Are women waking up to the fact that Feminism is degenerate?


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>"explore sexuality"
>able to do a 180

Nobody seriously believes this.

I doesn't matter whether women identify as feminist or not.
The laws are already all in their favor.

She's just done riding the cock carousel.

Never take back a whore user.

This. She probably has AIDS now.

they don't need her or the headlines she makes anymore now they have trump to spotlight and focus on.

It's called growing up. Most people go thru a wild phase in their late teens early twenties. Hers was just more pronounced because she was a goody two shoes for Disney.

This. The media companies make millions and billions documenting the rise and fall of celebs. Especially the fall.

>Damn I was so nice better fuck a bunch of niggers and be an absolute degenerate for several years

Yeah that's totally what everyone does.

>Most people
You mean only the literal retards who never grew up did this

>not realizing the whore phase was literally a trick that all pop stars since David Bowie have pulled

You change your image every year or 2 to maintain interest. Ziggy Stardust, Material Girl, Brittany Spears shaving her head. They all do this shit. The winds were blowing in favor of the wanton skank image 2 years ago, now the blond traditional futre-mother-of-your-child look is in so she changes accordingly

This is really all it is. She's just part of Disney's Entertainer Factory.

Give it a test. Provoke these "redpilled women" and start criticizing them for having casual sex and being degenerate sluts, and see how quickly their true selves come out. They're only changing their window dressing because betas on the internet had enough of being picked on and pushed back like a fucking tidal wave. Yet underneath it all, they're still sluts, they still want feminism and chivalry at the same time, and they are still very salty and bitter that 'MEN THESE DAAAAAAAAYYYYS" don't give them everything they want.

Probably not, they're more likely just reacting to society changing or responding to it.

No. Women know feminism is a sinking ship and that most men are aware of the dangers of a blue haired, indie gaming, pierced slut who calls herself a feminst. To desperately cling on the male attention, beta bux and validation they'll call themselves "red pilled" or "alt right" or whatever trend floats around these days, just like the gamer gurl of the mid 2000s. Women will simply drop the label, not the mentality.

Hasn't that "white boi" been piping her down for years?

The whole "Madonna" phase was just an act for publicity and money. She was always taking the white meat.

she is a business woman

she is reacting to consumer demand

>lets just fuck her shit up

Cannot be undone. Would not waifu

I think we've reached the Apex of degeneracy for awhile. Gen Z and even some younger millennial have seen Miley's transformation and they don't like what they see. They also see that nobody respects girls that dip their toes in degeneracy because nobody will want them afterwards.


its thanks to our epix maymays fellow pede she will have many white children

wow this more modest form of degeneracy is so much better

her mind is warped, like all of those who were churned out by the Disney and child acting/music stables.

she's fucked women and men.

how many of this ex-children stars are now official LGBT? it sickens me.

we're saving the west! it's dank to get married and be traditional

The rise of Trump, his presidency and Brexit have opened the mainstream culture and the masses up to ideas that were long on the fringe. No doubt this has been beneficial in achieving recognition and validation for our traditional views, but it has also opened up a market ripe for exploitation.

f populism and appealing to the common man rather than cosmopolitan liberals can get you attention and profit (as Trump's success clearly showed), there will be those seeking to capitalize on that. Due to a failing career or a general impotence, they will flock to a fringe scene that has just the right amount of people within it to gain notoriety for changing their "beliefs." Such is the case with Miley Cyrus' recent publicity stunt of toning down her degenerate behavior and posing in a wheat field to promote her new music. She has expressed how disappointed she was that country music fans hate her because of the choices she has made and admittedly wants to win back the favor of Trump supporters. Having grown up around that scene through her father and rapidly losing relevance in mainstream liberal culture, she decided to try and appeal to the large conservative audience that Trump's success has bolstered.

Recently Laci Green—a "sex education" feminist YouTuber—has made some comments sympathetic towards Men's Rights Movements and references to "the red pill." This small gesture inspired the whole of the skeptic community along with many classical liberals to come out to applaud her. This coincides with the release of the hit documentary "The Red Pill" by Cassie Jay, which covers her transformation from dyed-in-the-wool feminist to her ostensible open champion of "the patriarchy."

We live in an age where Millennial/Gen Z culture is heavily influenced by the obscure imageboards such as Sup Forums, where shocking and edgy humor appeals to individuals who typically view an enormous amount of online content. YouTubers like PewDiePie and JonTron were inevitably going to be exposed to the lingo and even the political outlook of the boards and end up signaling their awareness to appeal to their audience. Which, in the evolving cultural climate, they could now do without the fear of losing their fan support. As the attitudes of Generation Z become ever more radicalized by their imageboard influenced online worlds such content will only continue to leak into mainstream culture.

Every day there are new Anti-Feminist/SJW channels popping up on YouTube, with the perfunctory Patreons and catchy thumbnails, not to mention the scourge of the "Tradthot" that opens up social media accounts with MAGA hashtags to shill for donations. These contemptible people are the exact definition of the vapid self-obsessed culture we are trying to escape. These individuals fad chasers and self-promotors, desperately seeking validation from thousands of alienated and lonely males. Opportunists and bandwagon jumpers who, only now that it's safe and "popular," have decided to appear and regurgitate the same tired "Anti-SJW" or blandly Traditionalist talking points. The old liberal order is failing, but what is taking its place? Who asked for this synthetic parody of "traditional values"?

Women are animals pretending to be human. All they can do is mimic what they see others doing.

>Are women waking up to the fact that Feminism is degenerate?

No, she is just over the hill and knows her cunny is a mess. She's trying to salvage what is left and marry a 'nice guy.' Who knows, maybe Elon Musk will marry her?

Yeah, these women usually catch an STD or get raped then realize reality is a lot different than fantasy. Seen it happen too many times and I'm barely over drinking age.

This cultural shift, on one hand, is good for the spreading of our ideas, yet on the other, it's now easier than ever for it to be co-opted and taken it in the opposite direction; back towards the alienation and culture of self-atomization, we were trying to escape. Like all classical liberals will tell you, the individual and his "rights" come before everything else, whether morally wrong or not. The liberals have seized upon a reactionary movement because they are witnessing the collapse of the center-left and would rather be called racist and be allowed to continue their comfortable hedonistic lives than lose it altogether. Thats why you will observe people adopt all sorts of ridiculous personas: "trad girls" who sit on twitter all day while being unfaithful to their husbands by seeking the attention of thousands of anonymous men; grown men dressing up in costumes to "bash" AntiFa; as if these bread & circus "street fights" ultimately mean anything. They will sell you decadence and a bourgeois lifestyle in its most ironic postmodern form. his is the new emerging paradox of our time: someone who claims to be traditional but acts in practice, in a manner completely at odds to their stated premises. Traditional has, for many, been reduced to merely a lifestyle brand. But such is the nature of life in >the current year

Another point of concern is the false hopes of reviving "Nationalism" and some type of ancap utopia. National pride in itself is, of course, better than an identityless, self-hating melting pot, but nationalism, like liberalism and communism, is a product of modernity. It's based on the denial of the spirit of the Middle Ages and in refusing the traditions of the Empire and of God.The hierarchy does not go from the top down, from the divine to man, it is infected with the same secularism, rationalism, and atheism as the liberal order. There exists no meaning and the nihilism of late-stage capitalism will continue to weaken and fragment us.

The Atlanticists still utilize that civic nation to spread their unipolar world vision. America is still spearheading NATO, imposing their artbitrary and perverse conditions upon nations under the guise of "Human Rights" and "Liberty" while eroding genuine cultures. As these activities are part of the modus operandi of the Neo-Conservatives who have their origins in Trotskyists. There are people now making the shift to right wing ideas that may have the best of intentions, but they still are either too uneducated to know why democracy doesn't work or are playing it "safe" with alt-lite ideas in order to further their own micro-cults of personality. These people do not need our money or support, they are gatekeepers of the truth, and whomever they attract to them with their subpar and superficial content - we do not need in our movement either. So as we watch more and more public personalities express right wing ideas and copy our aesthetic and culture, we can do so knowing the tide is slowly turning. However, it's up to us to not let the real message become enveloped by opportunists who are only there to exploit a growing niche market all the while upholding the same neoliberal system. Thus, we can either step up and become true ideological influencers, daring to create what others will not, or let our voices become drowned out in a sea of posers and materialists.

All these pop acts relies on image to drive them. They cant keep doing the same thing all the time they get old and stale. Shes just changing up nothing ever mattered to her other then sales.

Look at Katy Perry picking up Mileys old image.

Even if they are, the damage has already been done. A used-up whore is still going to be a used-up whore after she stops hopping from dick to dick and starts dressing modestly. This generation of women is permanently damaged.

Pretty much. They follow whatever men are into to get attention.

Reminder - Laci Green gave these people the perfect cop out in her red pill video. Don't fall for it. Anytime someone gives you some variation of
>well if being redpilled means seeking the truth, then I guess I've always been redpilled (even though I've done a complete 180 and was advocating death for people with my current disposition just 3 short weeks ago)
Tell them to fuck off and ignore them. They can lurk moar and assimilate jist like everyone else.

Does it honestly matter? Look at Miley for example, she's not dressing like a giant whore anymore, but the damage of casual sex can't be undone. A woman who has slept with even 1 person before is used goods and not fit for marriage.

With regard to feminism, they're growing out of third wave feminism and are no longer identifying as feminists. Who cares though? We still have to deal with second wave feminism being the status quo. The brand of feminism that brought women into the workplace and universities (thus eventually bringing an anti-male culture where masculinity is shamed), spearheaded the sexual revolution, lowered birthrates, destroyed the nuclear family and raised the age that women have children (autism rates increased because of this).

It doesn't matter whether or not they're blue-haired dykes at this point, because we're still living in a feminist society.

just a new strategy. women are whores and will do whatever it takes.

>out of coal, it's all been burned

a well thought out argument.
agreed until your conclusion, but it doesn't have to weaken. it may well weaken most, but some, a few good men perhaps, will grow stronger as a result. but we are not concerned with the masses, but the heroes that may arise. they will be the exception and not the rule. but that rarity only means the value is greater.

>damage of casual sex

Ok, virgin

You're telling me that this "white boi" dicked her so hard and so good, she made her normal again?

How far will she fall when he dumps her?

No, shes growing up. Welcome to filming a teenage girl.

>Sweet little girl
>Slutty teenage girl
>Modest woman

Welcome to puberty you fucking neck beards.


It's true though. The more dicks a woman takes, the less likely she will be in a stable, happy marriage.

it would be enough for me, if women stop saying, I will find a girlfriend one day... (stupid bitches who wouldn't even touch my weiner)

>responds to data with "virgin."

Literally not an argument.

No Miley just like Lacy Green are jumping on the trend of more right leaning ideas. They know how to market themselves to what's popular/rising.

This is a female argument. I hope for you're sake that you're actually a female, otherwise this is just really pathetic.

It just takes a strong man to step up to the plate and finish another man's leftovers.