Anyone notice how Reddit has somehow managed to get even more radically left/SJW since the election?

Anyone notice how Reddit has somehow managed to get even more radically left/SJW since the election?

I know you all hate them, but they have a scary amount of influence on the millennial culture.

wtf happened?

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can't say I have noticed this, because i don't go on fucking reddit. please go back

People thought is was cool

They shut down coontown and fatpeoplehate.

Echo chamber, same as here.

I check in there once in a while. They're the 4th most visited site on the Internet. They're important and simply ignoring Reddit won't somehow help the right.

>inb4 go back

I browsed that site for a while back in its infancy and now literally 2/3rds of the front page is crying about trump, some numale shit and more crying about trump.

When it was first around the only douchey default subredit besides politics was atheism.

Of course they did
/r/atheism used to be a default too

>millenial culture

Go back.

We don't ignore them to "help the right," we don't go there because it's a cancerous website and nobody there is worth interacting with.

If you think it's political then you're more new that I thought. Sage.

why the fuck are you going on reddit.

Plebbit is ghay, it encourages virtue signalling and circle jerks. They need their own chan, it'd be interesting to see how plebbit chan would go..

>Every post tripfag
>Bots on bots
>Blaming Canada, range ban Australia
>No refunds

I go full red pill on anyone who admits to being a plebbit noob irl, with positive results generally.

they didnt become more radical, theyre just being spammed with bots and left wing organizations + collusion with the admins. their practices are merely more radical.

Nah, they're just a lot more overt in bot usage.

how would I notice that?


t_d is actually right that reddit is overrun with shills. They're actually linking right to the fucking shareblue website in /r/politics for chrissake.

A decent chunk of it is a combination of bots and ShariahBlue shitposts. Shills and reddit admins made a deal.

It's just like every other kike influenced outlet. They didn't change after the election they just got worse

Most redditors are lower-middle class or jobless, depressed, liberal Millennials.

Their strength is solely in numbers and not much else.

But it is important not to underestimate the power of quantity when it comes to cultural/political influence, regardless of how moronic the average member is.

My pal who goes to reddit says it's full of trumplets and alt-righters.

You wouldn't know this if you weren't from there. You're not welcome here nigger.

This. Never been on the site, and never plan to. The way Sup Forums has made it out to be, why would i?

the format is atrocious

>wtf happened?


I'm really disgusted right now with Reddit. I do use the site a lot and lately they changed the algorithm so a single subreddit would not occupy the whole r/all, this because r/The_Donald was all over r/all and the whole liberal mods didn't like it. After that, the liberals literally created literally 50 subreddits against trump and also started up-voting anti-trump shit in non-political subreddits so anything would come to r/all. But this is not even the problem, problem is the content, they brought fake news shit like "trump is shouting at his TV at the white house" and the comments is filled with people circle-jerking themselves, talking what each one want to hear. I think it's really sad because Reddit could be politically neutral but it's visibly giving way more space to liberal agenda and letting anything that's against trump shit pass without bating an eye.

>wtf happened?
Jews, you retarded little goy.


look it up faggot
think about how easy it is to manipulate an echo chamber that has a like/unlike system.
its why we hate reddit cuz its the opposite here where literally no one gives a flying fuck who's behind these comments

The conspiracy sub and a few others are still valuable resources. I've been noticing people in the comments calling out all the anti-Trump spam recently. I think people are finally waking up.

Maybe you should make a thread about it.

go back to redit

I lurk on reddit just to catch any news that falls through the cracks here, and I can tell you it's asshurt atheist Bernouts who make reddit like it is. They're in an odd position:
>gotta reject muh silly sky warlock nonsense
>muh humanity, muh human accomplishment
>get suckered into the open borders, humanity first egalitarian bullshit
>turns out only a handful of human civilizations are capable of greatness
>can't be an atheist and be honest about race, since atheism and lefty open border bullshit are now so tightly interwoven
>Islam is flooding into civilized nations. Yea, Christianity was nice and tolerant of them and their unappreciative bullshit, but these violent beareded fucks are another kettle of fish entirely
>atheism numbers plummeting internationally as white Christians remain stable, while the fad of atheism is falling off
>last chance for glory, Bernie Sanders, loses

And there you have it.

I habe no problems with Mexicans as a people. almost everyone i have met, especially native Mexicans/ first gen Americans are decent people who will give you the shirts of their back if you are in need.
The problem is illegal immigrants who work for nothing, driving down wages for citizens of the US, while leeching off of the government. It just so happens that the majority of illegal immigrants in the US are from Mexico/central America.

this moment created a great epiphany for me..I was furious that the election could turn on such an arbitrary account of things as " try to establish the intent of the voter "

but that was the media saying that...not the law

the law stated exactly what was gong to happen, and even on what timeline it would occur on

we are now in that same position...a special counsel has been appointed to look into the russia issues or non-issues and associated things that may be known or not known to us

and the chips will fall where they will

not any amount of bitching, or spinning, or lying, or twisting or omission will stop it

and I am quite confidant on who I believe

please kill yourself

At this point, I don't believe it is real redditors.

I fully believe that reddit is being manipulated almost entirely by bots and TPTB.

Front page at any given time has:

>Love for whatever celebrity people SHOULD be loving
>Obvious ads for products posted by "everyday folk"
>Political character assassinations of literally anyone who opposes the reddit front page narrative

When you talk to redditors who aren't on reddit, they tend to express discontent with the direction of the platform and disagreement with many of the common trends there.

The influence early upvotes/downvotes have means that conversation is astoundingly easy to control on that website. You can create a front page post by giving something 5 early upvotes. You can deny it front page with 5 early downvotes.

If you think TPTB are just leaving it alone and letting the plebs have their free discussions in peace, you're a fucking retard.

Does it?
I have no idea what my generation is even up to.. hope they all die from it, whatever it is

/r/atheism is basically /r/christianpeoplehate

To investigate things and come to conclusions by yourself? To not be a blind lemming plugging your ears and going lalala because someone told you a website is "ooga booga" scary

>Anyone notice how Reddit has somehow managed to get even more radically left/SJW since the election?

If this where we pretend like subreddits like T_D and the Pussypass aren't part of reddit?

Yeah the shilling on that site is next level. Massive brigades or scripts that silence any opposing viewpoint that is not part of the narrative

Both of which are shunned by the site on a daily basis, whereas liberal subreddits routinely get botted to the front page, crudely.

Can we all agree that David Seaman is a complete retard?

Calls himself a journalist because he is willing to believe fucking anything lol. He doesn't even do research - just reads Sup Forums and voat.

Their cognitive dissonance must be off the charts. I'm starting to understand those college safe spaces, now.

I think it's kind of this. Realistically it's clear reddit is being manipulated, factually by at least the mods and owners of reddit (the whole manipulation of the front page algorithm), probably also by bots and shareblue money as well, but that's speculative and not as concrete. Secondly I think a large polarization happened with the election. Now you can't go to something "unbiased" like /r/politics if you're anything but a left wing nutjob, because it's so fucking retarded. Most defaults subs are just as contaminated, so eventually everyone who used to post on them (such as me), no longer does. All that's left is the insane people you see today.

>in b4 ledditor. I leddit cause Sup Forums is banned at my gym's wifi

nigga that is the most piss poor battlestation I have ever seen in my life.

look at this shit

their "neoliberal" hate Trump, same trump that's deregulating the marketing. it's the first time I see this kind of neoliberal, I think they should call themselves "neo socialists neoliberal"

To add to this, when used on the basis of opinion, the upvote/downvote system is incredibly damaging to open conversation.

Disagree with the masses? Haha, who cares, no one can see your comment.

the alt-right and the SJWs both fit perfectly into the elite's plans. divide and conquer, the more contentious and divisive they can make the political landscape, the more they can keep laughing all the way to the bank.

Until both left and right, Jew and Gentile, can unite against the globalists, Zionists, and Satanic child-abusers, nothing will fucking change. It's always gonna be two sides of the same "getting enraged and distracted over dumb bullshit" coin.

this is how OP

tldw: shills

I went incognito as a leftist on facebook groups and reddit; they need absolute obliteration.

>they have a scary amount of influence on the millennial culture
No they don't. Reddit has an influence on Redditors, not wider society. Only cringeworthy Plebbitors believe that Reddit is some important influencer in the modern world.

But that happens to everyone when they lose. Except for the Tea Party folks, nobody hated Obama when he first got in office. Even conservatives only started disliking him after the crocodile tears from >muh school shootings
and then we hated him for Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then hated for doubling the national debt, then hated for lying about what the ACA really was, then hated for negotiating the TPP in secret, then hated for betraying Israel and befriending Iran. Could go on but that's usually the way it works. Unless they run out of energy, but since they are jobless snowflakes, who knows.

Was it always like this? I don't remember it being this bad a few month ago.

I check in there maybe once a month so I could be wrong.

Was it always the male version of Tumblr?

Same here, it's a disgusting thing to see. The main difference I've seen between leftists spaces and right spaces online is the lefties are SO SERIOUS about themselves. No laughter or fun allowed. Here and elsewhere, the chance to pop off a well timed meme for lulz is welcomed; over there it's like Soviet Russia levels of somberness.


what is this, 2004 on Sup Forums?

wrong. boomers like redit. redit is like facebook where people get sick of old people talking to them so they stop using it

you grandma pking you on facebook or some one who sounds like your dad on redit its all the same. boomers dont fool any one. its sadder when they try to use slang. its almost like a alien trying to blend in

/r/the_donald became so fucking retarded that they turned to the left.

Fucking this. All weak ideologies are crushed under the boot of scrutiny, allowing only the strongest to survive. We can have an actual conversation here

When your ideology is inferior, you can gain ground by giving the appearance that your inferior ideology is the most popular ideology. By purging conservatives from reddit (or quarantining them and ensuring no one sees it by accident) and by flooding the media with fake give the appearance that your ideology is in the majority and your opponents is strange and unappealing due to low popularity. This has been the strength of owning all of media, it only works on people who wont seek out the truth. It does work on the normal folk though. You make destroying your culture, country, and heritage look cool and popular and it becomes more digestible, especially when you make protecting those values you seek to destroy look detestable and wrong. There will come a time when it will be shown that the vast majority of internet opinion and posts were fake. I guarantee it. Reddit i bet is under 50% legit normal person posting from one account, the rest is a flood of bots and opinion operations using paid poster.

Sorry not autistic enough to scroll vertically and horizontally to look through that shittily formatted image.

It's a decent place for fringe hobbies and sports, but the rest is trash.

Websites with a high degree of user autonomy tend to lean politically to the right while websites with a high degree of moderation tend to lean politically to the left.

Why does this happen?

Assuming it's all based on user preference, it would mean that people with conservative ideology are turned off by the idea of censorship and value freedom of opinion/expression while people with leftist ideology are turned off by offensive content and value the idea of "safe spaces".

Assuming it's all based on regulation of content, it means that conservatism can only exist in an open forum while leftism can only exist with censorship and ban hammers.

Take away the mods from Reddit and it would probably be relatively politically neutral, but mods make it a safe space for snowflakes.

Underrated beyond belief.

Less than a portion of 1% of reddit visitors actually post.

Most who post are butthurt millenial losers with no jobs.

There's your answer.

Also there are a lot of bots on reddit who massively upvote anything anti trump

If you look at it on a metascale you can see the narrative and see what they are really pushing for. Atheism was never about "i believe science and not stories about a god" it was always getting people to hate christians. Same goes with the 80's narrative about rebelling against your lame parents who don't understand, that was all about abandoning your traditions leaving a void they could fill. When you look at "public internet opinion" you can often see a narrative forming that seems interesting to think its just a coincidence. People are pushing narratives, some normal people fall in line and roll with it, but its seeded by people getting paid to do so. There are lots of bots and we all know AI in its current infancy can easily manufacture near discussion level comments at the owners discretion...not all that hard to flood a medium with narrative based opinion....then little johnny voidbrain goes to the comments section...sees everyone agreeing and goes (((i want to fit in and thinking this was lets me))) sooner or later hes on the web watering the seeds planted in his head and watching the shitplant grow. Remember what the globalists and elite are trying to sell people is their own destruction...they have to do a lot to make it appeal to is working but not fully.

This, the front page of reddit just reeks of shill city to me

>here's the new show you should watch!
>here's the new meme you should like!

it's gross

Only subreddit I frequent /watchpeopledie


look at this shit

The internet in general is contrarian, elect Trump and you disrupt the perception (accurate or otherwise) of total leftist dominance.

I've noticed that the kind of leftist Youtube videos that got downvote-bombed a year ago don't draw the ire that they used to.

Ironic about this picture Trump hired multiple Goldman Sachs people to work for him.

Only targeted sub reddits get on the front page

I don't go on deddit but the openly bitching about politics has spread like cancer to every site. IRL people are talking about it too, because of constant shilling by MSM. It's gotten harder to separate trolling from butthurt.

/r/neoliberal is the most obviously astroturfed community ever. Just look at the stats.

It's literally impossible that 12k people who are enthusiastic about neoloberalism just appeared in the past month.

This. Redditors fuck off.


Because reddit is the bastion of denial. I would rather have my hands cut off than make a single post there