You know Russia hacked into the DNC. You know Trump colluded with Russia. You know Russia helped Trump win the election. You just don't give a fuck.
Admit it
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Fugarzzi News.
You dont realize if they did, the screencaps would be all over Sup Forums by now? Everything gets out eventually desu, fake news.
There's solid evidence that indicates that the leak was from inside the DNC and it was probably Seth Rich. Yes I actually believe that, fuck off fake news.
Also telling RT to attack clinton isn't "hacking the election"
I would know about it if you have some evidence. Do you have any?
I'll never understand how propaganda that happened to come from Russia somehow turned into Russia "hacking the election."
On mothersday I was over my mom's house and my grandmother showed up also. They are both life long democrats who were sitting watching CNN and my grandmother goes 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA' and her and my mom started laughing then changed the channel. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, KEEP UP WITH THE RUSSIA!!
Why would we even need to "collude" with Trump?
Retarded russophobes claim we got DNC and Podesta emails (we didn't, it was leak from SR), then published them via Wikileaks (wikileaks published tons of materials on Russia and have no affiliation with Russia) and then spread around via army of bots (claim that Sup Forums is russian bots is ridiculous, only complete idiot like McCain could make this shit up). Trump staffers simply don't even fit in this picture.
There is literally zero evidence, it's completely made up
Why the fuck would Russia even want Trump to be president?
Russia's economy is almost completely based on oil exports and with Trump in office, approving fracking, trying to get coal back in business, not giving a fuck about a new pipeline coming down from Canada, Russia doesnt stand a chance.
Some might call what you're clinging to now "faith".
You should look into a religion that isn't shit though.
put your fucking tin foil hat away user, there are real conspiracies to crack. you know like the kikes and their central banking/media control and the social engineering of the mass population. Also the massive push against freedom of speech so on so forth user
>You know Russia hacked into the DNC. You know Trump colluded with Russia. You know Russia helped Trump win the election
uh, nope.
Lets suppose it's true.. Exactly what would this collusion look like? What could they have accomplished together that putin wouldn't have done on his own as he hates clit-ton and would do anything to oppose her no matter who was on the other side? Besides, the leaks were verified as legitimate emails expressing disdain for her own voters.
>pro liberal viewpoint with porn bait
Fuck off shill.
>Why the fuck would Russia even want Trump to be president?
Because clinton is a new world order shill who would definitely be bad for Russia.
you can't know something without evidence
>Just admit *leftist talking point* xDD
it turned into hacking just about the time Trump won. This would be a non-story if the election had been properly rigged like the dems wanted it.
Leave it to Hillary to fuck that up too tho.
I did'nt happen.
But if it was true, yeah I wouldn't give a fuck. I would take a president paid off by russians over a president paid off by jews any day.
Republicanism is the best gassing we ever had.
You love Trump. HAHAHAHA.
Hillary explicitly said she would shoot down Russian aircraft over Syria while she imposes her no fly-zone.
Trump argued it wasn't worth starting WW3 over and if anything we should 'bomb the shit out of ISIS.'
Makes sense why they'd root for him, regardless of hacking.
I hacked the DNC and am not Russian. Closest ive ever been to Russia is Helsinki. Sooo... You are wrong.
If wikileaks is secretly working with the Russian government and wikileaks published diplomatic cables why aren't we looking for Russian spies in the State Department?
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russia helped the american people to see, what the american leaders didn't want them to see.
there is nothing wrong with that.
Checked and rekt
>Why the fuck would Russia even want Trump to be president?
Same reason we did, because he was not Hillary
Man do I have some bad news for you...
Russia has seen first hand the cancer Jews can create. And they had their sights set on going to war with Russia.
Kill yourself
Yes goyim we are all russian agents, good goy.
but thinking makes my brain hurtt
>wanting evidence
>Sup Forums
L0Lno fgt pls
>Implying trump's heart is not big enough for all. And would need to be limited to a single waifu.
Might as well ask him which of a bundle of roses is the most beautiful and then call him stumped when he can't choose.
>You know Russia hacked into the DNC.
We know it was Torchan trolls using a russian proxy who did it for the lulz.
>You know Trump colluded with Russia.
>You know Russia helped Trump win the election.
>You just don't give a fuck.
1/4 correct congrats nerd.
Russians did jack shit to rig the election and you now it nigger.
to the best of my understanding all of your assertions are false OP
Never fucking happened you stupid pedo fuck.
Russia beat you in the disinfo game with real information.
Get over it, loser.
Prove it. You're not going to impeach our sitting President with Buzzfeed conspiracy theories, this is literally Democrat birtherism.
Ultimately yes, you're correct in that I don't give a fuck if they hacked into the DNC, or helped him win the election, or if people on the campaign talked to them about it.
However, there is absolutely no evidence that they did. Everything is "assessments" by unreliable third parties, claims that negative news coverage is hacking, and other assorted profundities based in an existential denial of the election results by those who had all the power in the world to lose.
They were both paid off by the Jews? Yeah I know. They are ALL paid off by the jews. We are so fucked.
I think the Russian conspiracy being true would actually be a good thing.
Honestly exactly this. I still think the collusion stuff is being exaggerated.
pretty much.
it was a fuck you vote, not a trump vote.
>massive push against freedom of speech
speaking of...
look who's pressing the button to open the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology.
And guess who's trying to spin it as "a tool against terrorists", when it's GLOBAL surveillance of "hate speech" and more.
Good thing nothing that gets posted here could be considered extremist --wait, who decides what's "extremist" again??
Did Trump just allow the Middle East to spy on everyone ITT? Watch your words, watch your pics, watch your jokes, watch...
Everyone posting here fell for shareblue trying to distract from Seth rich General. Obvious photo that will result into clicks and bait that will keep this thread up for a while. Sage and move on
Mama Mia! I didn't know Brad Pitt could actually look hot. Never understood his popularity. There's always something off putting about his regular face.
I know the russian shilling machine it's real, I know russian hackerz had always been for hire and that they pushed for Trump with a fierce force.
HOWEVER, I was here and there were as many people pushing in the other direction, this isn't a he said she said joke, this it's the current state of modern politics, you deal with profesional shill armies, like the newly funded Saudi Arabia center for profesional internet shilling.
Don't trust the orb.
Why did the FBI never inspect the DNC servers?
A third party investigator (Crowdsrtike) could only be contracted because the DNC admitted to the FBI that they were not hacked
If Russia hacked the DNC servers then the FBI WOULD HAVE TO GET A WARRANT AND INSPECT THEM
ah single post OPs
I missed you, shareblue
total tard. russia is all about money laundering to get billions out of russia. trump real estate provided money laudering services since at least 2000. source: trump son uday or qusay
I wouldn't give a fuck if it was true.
It's funny how commies think that we are going to both believe and care that Russia '''''''''''hacked'''''''''''' something to help Trump win.
Only people who know they fucked up keep shifting the blame to the people who exposed them.
Fight Club : look into it.
It's true because you want it to be true, that's why you have a total of zero evidence. Kill yourself nigger.
No one, not even Russia, expected Trump to win. The hacks were to damage Hillary's presidency, not to ensure a Trump presidency.
To the Russians, Trump is an unknown and unpredictable. I think they'd have preferred Hillary to win. At least they'd have known what they were dealing with.
Thats why, its all they are, drones.
Doing the bidding of those they think theyre trying to take down.
Or just blindly going with it without looking into it one bit.
Complete hypocrites, not realising theyre voting for their own demise.
I honestly don't think that happened.
What I think happened is he won fair and square and there are a bunch of liberal idiots clinging to any little hope that he may not be our president.
It's sad really. How could so many people be in such denial that its been 6 months and they still cant accept it?
Hillary signed the deal that sold American uranium to Russia...Russia has other things to worry about then who is president of America! Russia is dealing with jew issues and other bs..Russia didn't hack anything..We voted & won even with all the liberal voter fraud..Armed Americans in Nevada had to guard polling stations because liberal jews were busing in illegals to vote all the while 0bama had Trump illegally wiretapped! Liberals are so pathetic they only care about an insider leaking info they could care less about the content of the nfo!
naive and ignunt. hillary imposed sanctions, they hated her guts. they wanted chaos for america, that is good for russia. putin is playing to his base, weak bumbling chaotic america makes him look good.
except their implying that the DNC was hacked by russia in the first place, which is more than likely not the case.
You know there was no hack. You know there was a leak. You know the leaker was Seth Rich. You know the DNC had him killed for it. You just don't give a fuck.
You're joking, right?
If there's no collusion with Russia, then why did Michael Flynn get fired? Why did Jeff Sessions have to recuse himself from the Russia investigation? Why did Comey get fired if Trump had nothing to fear from the FBI investigation?
>if there is no collusion with Russia, why these events that have nothing to do with collusion with Russia????
Got to love arguing with brainwashed liberals.
>liberal voter fraud
Citation needed
Granted, Russia hacking the DNC could have happened, but the leftist insanity following it made me not care. They literally started taking down facebook and twitter accounts by the thousands because they 'were run by the Russians'. They blamed Russia for the refugee rape crisis. Some of the things that happened due to Sup Forums were blamed on Russia. So unless they got any hard evidence, its just bullshit trying to justify them acting like retards.
how do we know any of this? we've heard the claim that "American intelligence agree that Russian-based hackers hacked the DNC" but that's it, and it's not a fact. We know that intelligence agencies can be partisan and have a political agenda. Unfortunately we're living in an age of disinformation, where everything can be doubted or questioned, there is no "high authority" to say what's what, or that people should blindly follow. You can't trust the media, you can't trust politicians, you can't trust military or intelligence agencies, you literally can't trust anyone anything says and unfortunately I don't see that being repaired anytime soon, certainly not in our lifetime. There is no such thing as "absolute truth" anymore (if ever there was), only matter of perception.
Even if it where true. Please prove it if you can. Then yes you would be right that I would not give as much as a fuck then as I don't now. Why in the hell should I car who emperor puppet is and how they got there. It would still have no affect on how things will turn out, only who we blame it on for 4-8 years. watch trump bow and do all the things the same as shillery would have.
Collusion is as plain as day. Trump, Tillerson, and Putin want to lift sanctions so they can drill baby drill. Make Russia Great Again!
shut up faggot OP, the elections weren't hacked and any influence was good, now go eat shit you cuck
Even if this is true, it wasn't illegal.
Did Trump even do a single thing that benefited Russia? I really don't think he did.
>Michael Flynn being forced to resign 24 days into the Trump administration for being a foreign agent has nothing to do with Russia
>Sessions lying about his Russia contacts and having to recuse himself from the investigation into Russia has nothing to do with Russia
>Comey, the lead investigator into Trumps Russia ties, is fired by Trump, the guy he's fucking investigating, but nope, nothing fishy there
You sure it's me that's brainwashed?
The answer to your questions is that is is PIZZA related. Fuck off you pedophile.
why is this something that upsets you though? Russias GDP is like 1/20th of your countries GDP, even if they had huge oil boom I doubt they'd be a threat to America. It just seems odd to me that there's such disdain against Russia wanting to improve their economy and become a wealthier country. We don't see the same kind of disdain towards any EU countries or even China, at least not to the same degree. Russia has always been the boogeyman to you sorts of Americans, it's weird. Yea tensions have been high with Russia at times over the last ~70 years but the world has changed since then.
Evidence where?
Cucks are too stupid to see collusion. They drank the Trump koolaid. And they don't want to admit they got played by the Russians.
Flynn got fired because he stated an untruth to Pence and therefore made Pence look bad in restating what Flynn said untruthfully. He became a liability and was let go.
Sessions recused himself from the investigation because the media and democrats lost their minds over a non-issue, and in order to maintain an appearance of impartiality he concluded that it would be best to recuse himself from that investigation.
Comey got fired because he's a fucking drama queen who lost the trust of basically everyone in government. Also, firing Comey doesn't hinder any investigation. Comey isn't Sherlock Holmes, he isn't the FBI himself. Any investigations that were ongoing prior to his firing are still ongoing now by the same people who were there before.
At this point, you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe Russia does not try to interfere in other countries democracies.
Russia has always been an enemy. How can they be trusted? Why should the USA help them?
Maybe if Hillary wasn't a crook fuck with an establishment and media willing to cover for her, we wouldn't need another nation to offer us the truth.
Yeah it's true Russia did hack the election I just waited all this time to spill the beans because I did it for the lulz
Hi shareblue
Where's the proof?
i don't even see it as "helping Russia" if it's some kind of mutually beneficial deal; just because Russia has some benefit from it doesn't inherently make it a bad or traitorous deal.
And why would you consider Russia an enemy? They're an enemy in the same way Nazi Germany was an enemy, but that time (and government) has long passed. Much of the tensions over the last ~15-20 years since Putin has been leader of Russia have largely been due to American hostility or sanctions that directly hurt Russia.
>You know Russia hacked into the DNC.
Zero proof has been made available and the FBI even admits the DNC did not give them access to the servers to verify their claims.
>You know Trump colluded with Russia.
Zero proof that Trump colluded with the Russians. He and every politician did colluded with the Israelis.
>You know Russia helped Trump win the election.
Zero proof has been made available and the Russians have denied any involvement.
>You just don't give a fuck.
This is true.
Honestly, the burden of proof is on those who make the claims. Your feelings might make you feel that Trump has done something wrong but until proof is provided you are just pushing conspiracies.
Seriously, what is the Democrats waiting on? If they have proof that the Trump-Russia conspiracies are true where is even the smallest bit of proof? Israel is a foreign country and it has PAC's that pay and twist the arms of both presidents and congressmen all the time and none of (((you))) seem to have a problem with it.
If Trump himself colluded with Russia then the Intelligence Community would have turned up the evidence and handed it to the media on a silver platter by now. It is far more likely at this point that members of the Trump campaign and now administration colluded with the idea that they would subtly push him to make decisions in Russia's favor and he is such a narcissist and ego-maniac that the levers could predictably be pushed to get him to act.
What the IC intends to do now is drip-feed the media what they know to grind the Trump Administration to a halt on anything they want and to put pressure on him to make an unforced-error that will trip him up into implicating himself due to his hubris.
The one thing I find interesting is that the IRS has not leaked a single page of Trump's tax returns. Since when is that Department tight as a drum?
>You know Russia hacked into the DNC
Nobody knows, but I think his name was Seth
>You know Trump colluded with Russia. You know Russia helped Trump win the election
No proofs of that
>You just don't give a fuck.
I admit, because EVEN if they did... so did the US in every major part of the world... Also avoiding war between Russia and US (which Hillary clearly wanted) was the good thing to do. In a sense, if Russia did it... THEY ARE THE GOOD GUYS
They are interfering by using social media to manipulate opinions. How is that a big deal?
>You know Trump colluded with Russia
what does this mean?