Let's be honest: after a year of wild speculation, unfounded allegations and red herrings, we still have dick.
Time to pack it up and go home.
Let's be honest: after a year of wild speculation, unfounded allegations and red herrings, we still have dick.
Time to pack it up and go home.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself faggot
Sorry to hurt your feelings, turdflake, but just admit it: you have nothing.
Yeah that's why reddit started deleting his past comments after they were found. Nothing at all.
If that's the best you've got, you really do have nothing.
Cunt died
You been in a cave or something OP?
>Time to pack it up and go home.
Shill goes in all fields
>we still have dick
MMMMM FUCK YES WE DO.... god i just love sucking cock and getting all of my holes filled with big cock fuck yea
You're right. Maybe Tuesday will change that. We don't know. You don't know.
Gee guys, I'm getting sleepy. It's starting to get late so maybe we should go to bed.
So tired..
Why does Sup Forums still sperg over that? His parents denied it.
Red pill is admitting that Seth Rich wasn't the leak and it's being used as a political tool to flame democrats back (when they flame about Russian connections in Trump admin).
Never give up, never surrender.
We haven't exercised critical thinking all election, why start now?
We would have to swallow our pride, and we're too autistic to do things like that
>your evidence is literally nothing
yeah, that's when trumps gonna be impeached
At least the world knows random DC street murders are often unsolved. Fucking hate the cities in this country.
tell us more
Fuck off, ((((Toivo)))). Sweet Christmas, how long has it been since THIS many shills and JIDF members were out in full force?
Fuck off nigger shareblue.
>muh shills.
give me 1 proof of Rich being a DNC leaker.
Not circumstancial evidence, actual hard proof.
The real nail in the coffin which proves Assange is lying is this: Wikileaks received the leaks way after Set Rich was already dead.
They have absolutely no way to know Seth Rich was the leaker. the only thing they have is someone posting an alleged conversation Guccifier 2.0 claiming Seth Rich gave the leaks to Guccifier 2.0, however there is nothing to back up that this is not a fake. (and honestly, if you actually looked at it, it looks fake.)
Furthermore, during the election Wikileaks twitter account was spreading downright lies against clinton. and i mean, guys - you have to understand, i fucking hate clinton, but i still feel obligated to stand by the truth. they claimed Bob Beckel is a clinton strategist who said assange should be assassinated, but Bob Beckel is neither a clinton strategist or a democratic strategist, he is just a political analyst on CNN and Fox News which is out of direct involvement in politics for over a decade
This are the wikileaks tweets im talking about:
Please his biography, wikileaks made a completely false claim and they kept spreading it multiple times
Also here is snopes making an article debunking this story:
Its not hard evidence but think carefully
How many muggings does assange put a reward on solving?
This is cute
Because the aim is to have Sup Forums crack the case like a bunch of gutsy teenage detectives in a saturday morning cartoon. That's what's really going on here. Sure.
>Also here is snopes making an article debunking this story:
Without looking at the veracity of the article, unfortunately Snopes is well and truly held by the DNC and can no longer be relied upon to debunk anything. It might as well be part of Vox Media.
Gayest insult ever akmed.
OP's name is Jafar
He comes from afar
There's a bomb in his car
Allahu Akbar
I can't tell you how awesome it's going to be to see high ranking dnc officials anf politicians on trial. That fat fuck Kim better deliver. God please don't let him die of a heart attack tonight. Please don't let my pic related be a giant larper.
Tick Toc Democrats.
It's so cute how The_Don cucks had to invent something to try and counteract the actual illegal shit going on in the Trump admin that is being reported. Pretty adorable.
Shit, he works in DC. He must know.
Sup Forums rule of thumb: when don't have a fucking clue, just call the OP a Jew.
SHILL. Piece of shit. Seth Rich is the leaker, only a fucking idiot can not see that.
Fuck of with your lameass copypasta. Seth Rich was the leaker and he got 2 bullets in the back of the head for it.
Fuck of you piece of shit. Seth Rich was the leaker. That is fact. People cannot be that dumb as to not understand something so fucking simple.
So the sum of what we know so far:
Wikileaks is being accused of being a front for Russian intelligence.
Russian intelligence is being accused of being behind hacking the DNC emails and handing them to Wikleaks.
Assange denies he is a Russian agent, but will not say where the emails came from.
Assange has mentioned Seth Rich was murdered, and that Wikileaks contributors take high risks and left it up to us to correlate the two non-sequitors, while at the same time refusing to confirm or deny the connection.
The only firm assertion one can come to here is that Assange is being a weasel, and at worst is withholding evidence in a murder investigation. Which makes him an accessory.
Conclusion: Assange is complicit in the murder of Seth Rich.
>lets get my leakers family and friends killed and ruin wikileaks in an afternoon to prevent the dems from pulling more memos out their assholes
What could be a bigger bomb for him to drop than to bury the DNC in a murder plot?
The fact that he hasn't pushed that button as far as he can shows he's bluffing.
The red pill from all this is that Assange probably is a Russian agent, because that's how he's behaving.
Yeah, the big reveal where everything is going to be exposed is scheduled for tomorrow, but let's just drop it.
I've looked through it all and sadly I'm sleepy
Snopes = Soros
Wow these shills out in full force.
So when they murder you do you want to be avenged. Y/N ?
Tuesday, you say?