Hahahahaha, you retards are completely powerless to stop the march of progress.
Also: >Right after Trump got elected, the Quinnipiac University poll pegged support for building the wall at 42 percent. Since then it has dropped steadily, and is down to about 33 percent. (Sixty-four percent of respondents, meanwhile, were opposed.)
those polls were spot on though, the *surprise* results came from areas where there was no early voting or where the difference was too small to accurately predict.
PA, Michigan and Wisconsin (iirc) were won by a margin of 70.000 votes combined for all three states and FL was around 100.000 votes in favour of Trump.
Based on data present Hillary's victory was a shoe-in, Trump's victory was a result of relentless last minute campaigning.
If you were around for Brexit vote, you'd see that on the referendum's eve the polls started ever so slightly tilting towards LEAVE which happened in the end. Same with the recent French, Austrian, Dutch and German elections.
Connor Reed
The decline is primarily driven by Bernie supporters who feel the Democratic Party isn't left-wing enough, so it doesn't contradict the data in the OP.
Kayden Bailey
>liberal polls say drumpf is even more stumped than before
Caleb Perry
>99% chance of Clinton win >Polls were spot on >Trump is president
Hudson Richardson
right on cue a shill is here to tell us how accurate the presidential polls were! as if the media coverage of the presidential election never even happened.