Sup Forums BTFO by a single pic

Well boys?


i regard the electoral college as a federal popular vote. your argument is invalid.

Post lewd froppy

Try harder next time

I'm not a conservative or a Catholic.

This shill always uses this dumb anime girl and macro text, do not respond without sage.

I don't watch my hero academia or care for the girl from the show, but the use of this image used implies the person is retarded, not confused.

holy fuck, who gives the remotest fuck about the pope? and do they have an electoral college to prevent coastal locales from monopolizing the issues for an entire fucking continent?

fuck so far off. christ, it's like you're not even trying. or this is just bait, in which case (you)

You should, at least the first season. It's great.


It's weird how some times things are made better by anime girls and other times made absolutely worthless.

Why did neet men in japan have to ruin anime by making everything moe shit?

>Lost popular vote
Catholic Church uses an electorate system? That's pretty based.

Why must you ruin the best girl?

It's going to be a long running anime and i can't invest myself in those anymore. Bleach, naruto, and dbz have killed it for me.

>implying people read shill image

I know this is bait but honestly I don't really care
lemme explain this to you
The President holds political, secular power
You no say in that
You "believe" in Trump's right to rule
You need to believe for it to be real and you don't need to believe for his policies to affect the world
The same goes for Merkel, Macron, Temer and any other political figure anywhere
That's called secular power. He holds power over political matters unrelated to religion or belief system
The pope, on the other hand, holds spiritual power.
It's directly tied to religion, to belief.
An orthodox christian might not follow the pope, despite the two of them being christians and despite the pope being an extremely important religious figure
The orthodox might also agree with the pope on an issue and disregard what the Patriach says
The Patriarch, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, they're at the same time very important and also completely irrelevant.
You need to believe in what the Pope believes for him to able to affect me
The same goes for the patriarch, for your local priest or preacher, etc
If you don't agree with the current Pope, if you don't believe in what he believes, then he isn't your Pope.
His power is directly linked to you hearing what he says and trusting him on those matters.
Trump's power isn't
He was elected to rule a nation, while the Pope was elected to give advice on a global scale.
It just isn't the same thing

Sup Forums aren't republicans
republicans aren't catholic
francis is the pope, and he's a faggot
just proves catholics are heretics, pope is supposedly infallible, but this one advocates degeneracy

Francis is a communist, he does not share our values regardless of how he was elected. As for trump, he won the electoral college, and that's what decides who becomes president in America.

No one outside of the Vatican votes for the Pope you fucking moron, not even good b8.

lots of republicans are protestant. lots of catholics are democrats

>Lost the popular vote
I'd never even heard of that, I say Francis isn't my Pope because he taught Islam in the Vatican.

The man is not a Christian.