since when is trump a jew?
"our guy"
Since he got those bankers from Goldman/Sachs in his administration.
It's getting bigger
is that real, though?
100% real. yikes.
Post that as a thread
You're a fucking retard if you think he can just come out and say the Jews did 9/11 or some shit.
He has to play the game, some things don't happen immediately.
>to defeat the Jew, you must first suck the circumcised Jewish cock and become a literal rabbi
Fucking Sup Forums cracks me up sometimes. LOL
Go on pol, do your thing. I got my popcorn.
Everyone wear that in Israel moron, even goys
>lots of threads about the happening
must be shills
its funny that you're filtering "get along with jews" to "sucking jew cock" without prompting. do your parents know you're gay?
Drain that swamp, Mr. Trump!
all 8 of his gradkids are jewish
Do you "get along" with your enemies during wartime?
You must be getting paid a whole lot of shekels to shill pro-Jew Trump as a positive.
>since when
His great grandmother was a jew
lol, how have you not caught onto the fact that the best way to get rid of the jew here is to put him in israel?
I bet you're actually just a butthurt muslim.
then:trump is goyim
now:trump is jew friend
(((double standard)))
if his gret grandmother is jewish that means his grandma was jewish that mans his mom was jewish that means his jewish
not a crypto jew but a real jew
Here you go.
He's always been a jew. Only the retarded Trump supporters on Sup Forums are the ones too blind and stupid to see it.
The delusion is strong in this one....
ah so he is not a jew
you need your mom to be jewish to be a jew
>this is what Khazars believe
He has JEWISH blood in him, that's the point.