Brit/pol/ Gay Edition

>REGISTER TO VOTE: Deadline 22nd May 11:59pm

>Dianne Abbott expressed support for IRA and said she "couldn't identify as British"

>Jeremy Corbyn refuses to condemn the IRA five times

>One in four Labour voters back a split if party loses election

>Eurozone WILL shrink and collapse: Shock report reveals what business leaders REALLY think

>Labour face 'parliamentary wipeout' as Watson, Skinner & others may lose seats, poll finds

>Corbyn restates commitment to Trident after Thornberry casts it into doubt

>Conservative and Unionist Party Manifesto:

>Labour Party Manifesto:

>Liberal Democrat Manifesto:

>Chuka winging that his local authority has had their budget cut

Serves him fucking right, Labour gave Labour councils much more money, scum.

First for UKIP

>the forgotten party

>People ITT don't want to tax corporations

Any of you lads watch this film?

What you think?

>not even running in my constituency any more

I'm Scottish.

Give me a single good reason to vote for anyone other than the SNP.

>tfw have
>Yorkshire Party

Lib Dems used to get 30 odd % here before 2010. Now they don't even run.

The Lib dems had so such promise. Too bad they fucked it up in coalition. But i was happy with my Labour MP tho.

Nth for C O L I N

Scouserman Nuttall isn't as fun a character. No votes. Honestly considering just voting conservative in my tory stronghold just to be safe.

Who can I vote for to get a nice oriental gf?

the large companies will swindle their way and pay corporation tax less than 5%. All Corbyn's new policy will do is hit the non large firms.

to not have to bother with the rigmarole of claiming you want to leave the UK then voting to stay like good little cuckboys again

corporations are good and pure and benevolent, their kindness will trickle down on us all

I don't want to leave the UK. The SNP do.


>all niggers and pakis supporting labour

>SJW wanting the BBC

so vote for anyone other than the SNP

Lads, I hate to tell you but you truly don't understand the plight of the poor.

They go to foodbanks because they don't have food, it's that simple.
Whether some of them take the piss or not, well that's probably highly exaggerated anyway, but even so, they have to fuckin' eat, no?

If you are happy to let your fellow countrymen and women starve to death or get desperate enough to commit a crime, then you're stupid as fuck.
Even if some of them smoke, (which they probably do) a cigarette is probably the only thing that gets them through through times. That, and a helping hand and support when they need it.

Ideally, you want to teach a man how to fish, and give him a fish... in a time and place where people discard "fishes" without second thought, why is this made out to be such a bad thing?
You retards need to stop reading rag newspapers that target the poorest of the country.
Many of them are from shit homes and their families don't give a fuck about them. What would you do, cunt?

>T. Grew up dirt poor, used food banks, clawed out of a hole so deep you wouldn't believe
and I'm supposed to take shit from faggots who can't even get fucking laid on the internet? Nah, you're all hypocrites and wouldn't last a minute without the "privileges" you had (whether that be good parents, financial support, w.e) and I mean this completely unironically

Reminder that this is the future if Labour win.

Placed this bet about a week and a half ago. I really do hope the tories keep screwing up and actually lose the election.. Got 25/1 on it and its already down to just 11/1 now

Can someone explain to me the leftist view on the Tory cuts? They seem to think the Tories are cutting things because they actually enjoy depriving people from things, but it surely is more a case of living within means.

Pick one, you fat balding manchild

Scotland will never be independent so why waste your time trying?

>vote labour
>get kikes

>vote tory
>get crypto-kikes

>vote lib dems
>get kikes

>vote greens
>get hipster faggots who should be gassed

>vote SNP
>get a raving looney tune

>vote UKIP
>Eyyy brudda multiracialism is good and works very well

this country is fucked, and it's your fault anglos!

>voting for anyone

Labour would need to be 6% ahead to get more seats m8 because of Scotland.

>vote Labour
>get Islam
Corrected it for you.

Or I could just vote no on another referendum.
Are you retarded?

Don't care about independence. Give me a good reason.

Aren't tories polling higher in Scotland than Labour though? So if anything, Tories would need more than Labour to get a majority?

>muh funny comic book character made for children
What did he mean by this?

Why are people so dense?

Of COURSE labour want to care for social issues (Whether they do or don't Is another matter) they are in favour of more state control.

Although it's pretty funny that people think May won't extend the police state.

Tories always need more percent than Labour to get a majority because of the boundaries but it's only like 3%.

If it's such a good thing, why do you need a government to force you?

I think they are, actually. We had a leaders debate yesterday and Dugdale was a borderline afterthought like the UKIP guy. Davidson got mauled by Sturgeon.

There are like 40 scottish ex-labour seats they'd need 20% swings to win back

Only gays vote SNP. Are you gay?

>why do you need a government to force you?
What do you mean? Force you to do what?

>Knock on parliament door
>It's are Lizzy
>"Right you lot I'm disbanding parliament because you're all being cunts and I'm taking over"
>"Here's what we're going to do, increase funding to the NHS to match inflation while looking at how we can reduce costs. We're leaving the EU but we're keeping single market access and freedom of movement, no one else is getting any fucking tax breaks so stop asking, we're abolishing foreign aid and giving it to the NHS, we're going to continue to spend 2% of GDP on defence and renew Trident, I just wiped my arse with the snoopers charter and all anti freedom of speech laws are now abolished".

Post yfw

Not an argument.

This tbqh

>Davidson got mauled by Sturgeon
Now I fucking despise tories, but I know for a fact you're talking out of your arse lad

>keep free movement
Shit tier.

>There are like 40 scottish ex-labour seats they'd need 20% swings to win back
Yeah but assuming neither Labour or the Tories win any Scottish seats, if the Tories are polling higher in Scotland then that would mean that Labour could get a majority with lower % of the overall UK vote, unless I'm thinking about it wrong

>freedom of movement

Wtf I'm a republican now

Seriously though, 3 weeks back everyone on Sup Forums hated labour (even if they hated the tories), where did all the labour shills come from?

>keeping freedom of movement

>not kicking out the Jews

so everything pretty much goes back to how it is now in a few years

Where do you think?

the donald

Is it possible Brit/pol/ has its own Shareblue/CTR?

Can't get single market access without this, and there's not any issue with EU immigrants anyway.

>Doesn't care about independence
>Votes for a party with independence as a core issue

U wot

No, literally just that we hate babies and pensioners

Reddit and Facebook.

Concerted efforts by Reddit and lefty/pol/. The posters almost never post images, and when they do they've got weird filenames.

you mean leave the EU explicitly TO repeal the freedom of movement and save money for the NHS by charging anyone without a British passport extra to use it

>there's not any issue with EU immigrants


>Can't get single market access without this
It is not needed.

>and there's not any issue with EU immigrants anyway.
Travel to Boston sometime.

>Ideally, you want to teach a man how to fish, and give him a fish

>handing out fishes willy nilly to millions of chavs and pakis on the off chance a handful of them might make something of themselves

I unironically think Corbyn is a more honest and passionate man

I'm no shill, but realistically, none of them will stop immigration, it will be more of the same... at least Corbyn seems like he has good intentions

>wales don't even vote their own party

>implying Islam isn't controlled (((opposition)))

>we're keeping single market access and freedom of movement
You've fucking lost it Liz, time to get Mary'd

They're even spamming threads outside of brit/pol/ on the board, instead of posting here. Loads of people with weird flags like fucking Myanmar, Macedonia etc defending labour too.

They pay more in taxes than they take. Non-EU immigrants are the ones dragging this country down.

Then fuck the single market, time to sign trade deals with the rest of the world (including the EU if they're interested)

>there's not any issue with EU immigrants anyway

If by that you mean "better than Muslims" then fair enough, but there's still a lot wrong with so many of them coming in.

>Reads Quran
>Proceeds to find dozens of verses calling for the extermination of all Jews and stories about Muhammad killing Jews

>labour giving handouts to try to get students to vote

>They pay more in taxes than they take.
>the only consideration for immigration is economical
your nose is showing, mate


>joining marines
>Literally the worst time to join the navy in history

Haha can't wait to vote :^)

Might have to swim ashore next Normandy landings

No, most of /britpol/ isn't mentally deficient and realises Labour and the Tories are 2 sides of the same coin.

What we do have is a r/ukpolitics problem.

>They pay more in taxes than they take.
Not an argument

>If by that you mean "better than Muslims" then fair enough, but there's still a lot wrong with so many of them coming in.

one of the people who goes to my archery club is a German neuro surgeon why do you have issues with people like this coming into Britain?

you mean their entire manifesto?

>driving down wages by competing with Eastern Europeans who have the choice between minimum wage here or a Pierogi per day at home isn't an issue
>allowing access to all the non-whites on the continent so long as they have an EU passport isn't an issue

>Letting your fellow country men and women go hungry because you lack upstanding character and compassion

Hitler lived in homeless shelters, you know that? Your "hero" survived on handouts for a large part of his life.

People end up in shit situations and they require a support system, simple as.
What's a couple of quid to buy some tins of cheap beans? It's fuck all.

Honestly, you sound like you don't have a clue so I suggest you go to your local food bank and just have a look at who turns up in need of assistance. You'll be surprised

It's called redpilled and realizing that Tories are the UK equivalent of the US democrats.

That is actually a healthier list for the Tories than the lot who publically supported Trump.

>why won't my one case of anecdotal evidence justify hundreds of thousands of criminals?
literally not an argument

>the popular choice
ah yes, the mongoloid champagne socialist celebrities

He could get in with a fucking Visa, you moron.

Who #ForTheMany here?

Can't wait to put in my vote for Corbachev, scrapping student fees like Scotland or Germany.

Feels good mang

>Holly Willoughby angers neighbours by flying Union flag above her London home

She really is /aregal/

Anti-labour doesnt' mean pro-tory.



Holy shit sorry lads that really got me. Whoah.

If the Tories are the Democrats then what the fuck are Labour? Even Obama said Corbyn was to the extreme left of Bernie Sanders.

I can't decide who to vote for.

I'll never vote labour with that cuck Corbyn in charge.

Conservatives want to police the internet and watch over all my history and conversations.

Lib dems are a bunch of faggots who want to stop brexit

Every other party is a fucking waste of a vote or a bunch of dumb cunts who couldn't run shit.


Cos that totally worked for the referendum

Nice try shill.

>all university courses will have zero student fees
Cant wait to study The Beatles at Liverpool Hope, la.

Anyone know if Labours manifesto pledge of no more tuition fees covers returning students?
I did a course in a subject/career path I was passionate about and uni destroyed that.
5 years later, I want to become an IT teacher, would need to return to uni for a more specific IT course. Would that be free? Even though I've already had 3 years of student funding?

Imagine defending Corbyn's history with the IRA.

Labour is Communist Party USA