If you cannot reproduce with a partner if the same sex, why is the LGBT movement growing instead of diminishing...

If you cannot reproduce with a partner if the same sex, why is the LGBT movement growing instead of diminishing? If they aren't reproducing, their genes aren't being passed on, so I guess that means that LGBT people are not genetically designed that way, right?

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Because it takes millenias for a gene to be breed out of a species, if not longer. You'll be long dead before homosexuality disappears.

>tfw gay
>tfw too weak to survive in the real world and can only live in an ultra high tech safe space in the middle of a city that's entirely detached from nature
>mfw the system inevitably collapses and I'll be beaten and raped and hanged from a lamp post

They're not scared anymore, that's all. See historical example Oscar Wilde for more details.

basically this but not really, because homosexuality and gender is a spectrum is real op. and it is real because think about it; how did people get gay in the first place? the mutation over time part of evolution of course, and so just like this guy mentioned, not only would it take forever to get rid of it, you probably would eventually be back to square one anyway (this combined with undesirable traits is also why eugenics don't work)

as for LGBT being designed that way, thats ridiculous. Lots of people are born with fatal chronic illnesses op. so what happens is that they die before they can reproduce, but this trait still hangs on, why? because of recessive genes, recessive homosexual related genes can combine in random people who are mostly straight, and that means they can reproduce, and that homosexuals can even compete in evolution since if they get people to breed with their recessive trait in them, they are furthering their genes, as well as the genes of their family (other non homo traits).

Basically no, it doesn't prove shit. homosexuals are all natural.

because homosexuality has multiple causes, the most recent is mothers being treated with progesterone during pregnancy (to stabilize the pregnany)

Because there's no gay gene, gays are obviously produced by straight couples which increase as the population increases.
Stupid fucking moron OP.


It's the Rainbow of Racism!

What a shit thread OP