Who is /ourguy/ now?

Are we all #cruzmissiles now? Is Randlet our guy?



Cruz is an even bigger shill for Israel.


Is there no hope? Is America irrevocably ruled by Jews then?



The best part of this quote is that he said it at a Middle Eastern Christian conference about protecting Christians. He just blathered on about Israel like he was on the campaign trail (and obviously, some Arab Christians didn't like that). Then he made this stupid statement and walked out.

OMG Trump is literally Hitler!!!

How much will this wall cost and can we move it to the USA boarder.

I'm still loyal to Trump. What's wrong with the God Emperor standing in the Holy of Holies to be endowed by the spirit of Yaweh?

at least wash you mouth before going from one muslim ass to another jewish ass


Are you going to wet the bed when he does the same shit at the vatican in a few days?

Stormfags are the cringiest of all

kys kike


Fuck it... America is a lost case.


This. Fuck off Jew slime

Why don't make a rap cover about how all the kikes are ruining your safe space.

>stormfags are cringe
>check webpage
>boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/
wew lad what a relief, felt like Sup Forumsmblr for a second