Depends on what kind of life you consider qualitative. If you're a violent wannabe warlord who likes to eat human meat the Kongo might be better than Japan.
Leo Cox
Hello shareblue.
Levi Powell
good thing we're not listed because we are full.
Nicholas Myers
what a zinger Don't be a smartass, Quality of Lfie has always been measured in the same metrics for decades. It's in the global census. It has always been for things like access to education, social liberty, economic freedom, health, and safety.
Ian Watson
Israel actually ranks higher in QLI than France
Daniel Bailey
According to those standards the quality of life in New York City is great I imagine. Noise all the time, people who don't speak your language, no real nature, rats as big as hounds.
Chase Powell
How very liberal.
Austin Nguyen
Spain is there? Doubt it.
Lincoln Green
Actually it doesnt You can make any place sound bad if you just blindly state negative aspects to it. New York City is amazing, ever been there?
Matthew Ross
Feels good living in a safe country
Zachary Torres
New York City is only amazing if you're a tourist dude. I'm sure you think Las Vegas is amazing too when you leave after a few days.
Isaac Phillips
Wake up Pedro, the whole "Spain is shit" was a meme all along
Alexander Scott
Diversity is always counted as bonus points to those "quality of life" KPIs.
Aiden Mitchell
My Father is from New York City, I spent entire summers there every year with my Aunts and grandparents when I was young. Las Vegas is great for about 3 days. ok
Gabriel Moore
Even the kike h3h3 says your country is a shithole
Jack Kelly
I'm not shitting on your experience but some people just don't like big cities and the people who live there, which obviously is a factor in terms of quality of life. No matter how good the schools are they'd rather be somewhere with slightly worse schools but where they feel at home.
Mason Collins
I don't think I could live there personally, but I'm from suburbs.
I could understand why some people would want to live there though, and visiting it is obviously pretty great. I think NYC feels at home pretty quickly, most people that live there can't shut the fuck up about living there in my experience.
Blake Price
oh my god who designed this, terrible computer animation
Luis Morris
Aren't they paying out of the ass for tiny apartments while other shit is expensive as fuck as well? I would also tell my family living there was amazing if I got fucked like that, just to save face. Also I don't know if the opinion of some hipsters who moved to Williamsburg really counts, considering they just like the attention and they probably would rave about a public restroom with overflown toilets if other hipsters were living there.
Jonathan Gutierrez
>a fucking fern
Lucas Rogers
Yes they are. Growing up in the US you are always told its the "best city in the world". It's been great to me, but living there on my own would be horrible or impossible financially. If you're rich I bet it's fantastic.
Jace Robinson
In your opinion, how much is living there overehyped?
Nathaniel Howard
You forgot the best country; Finland
Carson Watson
whats wrong with baby eating? we gave them a statue in our capital
Ayden Adams
>quality of life >UK You can't be serious.
Nathaniel Lewis
How is Spain better than Finland in terms of quality of life?
Wyatt Richardson
Nice strawman Sage.
Christopher Kelly
just because you are all sad doesn't mean you don't have some of the best education and NHS has been rated the number one health care system in the world above Switzerland.
But I've heard it's a bit dreary over there. And rainy. And cloudy.
Samuel Baker
I just think that Richard Proenneke for example had neither schools, nor health services in Alaska but the guy probably was happier than most New Yorkers. Saying depending on the person there's more to quality of life than infrastructure and statistics. Like purpose. You can still be unhappy in the best city of the world if you can't find any meaning there.
Lucas Turner
UK & Spain.....
quality of life in japan only go's for the Japanese, everybody else drowns.
Jason Roberts
No, we'd rather operate how WE did in the 1950's.
Gavin Bell
that's fair
Lincoln Cruz
The UK is probably the most overrated country in the world. And the NHS is awful, I literally can't see how any first world countries healthcare can be worse than ours.
Gabriel Peterson
I find it hard to believe that anyone is living better than me. Especially at my low low income.
Samuel Smith
>quality of life >canada, sweden, and germany
Maybe a long time ago lol.
Brayden Cook
I find it hard to believe that you are a country.
but if so, well done.
Ayden Gutierrez
William Gomez
so more racist, homophobic and sexist than we are now? You're right, turns out NHS was number one in 2014, but is now just above the US but below Portugal and and Spain. US Healthcare is seriously bad. Very expensive.
Besides that what is overrated, you come in 7th in the world Economically, 17th in happiness (out of 155), 14th in development, and 20th in average personal income (out of 181). Sounds not too bad. Plus you got all the history and culture shit. We don't have any of that jazz over here.
Andrew Cruz
If that were the actual proportion of you-know-who then those countries wouldn't be so safe anymore.
t. extremely deep, profound, rich, first-hand KNOWER of what I'm talking about
Camden Parker
Uh yes, being those things keeps degeneracy down.
Nolan Bennett
>so more racist, homophobic and sexist than we are now? Exactly. Racism is just the natural response to multiculturalism.
Lincoln Martinez
I'd rather operate like >Russia, Belarus, Indonesia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Poland
Than have the brownness and stupidity of
>Uganda Zimbabwe Haiti Iraq Egypt
Oliver Torres
Anthony Taylor
>Hur dur I'm a leftist and don't have any critical thinking skills >You're bad because you are racist > Let me just talk about how good these almost 100% homogeneous countries that have no black people are. >Now for a completely illogical red hearing.
Israel is extremely successful and they have a boarder wall, prevent Arabs and Muslims from having representation, forbid non Jewish marriage, sterilize blacks against their will, and force foreign workers and students to sign no sex contracts.
Yes, yes I want that. I literally want for white people what the Jews have for Jewish people so that we can be guaranteed to exist in the future.
Camden Bailey
Doesn't seem to be a problem for the countries with the highest quality of life. Or atleast not a big enough problem (yet) to knock them from their stellar global ratings in health, education, and social well-being.
It's effort, and legislation. Like France banning the burqa.
Adrian Barnes
So because those options are better than some of the worst countries, that's fine? Better to get 3rd place than no place at all type of guy huh? Sounds like a good way for most other countries to hate you, kind of like Israel.
James Price
There seems to be a huge stereotype in America that the British are all upper class, but you couldn't be more wrong. Our (((Capital))) city is full of Muslims and the people that are white are usually lower class trash. The British people are also taught to hate their country because, apparently, colonialism is bad.
Nathaniel Davis
Are you fuckin stupid? Those countries are ruined by refugees. Wtf does it matter if you can get free stiches when jamal is raping your daughter and learning the muslim call to prayer? Social well-being? They have no go zones because its so dangerous in some parts. Constant riots and terrorist plots/attacks. Some never even make the news.
Maybe youre a retard.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>lists best countries >all white countries >why do you want to keep them white pol i dont get it? >hurdur so racist
Jaxon Murphy
I though you Ned's were supposed to be smart.
Grayson Hall
ah yes of course, the Americano thinks its super bad over here. hm ok
Nathaniel Nelson
I understand that your adolescent brain is excited by dramatized imaginings of entire societies falling due to whatever you read on info wars but these countries are going to be fine for a long time.
Let me clue you into something, the world is already complicated enough, you can stop believing that the fall of civilization is right around the corner just because it's exciting to you.
Luke Bennett
keep the meme alive man!
Aiden Martin
How come every country listed is at least 85% White or Japanese?
Charles Bell
>If you're rich I bet it's fantastic no shit, anywhere is great if you're rich. doesn't say much positive about your city if that's the best thing you can say about it
Matthew Reyes
>Best countries to live in based on quality of life >UK lmao
The US is the most globally involved country in the entire world, the US Dollar is even the global reserve currency, and people like you think we can just shut our doors to it.
It's ridiculous
Gabriel Taylor
Lol how can you say my brain isnt working when you can say those locations see perfectly fine? Thats my definition of a non-working brain.
You cant just redefine things to make your little make believe world comfortable. The things youre talking about are rated by UNESCO. Denmark has high quality of living yet high taxes and suicides.....doesnt make sense.
Explain your way out of that one. SAGE.
T. Escaped somali nigger refugee
Evan Morales
that's not true. plenty of places are so shitty even being rich in them is no fun. I bet being rich in south sudan is scary as shit, you are gonna have to have a small militia just to protect your property.
Lucas Nelson
Yes, all those countries have very high taxes, that's what living in a socialist society requires. That's what pays for the social programs and infrastructure that make those the best places to live.
Your writing skills are very poor, are you from US originally?
Jaxson Ward
Which is why business is leaving places like that. Can your little bubble brain not process the fact that extremely high taxes is suffocating especially when they mostly go to uselss refugees who dont contribute to anything.
Aww you dodged the suicide fact. It's not really a place of good social well-being when suicides are high awww.
Whats wrong with your little bubble brain?
Sebastian Sanchez
you really don't know anything do you. high taxes for foreign companies? i don't think so.
immigrants flooding Europe? i don't think so.
keep watching msm user, you'll be fine.
Josiah Sanchez
You write like a child. You must be from the mid-west. Some 14 year old Alabama boy.
I had never heard of Denmark having high suicide rates so I ignored the comment
After looking it up, turns out Denmark has a lower suicide rate than France and England, hell Denmark is only one point of a national average above the U.S.
How's your corn fields doing?
Cooper White
We'll check in about 20 years who's got better quality of life
Enjoy it while it lasts though, don't think too much about future consequences of bad policies
Joshua Gomez
libtards are hoes libtard pussy
Anthony Rivera
Maximizing these social factors, perusing the core ethics of western society, has been winning for over 2,000 years.
Favoring economic policy, segregating communities, authoritarian policies, these are signs of short-sited societies, like yours.
Dominic Young
>things can't be changed by the same people that created the standards for globalization
Owen Long
You don't even let women vote in your shit country.
Matthew Young
what's going on in germany, sweden, france is unprecedented. they will be completely replaced by migrants in a few decades. look at the statistic for new-born babies
if that isn't shortsighted, i don't know what is
>segregating communities lol what
if you want to see segregated communities, look no further that the countries i've mentioned. look at their ghettos and no-go zones
Nicholas Sanchez
Yes i do, and the world agrees with me. Refugees aremt flooding europe? Ya youre a fuckin retard. You dont know shit.
If you have to move to grammar, your defense on the subject sucks. Lol.
The countries you listed have high suicide rates as well.
Keep believing in your autistic culturally enriched nigger world, though.
>b...but youre just supposed to believe me
Thomas Nguyen
Theres no work force with refugees. They have neither the skills or mentalities to contribute to the countries that gave them asylum. If anything they will turn into cheap labor which will desolve europes labor laws.
The way refugees live now is promising a sad future. Especially since refugees are stupid people who keep having more children like niggers in africa.
Hudson Flores
>pursuing core ethics of western civilization
Thats not whats happening you fuckin retard. Europe is enabling and encouraging the refugees way of life over europes. Thats why you can go to jail if you insult precious islam.
The refugees arent even skilled enough to add any type of value to their so called work force.
High taxes for huge safety nets is pointless if the majority of it goes to refugees that are usless.
Noah Mitchell
Why isn't America on there OP? All those non whites and diversity. It must be paradise
Dominic Peterson
Liam Davis
sorry I was taking a shower
US wasn't on there because the question was about the US. The US also does have one of the best standards of living in the world.
I have an appointment in 20 minutes have to go
Isaiah Powell
>Best countries to live in on quality of life >Lists rapefugee hell holes >Savage counties include Russia and Poland Go become a leaf if you don't like the US cuck
Hudson Baker
>Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, France, Japan, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Spain
Jackson Hill
Youre a fuckin reatard and dodged all the people who destroyed you with simple facts.
>i have an appointment
Lmao gtfo you clown.
Dylan Ross
That any of the listed countries are ruined by refugees is complete bullshit. they bring some problems but we still have much much less crime, have higher standard of living and more social securities than your wonderful country
Adam Reyes
You have more whites than America of course the crime rate is lower.
Nolan Hernandez
don't think he did
Jonathan Jenkins
>Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, France, Japan, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Spain
All countries that we protect with our military. Time to start making them pay t b h
Colton Lopez
Lol sure. Even if thats true, how long will it last? 10, 20 more years.
I guess thats why Poland has so many problems with muslims....oh wait. does it feel to be destroyed?
Isaac Gutierrez
Please look up the number of inmigrants in Russia before embarssing yourself
>social liberty >in many of those countries, it is illegal to criticize islam miserable free man over content slave, it's why africa's still fucked they didn't want whitey in there, even though we made things better for them
Oliver Ortiz
I would rather the US operate like Japan. You have no argument.
Landon Edwards
>Am I getting this right Sup Forums?
When no one was looking, Russia and Iran shills spent years brainwashing Sup Forums morons. It paid off I guess.
Gabriel Morris
belarus is a great country it's very exclusive very difficult to get in to if you don't have a good reason also if you translate the name it means literally "white russia" which is kind of neat