So trump is Christian

So trump is Christian..

Why will he pray at the western wall then today ?

I guess he's a Jew

That's (((judeo-christianity))) in all it's glory. I'm surprised cuckservatives still fall for this shit

It was mildly interesting that he didn't do that during the campaign, since it's almost a requirement in US politics. He did the sword dance and magic orb stuff yesterday, so probably he'll do the wall for balance.


Walls are racist

It's not called the wailing wall any more?

Trump is a protestant though


But he is going to the Vatican after this. That's the one to really watch. Obviously he'll kiss the ring in some fashion to be fair, but the question is whether or not he'll wind up aligning with the Pope's one world satanism plans or not.

It's pretty common for Christians to go to the Western Wall.

Do you think they will give him a black kippah or a white one? I would say black because a better contrast against his hair.

In order to build the wall, one must pray to the wall

Mexico Will Pay


>So trump is Christian..
He really isnt. He wasn't really anything before he ran for president, and only became a "Christian" (read:attended a few Sunday services to pander to the religious right) for the sake of conveinence.

>It's pretty common for Christians to go to the Western Wall.

your definition of common must be different to mine, jew

I'm pretty sure all your President worship superior God Moloch, not just Trump

If you were visiting the area, it would probably be somewhere on your list of sites to go see. Of course ordinarily you wouldn't regard it the way a Jew would, but then again you're just an ordinary guy and not POTUS.

>the jew changes all the terms now

So it's uncommon for a Christian to goto Israel, but if he did, yes he would commonly visit a tourist destination

I saw some documentary about him and they said that Trump's father was a Christian and some charismatic preacher had also had a great impact on young Trump. I don't remember the name of the preacher though. But the point was that the whole charismatic/pentecostal "believe and you will get" type of theology formed Trump to the person he is.

I'm a Christian, not a Jew. I have some family that's been wanting to go check the place out for a number of years, but there's just too much terrorism these days. I was strongly considering tagging along because hey why not -- it'd be kind of cool to go see some historical bits and see what things are like elsewhere on the planet.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews all are interested to see those things, and I'm sure people of other backgrounds are as well, just as I thought it was cool to go see the ancient Bo tree that Buddhists are all about.

dude is so obviously a gentile who read the talmud

you dont just randomly end up with a fuckload of jews married to your children unless you 1. understand judaism and 2. want jewish grandchildren

No, I'm just interested in Middle Eastern history.
I would love to see the Pyramids, the area where Jewish Temple was, go to the areas where Christ was said to have been. Maybe see some of the other ancient places in the area. And if the nations weren't completely off their rockers I would have liked to go to where Babylon and Sumer were.

The preacher was Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote "The Power of Positive Thinking".

All US presidents must pray at the whaling wall.

Good fortune and whales will come to him.

Thank you! Going to read about him.

He's pretty famous, or at least he used to be. I didn't know Trump was in to that, but it makes sense.

Slightly odd this hadn't come up earlier.

Jesus smoked weed next to that wall

There is a differen in, if youre just interested to see the wall, or if youre praying to it

Exactly correct. But sometimes important people need to pull stunts. Was Trump being serious when he went to church before Iowa? Will Trump be serious at the wall? Was he serious when he was telling us about what he wanted to do for the US?

Who knows.