California breaks energy record with 80% of state's power generated using renewable methods



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Go Nuclear you commie fucks

BTFO's every right wing retard argument against green

>i-it can only be implemented in small countries like costa rica not an etnically diverse country like the usa
>d-dude enjoy your days without electricity when the sun doesn't shine xd
literallly btfo

and a cost of living 280% higher than everywhere else in the U.S.

Wake me up when you're at 99%

this so much

But... but... other fags on here keep saying that green energy is stupid and inefficient, user.

I'm glad at least that the people in charge aren't on Sup Forums.

>being this retarded

>even the smallest natural disaster can send cali back into the dark ages because solar is extremely unstable and needs very specific conditions to work

Please let this happen

and then the sun goes down
chess mate

fuck off shill

You're extremely uninformed.

Renewable means more than solar.

only cost effective due to subsidies and regulations on coal

>poltards will actually be mad about us preserving part of our nation

yes dont pay attention to fukushima or chernobyl goy....i mean guys!

>not a word about cost, impact, material use, longevity, anything that actually matters

Why are hippies so fucking stupid?

Surprise surprise; an angry, ignorant faggot getting BTFO'd by actual implemented science.

Nailed it.

sounds like you believe in fairy tales and magic

Coal is dirty no matter how you burn it.

>BTFO's every right wing retard argument against green
No mention of electricity cost though, here in ontario my rates have tripled in 5 years thank to this green shit, and we have the largest nuke plant in the world + Niagara falls

dirty in what respect

No, I'm not religious.

As opposed to nuclear power plants? Call me when the sirens start wailing in the 30 mile exclusion zone around a solar plant...

It'd be nice if they mentioned percent by source

If I had to guess I'd say the huge majority came from hydroelectric because of all the rain

Which is awesome

>The Sunrun system is connected to the grid and is not a backup energy source. The system will turn off when utility power is out.

Are the one who is misinformed

just git gud or build all of the reactors where we tested the atomic bombs

>still believing in le spooky man power plants disaster

Polluting from the point of discovery to the part where is leaves the smokestack in the form of smoke.

Not like Fukushima was caused by a tsunami hitting the place and nobody died from it and Chernobyl was caused by Russia being Russia and cutting every safety corner imaginable including not telling the workers what the shit would do to their bodies so they brought the fancy glowing goo home with them for their children to play with.

They are also 128bn in debt. Fucking nigger

fuck nuclear, fission is the future the fukushima incident was more about corruption on the institution that was suppose to regulate safety measures on the plant before the accident, cheap japs wanted to save a few yens

And how much did their energy bills go down?

>he doesn't know California buys energy from other states and doesn't have to disclose that it was made from non-renewable sources
Don't you have a war to worry about? :^)

this is absolutely not true

Anyone knows if 32 cents the watt it's a good price?

They offered me to install solar panels in my piece of desert for that price.

And capitalism won't cut corners because? Because it would violate the NAP?

Do you ONLY read articles that happen to agree with your ignorant views?

100% here AMA

What's to stop Commiefornia from having the same problems as Germany?
>Windy/sunny day
>Unable to store excess energy
>Have to encourage people to use energy wastefully, or practically give it away
>Cloudy/calm day
>Starved for energy production
>Tell people to conserve energy or get charged a fuck load more
>All this changes on a literally day to day basis, depending on the weather.
This is why we need nuclear.

Ukraine* and it was during a test

That's been a problem for longer than green energy has been widespread.

>reading articles from the main company website is now ignorant

Do you have fucking autism?

Why did your country go bankrupt a couple years ago?

Quebec here. 95% hydroelectric since the 80s. Fuck wind and solar memes.


We import shit or use gas.

absolute lies

>for a couple hours when it's really sunny and high wind, renewable energy works really well

When renewable can heat my house at night in winter, whenever I want, let me know.

Not enough money

Because if you do something right it won't be as likely to break down and then you won't be willfully hurting your investment

the real problem with green energy is that it's very costly and it's production is not that green at all ironically.

after massive unsustainable subsidies.

California makes so much money it probably wouldn't be feasible in any other state. and this is assuming that the electricity pumped to residents is actually the power they get from "renewable" sources, its hard to tell since they force energy companies to purchase this energy regardless.

For excess, you can unplug the mills and panels from the grid. Or do crazy light shows for fun, why not - it's not like it would cost you more.

That's incredibly misleading because it only talks about the short periods of the day when solar panels produce at near full capacity.

In reality California is a huge electricity importer and what they produce themselves is mainly gas.

how about winter you use fossil fuels but when you can dont fund the saudi royal family et al


>muh science
Nice bait shill

Renewables are a great idea if the global population wasn't rising. Renewables are just a misnomer. We don't have enough rare earth and copper to create a sustainable global infrastructure of renewable energy. Hence why the "Green liberal" agenda is doomed to fail. Immigration and the concept of perpetual population growth cannot be achieved in tandem.

Coal is fucked and will be replaced with CSG, which is essentially the same thing.

>We need to protect the environment.
>By creating miles upon miles of reflective dishes that set birds on fire when they pass.
OH BOY! Couldn't build them in places where nothing lives, but lets build them in areas with grass and animals, fuck ya.

Califag here

What they don't tell you is that they get a lot of that power from out of state because they can't even make enough on their own to meet the demand. That 80% doesn't mean shit with the draconian prices they're charging per kilowatt out here. The way it's set up is that the more power you use, the more you pay. So it's not an uncommon thing for a lot of family households to have $600 in power bills

>Sunshine State


When did damming river start to be considered environmentally friendly? I remember being young and that was something people complained about. Something about how fish can't swim upstream. Did slapping the "Green" codeword on it change everything?

California is the only relevant state. Prove me wrong.

You can't possibly be this stupid.

it full of mexicans

Who gives a fuck. Its still inefficient and never will be.

Statistically, 80 percent of power generated in california was solar power, however they import large amounts of electricity from neighboring states which operate coal plants, something like 60% of their net demand is supplied by other states.

you're right, they use natural gas to create steam, not concentrated sun rays.


They are also breaking records in debt

ITT: Retards who can't wrap their heads around the concept of EROEI.

Renewable only seems cost effective because the low cost of fossil fuel energy production subsidizes it. A 100% green world is not possible without a massive reduction in standard of living.

That's so much fucking bullshit I can smell it through the screen.
5/10 made me actually angry.
Nuclear and later Thorium is the way of the future. Maybe not in fucking earthqake country, but they can supplement their energy needs by burning gender studies degrees.


*blocks your path*

...and constant energy shortages.

ding ding ding!

Nuclear would be significantly cheaper if there wasnt such a heafty regulatory enviornment.

>You can't possibly be this stupid.
user was probably referring these pic related

a leaf said something right for once

>shotty commie reactors
>building a reactor on a tsunami prone island
it's almost as if they were asking for it.

Google the news article from 2015 where the solar panels reflections where conjoining into one fucking beam field and setting birds on fire while flying and fuck off.

California seems nice but too expensive and a lot of taxes
Yet half of American Sup Forumsaks live there

The irony of lefties pushing for "green earth" because of the children... while shoving trillions of dollars of debt into them.

>the future generations will perfect it because we're too dumb to.

I've really got to wonder how the EROI of nuclear was calculated.

Holy shit I have never seen such a retarded fucking strawman. If you don't want to pay 15 bucks a glass, don't pay. Everything else in that comic is full retard and doesn't even deserve a refutation.

*Blocks your solar panels*

I don't know where all those workers are supposed to be on a solar plant?

Do you think you have to move the panels to follow the sun or something?

Wind and hydro power brought in from out of state.

*Destroys your wind turbines*

More importantly that cloud moving over a field of panels will cause a massive output drop. Some generator needs to scale up to avoid brown outs.

Which is why you need gas turbines on standby.

>this cloud blocks your solar panel's ass
>what do you do

Wind turbines and solar panels produce more pollution per kw generated than any other form of energy production.

But they still have no water

*clogs your hydro damn*


that place blew my mind when I visited

>that feel when the lakes and rivers near you are puddles by comparison

check your water privilege jerk

But that just means more jobs for all of us unemployed folk! Don't you want more jobs for us???

no, you build hydro pumped storage systems, it's the only energy storage you can increase capacity using only an excavator