Should prostitution be illegal?

Should prostitution be illegal?

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If women are going to sleep around at the detriment to their nation we should at least make tax revenue from it.

It should definitely be legal because more harm than good is done if its made illegal.

>It should be illegal
>Wants to tax it

No. Why is the government interested in this at all? Sounds like a waste of tax dollars to me

yes, pussy is a commodity once you've comprehend that idea ("redpilled") you will free yourself of the nuance women bring to your life


Who has the nudes of this dumb whore?

Prostitution should be taxed and regulated. Just like food and medication, prostitutes should be required to be clear of STDs and other diseases.

Yes, but only male prostitutes. We have to protect our women.

No. It will put a market price on Pussy thus lowering women's sense of self worth. It also has the added benefit of reducing feminism and liberalism as women will lose the power to manipulate men sexually, and make them vote liberal.