Say it with me Sup Forums "MUH IQ TESTS" hurrrrr

Say it with me Sup Forums "MUH IQ TESTS" hurrrrr

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red pill thread?

yes, red pill thread!

What do the M and V mean? Male and Vagina?

Haha OP blacks DO score lower on Iq assessments!!!! Seee gotcha liberaltard!!!!

No, you fucking morons, no. What is in dispute is what "intelligence tests" actually measure and why, if IQ is genetic, it seems to be increasing more or less, at the same rate, across ALL races. See, if you fucking racist idiots would take a step back and take the dick out of your ass- you could actually make sense of the data your brains are too tiny to understand. Alas, this is Sup Forums and Sup Forums never changes

Idk asian vaginas?



iq is quite important to be honest

proof men have the smartest AND the dumbest