Protip: You can't
Prove that Sup Forums is not a safe space
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Protip: you're a homo
and a leaf too
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lol wtf
Post an unpopular opinion and you'll get called shill,shareblue,CTR, or JIDF. This board is pathetic.
That you're able to post this lame thread is all the proof you require.
Everyone can post here and you won't get abnned for opinions.
yep, this is the proof of it:
Why is always a Canadian?How this is possible?Your population is fucking small how the fuck almost every shitpost is made by your kind?
I will now demonstrate, is everyone ready?
You just lost the game.
wow, i'm sorry your feelings got hurt faggot. maybe you would be better off over here
i love how none of these are actual arguments
Only stormniggers believe Sup Forums is their safe space.
You get called a faggot for saying and believing in faggot things. But you can still post your faggot opinions & your faggot leaf thoughts.
In a SJW safe space, dissenting opinions are silenced through banning, whether they're public or shadowbanning.
Sup Forums doesn't ban people for having wrong opinions. It calls you out for it and tells you to kill yourself because your ideas & beliefs are utter horseshit.
Yes, however, no one is willing to debate, or even consider listening to your opinion.
If no one is going to give a fuck about certain opinions just because they are against Sup Forums's narrative, mods might as well start banning them, there literally won't be any difference.
I am not asking people to be kind to me, I am just asking them to give a bit of a shit, that's all.
Most replies in this thread prove my point.
>I am just asking them to give a bit of a shit
No, that's on you to get someone to engage you in a meaningful manner. Nobody here has the obligation to engage your whims.
I know, I am not claiming that it is obligatory for them to do so.
The problem arises when no one gives a shit. You might as well shut up and fuck of to somewhere else at that point.
And people do exactly that, and now because of that, there is little to no diversity in opinions on this god forsaken board.
If all unpopular ideals fuck off (and they are about to), you will have a safe space on your hands.
Kill yourself.
The fact that they are visible insults is the argument you stupid fucking monkey.
sooo, i guess Sup Forums is not a safe space then?
nice argument dude.
Yes, and thanks.
you totally convinced me there.
good job my man!
Why does pol need to fall into what you categorise as a safe space? It certainly isn't a safe space in the traditional sense of the word
The fact that you are allowed to post this thread.
Prove your opinions aren't Marxist trash and then people will debate you or engage in conversation with you.
Any sort of Marxist-spawned beliefs are not to be debated, they're to be mocked, ignored, and cast into oblivion.
Sorry if I made you feel stupid. You should probably just try to think before you post.
You won't get banned if you say something stupid or disagreeable, we'll just call you stupid.
Whereas if I say 'nigger' once in public, it would ruin my life.
A safe space for what?
WTF do you expect us to be talking about?
Flowers and rainbows?
you post here.
Prove that this thread is not a slide thread
Protip: You can't
>no diversity in opinions on this god forsaken board.
If all unpopular ideals fuck off (and they are about to), you will have a safe space on your hands.
It's almost like diversity has to be forced, as people prefer to be with those similar to them. Rly maeks u thonk.
it gets infiltrated on a near minute by minute basis by various companies, legal bodies, feminists, redditors, and tumblrinas who try to challenge our thoughts (and inevitably fail).
2/10 bait made me reply
fucking leave this place if you hate it so much
It might theoretically not be one, but it practically functions in the same way. You rarely get to hear opinions that differ from your own. Every challenging idea is saged to oblivion without having a single valid argument posted against it.
People are not getting banned, i get that. But if nobody cares about ideas that differ from their own, its just yet another echo chamber.
and believe me we already have enough of those.
you have broadened my horizons dude.
Because it is, normies GET OUT.
In safe spaces ideas get banned because they hurt some faggots feelings where as on Sup Forums people just call you a nigger if you're being a nigger.
You nigger.
It's safe spaces and sameness of opinions that need to be forced, e.g. reddit. Here, diversity of opinions is inevitable, as is majority shared opinion.
nice argument my dude
Sounds like your opinion is trash. Please consider discarding it.
look at the catalog. this place is constantly raided by leftists and shills, they have a greater presence than anyone else here. leftypol is open about doing this, our mods are even from there
Because you can literally say anything you want and not get banned....
it's a safe space because it's safe to assume it's always A FUCKING LEAF
We don't care about other opinions because they're wrong. Liberals don't care about other opinions because they're afraid that those opinions are right.
Well, there is a lot of nuance to opinions here. But fundamental worldviews, as I gather, seem to be the same. We just have different ideal solutions.
You're here stupid faggot.
Leftist sites don't even HAVE comments and if they do all dissent (aka hate speech) is moderated to death.
And yet you faggots can come here posting your dumb shit all day.
>and get wrecked by people acquainted with reality
Stupid nigger people are debating with you RIGHT NOW
jesus you're one insufferable mother fucking cunt. this is the most purest forms of dialogue in the world since there are no consequences for saying anything other than being called a faggot. you're basically asking for affirmative action on ideals that are deemed shit by this forum
I suppose the fundamental worldviews of the leftists and shills constantly raiding us seem to be the same, too. It seems you've simply noticed that people who agree with you, agree with you, and assumed those are the only real Sup Forums users. This is not a safe space, but there are majority opinions. If there is such a thing as truth, it is arguable that it is inevitable that truth would become a majority opinion in any uncensored forum.
I'm sorry.
so you say something that people disagree with and they engage you in discussion
and that's a safe space?
Pol is my safe space. That's how I know I'm really fucked
David Brock is a white male.
>Anonymous message board
>Widely known
>Anyone can post
>You're post will be displayed like any other
No true Sup Forums user disagrees with me. I am Sup Forums: the person.
Is a spanish guy can make threads about communism wihout getting b&, Sup Forums is not a safe space
Your move leaf.
I'm a Satanist with an existential outlook who believes in individuality and the freedom of individuals to engage in any behavior they desire so long as it doesn't involve non consenting adults or children or animals. I reject socialist systems, especially when they're dressed up in hypernationalism like fascism and nazism.
Despite the fact that many on this website are the polar opposite of my beliefs we all still come here. Ideas and arguments stand on their own merit. The only real requirement is that you're smart enough to defend your ideology, and no ideologies are off limits.
Compare that to leftist safe space. The people who require such things are so intellectually bereft that they cannot adequately defend their own positions, so they must erase the opportunity for other positions to occupy the same space
you are here shitting the place up and your thread is still up meaning it's not a safe space
No it's not, stormniggers are fucking retards holding to a dead and despised leftist ideology.
It's only a safe space since the internet. Everything on the internet is a safe space. I eat faggots like you for breakfast. I would rip your heart out your fuckin throat boy. But you're safe you little keyboard jockey e-crusader cunting fucking piece of walrus shit aren't ya. I bet you're the type of sadsack that after a round with me you'll be needing a closed casket funeral you fuckin maggot. Id wring your neck like a dishtowel kid.
You must be either chromosome-enriched, have a death wish, or both.
Are you fucking kidding me. Half the posts in Sup Forums are rage inducing.
I'd mangle you and cook some con carne Chile out of your little monkey ass