
Do you believe that burning books is justified ?

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We're on the internet dumb ass.

No and I think the Nazis were wrong to do it.

We're about to find out, aren't we?

Yeah, it was just a bunch of old Archie comics anyway.

I don't think book burnings were meant to be right or wrong. They were a political show of force meant to display dominance over intellectuals and academics of the time.

> On April 8, 1933, the Main Office for Press and Propaganda of the German Student Union proclaimed a nationwide "Action against the Un-German Spirit", which was to climax in a literary purge or "cleansing" ("Säuberung") by fire.

knowledge destroyers (even if it's false) should be executed

No, but I can see where they were coming from.

The Wiemar republic was overrun with jewish academics publish books like you'd see in current times with regard to degeneracy.

Depends on the book.

>That article


There was no violence, they didn't march, they stood in a circle around an old statue to protect it.

Meanwhile that same author would call BLM burning down a gas station and beating bystanders a "peaceful protest".

It's what you ought not to do but do anyway

Burning fantasy books is fine
The communist manifesto for example

they literally burned jewish and communist propaganda
a good thing if you ask me

Do you believe banning degenerate TV shows is justified?

Didn't Heinrich have most to do with them? Or was it that fat fuck Goering? I can't remember. Both of them were the worst part of the Nazi party and Hitler would have been infinitely better off killing them before they became problems.

No, but ideally we'd live in a culture healthy enough to recognize that watching it or letting your kids watch it is a bad idea, and the show would fail on its own. Knowing the jews behind most mass media though, even if few people watched it they would still keep it on for political effect.

This. I think it's better to keep the propaganda. Even absolute morons wise up after exposed to enough of it, the truth will out.

Like exposing your children to muck when they're young so they're tougher when they get older we should allow them free reign over all experience in life and breed a society that chooses to walk the right path rather than being forced into it.

In a superman's society, a true utopia, will man be cattle and told what he can and cannot have, or will every man be a king who decides for himself what he will and will not have and enforce his decisions with the full might and temper of a god?

Mass media / social media has made it near impossible for parents to make sure that their kids aren't exposed to degeneracy. If the parents can no longer protect their children from it, shouldn't we as a society take responsibility and make sure our childrens minds aren't poisoned?

Book burning were a symbolic affair, if they weren't they would have burned every print of those books. The issue is not the book or pozzed tv show, it's the people writing and producing them having a monopoly over media, and academia.

Someone like Mel Gibson makes very profitable movies, conservative views aren't ignored because they don't sell, it's because the Holywood kikes will go out of their way to suppress them.

Censorship or boycott isn't going to change that but something needs to be done to break the kike/libshit hold on popular culture until they're not able to enforce their own censorship.

When it's books on degeneracy and commuism, it is for the best also that shit doesn't work anymore
we are on the internet you nigger

friendly reminder that the nazis did not have a policy or even organized such events

as sumarized in these posts
get woke please

no, never

Your 2d waifu is safe unless she is constantly ranting about the superiority of marxism, as most/all of the burned books were.

> Jewish intellectuals and creative professionals were among the prominent figures in many areas of Weimar culture.
> the new youth generation saw no point in saving for marriage in such conditions, and preferred instead to spend and enjoy.
> Prostitution rose in Berlin and elsewhere in the areas of Europe left ravaged by World War I. This means of survival for desperate women, and sometimes men, became normalized to a degree in the 1920s. During the war, venereal diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea spread at a rate that warranted government attention.
> One of the first major events in the arts during the Weimar Republic was the founding of an organization, the Novembergruppe (November Group) on December 3, 1918. This group was established in the aftermath of the November beginning of the German Revolution of 1918–1919, when Communists, anarchists and pro-republic supporters had fought in the streets for control of the government.
> During the era of the Weimar Republic, Germany became a center of intellectual thought at its universities, and most notably social and political theory (especially Marxism) was combined with Freudian psychoanalysis to form the highly influential discipline of Critical Theory—with its development at the Institute for Social Research (also known as the Frankfurt School)

Kill it with fire.

Do not burn books

If you do not like what a book has to say, don't continue reading it, and don't recommend it to others.

If the book you don't like becomes popular, and people like what it has to say, that sucks for you and you should not be a dick about it.

This. If old timey people didn't want their knowledge lost they could have just invented the internet...

Yes. Every marxist book and the Quran should only exist in academia. General public shouldn't be exposed to such poison.