesterday - there's no uncensored version, the guy only posted and it's got to be a shop, anyway

thats a very big black bar

why do indian/ paki women have the nicest feet?

>seen crying on the plane


>seen crying on the plane

Well to be fair, her whole life did go to shit in the span of 4 or 5 hours.


i know why

When would anyone need it?

You're just trying to hide that she's really a man and doesn't have any tits.

she's so fucking hot, I would wrap her legs around my face so fast

>Her name was Huma Weiner

Inb4 Hilliary divorces Slick Willy and they both get married.

i-i-is that hillary on the right?

>Ex female PM of Pakistan

Keep posting your cheap whores from trashy bollywood in class category. Poo. You'll always be poo in loo m90

Put in her in front of a firing squad along with her husband and The DNC

you sound upset.


Poo in loo.


Made me so happy and I laughed so hard.

Can someone redpill me on abandoning your husband when the chips are down? Isn't the whole point of marriage that you stick with the person no matter what?

>the best pakis are almost white

It's a shoop

Pakis just took a proverbial shit onto the Loos


The reflected mirror doesn't look like huma's hair reflected back.. too straight, humas shows more curves and curls and head is hunched forward in the mirror - whereas huma is head is straightened up posture.

not when they are a pederast and you have a young child.

>sticking by the person who is a confirmed pedophile



thats a fake shoop. Kind of surprised no one has posted the sauce with the real person in OP's pic

Id drop my seed in huma multiple times wew