Mass Shooters

How come when mass shooters spreg out they go after innocents? Why not hunt down pedos or diversities, at least then they would be doing something good with their beta manrage.

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RIP real human bean
and real hero

People with mental disorders don't do things that make sense, unless it's a very special kind

they're not smart enough to plan accordingly
that's why they spreg out in the first place


>they go after innocents
Innocence is subjective. We're all guilty of something.

>im angry at something
>so i'll shoot something else instead
Why dont you do it if you're so goddamn alpha

Fair nuff. They go after normies just minding their business. Not dinus, pedos, spics, mudslimes, vapers, edm fans, and other scum of the earth.

Impulsive thinking always leads to plans that involve attacking the lowest hanging fruit. Hunting the people at the top of the food chain takes alot of planning, information gathering, and special weapons. Not practical for the demoralized and impatient killer just looking to leave their mark and end it all.

>Why not hunt down diversities

normies aren't innocent

exception that proves a rule

go back to r/incels

>Impulsive thinking always leads to plans that involve attacking the lowest hanging fruit.
Basically this. Mass shooters don't have an ideological motive for killing, or if they do, it usually comes after the fact. It's a crisis of connection for these people. Powerless, disenchanted, and burdened with feelings of intense insecurity and jealousy, these factors all serve as a perfect catalyst for a psychotic break; but the real problem lies in the fact that they shirk their faults on others because they're too immature to accept responsibility for their own failures. It's a desperate need for catharsis, and ultimately they figure that it's better to die in infamy than to die a nobody.

tl;dr version:
>Former Corporal in the CF
>Steals an SMG from the military
>Rushes the Quebec "National" Assembly (Provincial government building)
>Shoots and kills 3 government employees, wounds 13 others
>Rumoured to be the basis for the magazine capacity bans in Canada

Has his faggot bowl cut ass been raped in prison yet?

He should have killed his mother and his father. Then himself.

Why? Are you jealous?

Because Elliot was a manlet and too short to climb in through the sorority house windows.

Less of a faggot than us, at least he had vision

>Guy in New Brunswick shoots up a bunch of RCMP officers with an M305 (M14/M1A clone)
>Kills 3, wounds 2

He had aim.

He's on death row, so he's probably in supermax. Not an optimal position for prison rape.

Because they attack the people they are jealous of.

Gentlemen targeted a sorority.

The snackbars attack institutions of Western cultural accomplishment (Christmas market, Parliament, World Trade Center).

Roof attacked a church with upstanding community members.

The school shooters attack the only people he wished he was: children. They live in a time of bliss and ignorance that the attacker wished he still had.

Death Row Dylann? I knew the bastard would make it.

Because they are so resentful towards the world and its supposed injustice towards themselves that the ultimate display of that resentment is to take away the lives of the innocent.

Gentlemen may have targeted sorority originally, but he only hit asian men and fat chicks.

Who is this sexy beast?!? I am sick and tired of fucking Football players and want a normal guy for once! Can someone give me his digits so I can get my hoochie serviced?

>fat chicks
>bigger target

The real answer is low IQs. High IQs become serial killers and methodically rack up kills. Low IQs shoot the first thing they see with minimum planning.

There is a special Hell for women.

Not a mass shooting, but a civilian attack on government...

>Fertilizer bomb in truck
>168 confirmed kills, 680+ wounded

>How come when mass shooters spreg out they go after innocents?

Some mass shooters are the Holy Spirit...

Who's that guy?

Because he switched from hatred of his inadequacy to pure self hatred in general for failing his only task.

Therefore anybody that wasn't himself was seen as better, and thus became a target.

We should be glad he failed, else Feminists would be in greater number today like how BLM was bolstered by Roofie.

I dunno but my panties, and jeans are dripping wet!! If I don't jump his bones in the next 3 days I am going to shoot up a bunch of people!

back when white american men still had balls.

Elliot Rodger was a scapgoated by spoiled valley girls.

There's an account his friend gives of him breaking down crying in the street.

His social abuse was similar to the uni-bomber. He simply wasn't as intelligent and snapped sooner.

Faggot bowl cut ass???

Nigger detected.

He's not even in jail. He was an actor and this was a ploy to promote white guilt.

Both suffer from childhood abandonment trauma.

Rodger was abandoned in the woods for a few hours as his parents climbed a tower or something (it's in the Manifesto).

Unabomber however was more severe because he was put in quarantine for several days as a newborn.

>Unabomber however was more severe because he was put in quarantine for several days as a newborn.

Unabomber was a CIA psychological torture experimental subject at Harvard.

Because the ones who do what you say get called something else.
If a bunch of criminals get greased nobody cares, most of the time it won't even hit the news.
If they go after a bunch of muds it gets branded a hate crime. Since most niggers are part of the first group the only time you actually see this shit is if the victims are obviously innocent, like when Dylan went and shot up a church

T. 145 IQ serial killer

What's your number up to champ? Think you can beat the high score?

>or diversities
you fuckin inbred retard

This, he and Dahmer were both MK ultra prototypes.
Took em a while to get the technique right

if some cunt makes fun of you and then you buy a gun, who are you going to kill? the jewish ceo of an entertainment company that was a factor in her becoming the way she was? or the person who directly pissed you off and people similar to her?

He attacked women he perceived to have an easy life and mocking him by not sleeping with him or giving him attention.

The others were just collaterals and not "planned".

Some of them are pretty based

Anyone know what Eric Frein's motive was? I've never found anything about it. The media was all over that shit while he was in the woods chilling.

>ow come when mass shooters spreg out they go after innocents?

Professor Peterson lays it out.

too late, beeotch

>hunt down pedos
too much work, theoretically cops are paid to go after (poor) pedos and they barely get the job done with all the power of the Freedom act behind them.

1- If they wanted to shoot animals they'd go hunting
2- Not worth the bullet
3- Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo.

Even if he weren't in max security he would probably be carried into the lunchroom on the shoulders of the local Skinhead population, all now known as "Bowlers" for their stylish bubblegum pop haircuts.

>"More literate of the two"
this kike