What do you guys have against Indians?

This is probably the only place where we are hated apart from you guys every single guy I ve ever met in real life respects us and knows our worth and intellectual potential.
Are you guys just jealous ... It's all right cause it ain't your fault success always breeds jealousy

Other urls found in this thread:


If you hate us don't use any of the above mentioned companies products

Yes if you hate us don't ask favors and technological advancements from us.
We help those who respect us and we are atleast dead honest

>making a mark on the global stage
this is about them shitting where they shouldn't again isn't it

White boi lack empathy and compassion all they can do is follow commands ( from us)

It's literally a list of companies that used to be good that have turned into shit.

Every one I have ever met has been a trash human being. It's pretty simple.

everybody and their mothers know that Indian CEOs are nothing else but jewish sockpuppets who put you in charge when they strongarm white people out of their CEO status
check Microsoft
under Bill Gates, it was shit, but it worked fine
now it is only shit

Poo in a loo

>Thinking CEOs do anything other than tell people what to do in order to make them a lot of money