Churches and Synagogues are harboring illegals

How did religion get so cucked?

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True Christians help the poor. The asswipe nutjobs pretending to be religious "leaders" have nothing in common with Christianity.


>"Greetings! Various people across the grand and mighty sprectrums of time, and indeed, the multiverse! I'm Alexander Gordon Jahans!"

Good. We can purge christfags and spics in one blow.

>let's kill all whites and spics
I like half of your plan.

Helping others doesn't mean your required to commit ethnic suicide.

Christcucks have always loved foreign filth, how are you just now finding this out? Who do you think have been importing the scum? Hell, at the church I go to the preachers families are illegal Colombians.

its the kikes and spics. gas them all. gas the niggers too.

Well, since Jesus encouraged giving of oneself to the point of self-harm I'd say yeah it does.

>christians help other christians over fedorafags

You have no idea what you are talking about.

I think its time that America takes a long hard look at churches having tax exemptions. Its the biggest money grab since the Jews took over.

Mexicans are christians. Christ wouldn't throw them out you faggot. If anything they have MORE of a right to be there than most (((americans))) have.

does this man know that his ideology is not genetic?

He's a fedora, they don't know shit.

they'll just tax your religion idiot

People indigenous to southern mexico have a right to be in Plains Indian lands?
Mmmmmk, I think your talking out of your ass on this one.

Christians have a right to be in christian lands. Skin worshippers can fuck off to whatever the fuck you came from.

>not welcoming your fellow christians

America is a Secular country though. Christians don't own it and have no right to give it away.

And would that mean you don't mind Syrian converts coming to Poland then, or would you be a complete hypocrite on that one buddy? I think we both know the answer to that one, even if you lie about it.

Help me sort them out.

>America is a Secular country though
THis is why it's garbage.
>And would that mean you don't mind Syrian converts coming to Poland then
No i wouldn't. They can take our fedoras if they want as well.

You're delusional.
Most Mexicans aren't truly religious at all.
My city is majority Mexican yet our parish is filled with whites. The Orthodox Church is filled with 1 Evangelical convert family and about 3 Greek/Slav families. No Mexicans.

Mexican's convert to Protestantism or Mormonism. Those "churches" give them free shit. A majority of Mexican "Christians" follow their own Indian folk religion mixed with random Catholic practices like rosaries.

Our seminarians are all white. The only Mexican ones were sent literally from Mexico to study here because so few Chicanos enter the seminary.
The Spanish language mass is performed by either the Spaniard priest sent from Europe or one of the priest's that learned Spanish in seminary(it's a requirement now)

>white faggot (((christians))) reject latinos from their communities
>act suprised then they are getting lost

>My city is majority Mexican yet our parish is filled with whites.
Maybe becouse latinos prefer to not share a parish with faggots?

Then why isn't Poland letting in any Syrian refugees who are christian converts? There are plenty to go around yet your country takes in next to zero.

>whites expect latinos to follow American laws
>this qualifies as "rejection"
Are all poles hypocritical cunts who talk out of their asses or is it just you?

Cool. I'm going to come live in your room and eat your food. Thanks brah. If you don't like it I'll just say you're not helping the poor.

>Then why isn't Poland letting in any Syrian refugees who are christian converts? There are plenty to go around yet your country takes in next to zero.
Becouse poland is filled with faggots, that's why.

>be faggot pole sucker
>live in a walled garden of a country
>criticize others who don't have that luxury
Does your last name end in (((berg)))?

>hates on christians
>calls others jews
Kikes are getting more and more desperate i see.

You're literally fucking insane.
There's only 1 Catholic church in the entire area. Unless you want to drive 2 hours away. We have mass in both English and Spanish. I attend both. The Spanish mass is always empty while the English one is always packed. The Spanish priest is white.
Come to California and see for yourself.

My Mexican friends always try and convert me to their Protestant cults. Every Mexican I know is either non-religous, Mormon, or some Protestant Evangelical thing. Never are they Catholic.
I doubt you've ever been to North America. Keep your ridiculous opinions to yourself.

Inb4 christ-cucks defend their semetic religion
>Worshipping a dead kike on a stick
Christians would sooner kill a white pagan than a catholic spic



>white pagan

Religion was a mistake we need to dump it and go rules of nature for a year.

>And they run when the sun comes up with their lives on the line

You a naive sheltered yurofag who needs to get out and see the real world more. There are quite literally monsters within all men that will devour you if you let them. You lived in a walled garden of a nation so of course you have no idea what I'm talking about.

It's weak men like you that create the hard times.
If you can remember anything from this conversation let it be that.

>Catholic churches

Burn them to the ground with everyone inside.


Paganfags would do the same shit, fuck pagan degenerate faggots.
Christ conquered you heathen scum and civilized you.
The Germanic Tribes were the first Europeans to Convert to Christianity and they got persecuted by the degenerate faggot loving Roman Empire. That is wht Germanic Tribes like the Vandals fled Roman persecution and established a Vandal Christian Kingdom in North Africa that on par if not more technologically advanced than the Roman Empire.
Christianity laid the foundations of modern Western Civilizations, not aristotle or herodotus, but Christianity and it's many inventors, engineers, philosophers, etc .
Eat shit paganfags


That's Mexico, not America.
Chicanos are Protestant.
Also those Mexican "Catholics" are only Catholic during Christmas and Easter.

You're literally arguing with someone who lives here. You've never been to America. You see how crazy you sound?

Please, come here and see for yourself. I will pay for the plane ticket myself. You need to see the degeneracy Chicanos have done.


We should of kept Mexico when we defeated Mexico city in 1846.

Deus Vult !

Keep in mind that protestant churches are very dynamic. If say one Methodist church is all about hiding illegals, there are other Methodist churches that are against it.

I can't really speak on the behalf of Synagogues since I know next to nothing about them.

synaogues are labyrinths that smell weird with lots of internal windowless rooms, like a small school if we go by the modern definition of schools basically being heavily built bunkers.

funny that jews would be harboring illegals and refugees when Israel doesn't. Almost like it's for purely counter-productive measures taken against the United States, no?

>That's Mexico, not America.
>Mexicans aren't from mexico.
You are drunk shlomo.

Mexicans and Americans of Mexican decent are 2 completely different things.

Would you consider German-Americans the same as real Germans? Of course not.

Yet you want them gone?

they are samaritans in sheeps wool

Report that shit if you know it's happening at a church jewrathole or terrorist work shop near you.