The Chinese & the CIA

How come the media never reported China killed or imprisoned 20 CIA sources during the Obama administration?

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Good question user.

>The Chinese government systematically dismantled CIA spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.

>Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as one of the worst in decades. It set off a scramble in Washington’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to contain the fallout, but investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources. Years later, that debate remains unresolved.

>But there was no disagreement about the damage. From the final weeks of 2010 through the end of 2012, according to former American officials, the Chinese killed at least a dozen of the C.I.A.’s sources. According to three of the officials, one was shot in front of his colleagues in the courtyard of a government building — a message to others who might have been working for the C.I.A.

>Assessing the fallout from an exposed spy operation can be difficult, but the episode was considered particularly damaging. The number of American assets lost in China, officials said, rivaled those lost in the Soviet Union and Russia during the betrayals of both Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen, formerly of the C.I.A. and the F.B.I., who divulged intelligence operations to Moscow for years.

Because they dropped the ball and all 20 of them are an embarrassment not worth the ridicule that comes with acknowledging their sacrifice

I know exactly why, and Ill tell you user. The main stream media doesnt want to report on the real threat of the chinese because it draws attention away from the boogeyman they've created that is Russia. China has overtaken russian in many aspects, its the second largest economy in the world, its further ahead in almost all aspects except number of nukes in comparison to russia. China is the real threat, and the real enemy, but the main stream media dont want people to be thinking about that, they want to convince everyone that the russians are bad and that donald is working with the russians to discredit the administration and to push people away from supporting it. Thats why they need peoples undivided attention, they dont want to make the narrative too confusing.

They also don't want people thinking about what the CIA is doing, especially with the vault 7 shit thats going on at the moment which is a bigger deal than a lot of people think it is.

I apologize for my shitting English in this reply, Ijust chopped up a bunch of habaneros and i cant get my hands to stop burning and its very distracting.


Yes how dare the Chinese defend against spies operating in their country

Sorry bud, killing foreign spies doesnt make you the bad guy

>While Bern tried to get out of the city, Cheng and his men were able to find his location. They illegally abducted him and pulled him in a van. Cheng interrogated Bern and told him he would let him go if he told him who ran the operation. Bern eventually confessed that Jack Bauer was the one who ran the operation. Cheng contacted the US government and told President Charles Logan that the Chinese government would put aside the involvement of the US government if Bauer was given to them and prosecuted under Chinese laws.

check who was the secretary of state during that time, user

no way (((they))) will let another case for incompetence come out during that time; it's different now

Hmm I started following china closely about a year ago so I'm not too informed on it, but interested. This is a great read and shoes how complacent the usa has gotten.

Xi jingping has started huge corruption crackdown too around the same time

Probably more men Hillary got killed

But it does make them a distraction and shifts attention to the Chinese, and away from the Russians which isnt what the MSM want because that opens a whole line of questioning they dont want people thinking about. Once people start focusing on them there is a rabit hole of info to follow. I dont think the chinese are "Bad" I think they are a geopolitical threat to the U.S and its sphere, just as the U.S is a threat to China and its sphere. Its the CIAs fault for conducting espionage in china that their sources got killed, however the chinese have been doing all the exact same shit to America and more, the CIA are probably killing chinese sources in the U.S.A. Its a two way streak, its hard to say if either one is good or bad, they are both competing with each other for power.

There is a whole war going on thats both a cyber war and a real Spy vs Spy type war between the Western sphere and the Eastern sphere, its worse now than it was during the cold war by a long margin.

The MSM just wants to craft an easy bogeyman narrative thats simple, easy to understand, and makes people scared, angry and easier to control, so that they become complacent with what essentially amounts to a coup, because the MSM and the people who control it view parts of the current administration as an existential threat to their power.

The truth is too complicated to play a role in that narrative because its a lot more nuanced than simply "muh russia".

There is no control anymore or power anymore, there are no sides really, every nation is spying on every nation, even the ones who are supposed to be aligned, and they're all making deals with their enemies because they think the enemies of their enemies are their friends and they're all paranoid as fuck.

This all started in the early 2000s with Vladislav in Putin's administration, his ideas about geopolitics have created what is essentially an avante garde political theatre.

Vladislav started by funding opposite sides of every internal or external political debate so no one could tell who's side anyone was on and he thrust the world into this perpetual state of chaos. He funded neo nazis, radical communists, pro-putin supporters, anti-putin protestors, he was funding people at maidan, he was funding everyone and funneling it through all different sources so it would look like it was coming from somewhere else. He did this because he realized that as long as everything is in chaos and everyone's confused its hard for people to come together to make huge changes, its easier for the status quo to remain in power, thats how putin has stayed in power for 15 years.

This is the state of geopolitics today, this is how most major countries conduct themselves. The U.S has been doing all the same things, so has China, so has the E.U.

You could search and search and search for the truth but the truth is its just too fucking complicated. Truth is subjective now.

>media doesnt want to report on the real threat of the chinese because it draws attention away from the boogeyman they've created that is Russia

The New York Times literally made this their frontpage story yesterday

The real bias is in how they didn't reveal any of these espionage fuck-ups until Obama had left office

I doubt anyone will take the time to read these but if some does happen to read them go watch the movie hypernormilisation. It can explain how we got to this point a lot better than I can in a couple posts and it'll probably help you get a little bit closer to whatever truth it is that you're hoping to weed out of this place

I wouldn't blame Obama for the fuckups though. From reading it the CIA has become very complacent. It reminds me of McMaster saying we should go into Syria and take on ISIS, and Syria at the same time.

One could probably argue that Obama's pivot to Asia may have created more pressure to get things done quicker though.

I read them and they were enjoyable. I watched most of hypernormalization, and saw the video that talked of Vladislav, but he has completely slipped my mind. The truth being subjective was my favorite line, and I completely agree with it.

I watched a lot of Adam Curtis older stuff, hope this ones as good.

The new york times also of course also used it as an opportunity to try and push the trump Russia shit as well.

same reason why all the CTR shills are fucking zipperhead gooks from SONY pushing shit games and why it seems like you've been talking to the same shills for years (you have)

It was hard to report while they had Obama's balls in their mouth.

Hi Aussie, I'm OP.

The person you're looking for is a man named Vladislav Surkov. He's the architect of all of Putin's behavior over the last 17 years.

Most people here think Dugin is the one to worry about. Dugin is not. Surkov has simultaneously been described as Putin's Rasputin. His other nickname is "The Grey Cardinal" (a nod to France's historic Cardinal Richelieu). The Russian Machiavelli.

The amount of debt the U.S owes to china is irrelevant now. Its dealing with its own debt issues, internal subprime loan issues, asset bubbles and other such things. I have friends in high places. A high level executive for sinosteel recently told me this.

Back in 2015, at the height of monetary pinch as well as unwilling hikes in Yuan appreciation, my friend, an executive for Sinosteel told hold his business was going so badly that layoffs were quite common in notoriously cushy state firms.

Manchuria, the seat of the nation's steel refining and producing firms was suffering the worst depression since never post Deng era. Whole towns stand bankrupt with unemployment figures 33% in Harbin, Chongqing etc and higher in lower townships. Further investigation on my own yielded reports of how iron ore shipments were piled up on docks en masses so much so, port authorities are laying off quite a bit of it's usual workforce since half the firms the ore shipments are destined for went chapter 9 and the other half have kept ore on port in warehouses and further stopping shipments orders. There was a famous article somewhere around this time regarding worker riots at a Chinese-Zimbabwe? Mozambique firm metals associated with steel alloy productions liquidating assets and workers protesting that their rental shacks were sold off. However since beginning 2016, things are picking back up, I've talked to him since and he said Deng has embarked on completing a Silk road inland railway on towards Pakistan and Central Asia with demands for more steel and currently re-bouy-ing current industrial sector in China proper. I know this is bullshit since recovery since I know for a fact that in multiple times Sinosteel and other 48 members of state industries have received some state influx of cash to handle liquidity issues, think Petrobras tier corruption and inefficiency, multiple times.

>according to former American officials.

Im an investment banker and get to talk to a lot of people about the world economic situation. Heres an email I sent to a friend a few days ago, Ill include another snippet from a short email with other links in a minute.


I have more of this type of information if anyone is interested. Ijust have to dig through emails from friends. I have some more information about my friend in sinosteel too.

Anything about gold or silver, my antipodean chum?

If you think the Chinese economy is going to explode (I think so too), why do they say they want to rebuild the silk route? Do you think they are bluffing? What's the point of that?

Last ditch effort to save themselves by massively expanding trade, self stimulating their economy by providing construction jobs and industry stimulation and trying to draw in more foreign investment.

interestingly the infrastructure they're planning to build could be used to move troops other such things into Pakistan and serves as a supply line...

China is currently in direct competition with india.

Here is also a discussion about potential China bubble issues

Gold and silver is heavily, theres a lot of information out there already, basically anything thats happening in the precious metals market is already out there and I dont really have anything unique to offer. SGTReport tend to have fairly good info about the precious metal markets and have unique insider perspectives.

Alright, cheers mate.

I meant heavily manipulated, oops, didnt edit that reply quite right. Now that i think about it i may have some info i can dig up for you. Give me a couple minutes and ill see if there are some stray emails floating around with anything in it.

>Chinese government legally defines “Chinese” to include all Chinese abroad irrespective of actual citizenship status
>Overseas Chinese are the responsibility of the Chinese Government

The Chinese government even risks clashing with foreign governments by claiming of jurisdiction over their ethnic-Han citizens of foreign countries living abroad.

Last year the government of Malaysia (where the Han population is 25%) censured the Chinese ambassador when he declared that China “would not sit idly by” if its “national interests” and the “interests of Chinese citizens” were violated.

ethnic Han whose families left for other countries generations ago are often regarded as part of a coherent national group, both by China’s government and people.

Chinese authorities considered that his foreign passport was superseded by birth and ethnicity: both Mr Gui and Mr Lee are Han, the ethnic group that makes up 92% of mainland China’s population.

>Chinese government is refusing to recognize Canadian citizenship when granting visas to those with roots in Hong Kong or Mainland China.

molochic burgers created yellow peril

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon since the 70s
Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...

"Silk Route" is going to fail because oil money is running out and the routes to middle east will not yield any income. The routes to Europe will also fail as EU is going to go through another crisis, and more importantly EU is planning to increase its own industrial output rather than substitute it with more Chinese garbage.
I wouldn't say that China and India are directly competing, as India does not produce any electronics nor does it have a strong industrial base. India might in the coming years become self sufficient in the electronics which would allow them to balance their trade deficit with China.

I didnt find anything about gold or silver, however, i did find something about the bond market from an economist friend of mine working somewhere high up. Here is what he sent in the email.


Short term ffr (that thing linked) was 3% steady at early 2000s whilst dipping continually down 1% after 2008 and thus after so but since Nov 2016 rate hike of .25 basis then to 50 then 75 over the period of 5 months whilst markets appear asymptomatic of this change is highly unusual. Yelen to hike 3 more after this, per her 2016 Nov plan, but I feel like the next hike where ffr reaches 1%. That's when investments will feel the discount pinch.(NPV=CF/(1+r) in this case ffr ==r >85% oft). We all know sovereign debt crisis is a thing and despite best measures of EU banks lowering their rates in order to spurr economy so they can RAISE rates after (idiots) is further worsening the credibility of national bonds and by extension the world demand of bonds (of which US is the most fucked). And rate hikes on Yelen's is a fucking joke and probably only to entice people since 4 week auction just lost a huge amount of foreign demand. After these I'm fucking scared shitless every time the Investment sectors act like its going to take a shit because it's fucking happening within the next 3 years by most market watches if not sooner."

We've looked at the figures together and honestly its going to hit in under 3 years. We've probably got until september 23rd when the U.S.A will probably have to deal with a government shutdown and have to deal with the debt issue.

Hah, Is this how ethno-states act? Isn't this how Israel acts?

Their main business partners right now are America. They're attempting to "diversify their bonds, nigga," as they say in the parlance of our times. If they can prop it up and hold the facade until this new magic "silk road" is built then, even if it collapses, they may have a shot at rebuilding themselves more quickly if they have this other avenue open to them. Until they inevitable collapse again, of course.

Because, failing utterly catastrophic war or famine, they have one thing that everyone needs. Labor.

The biggest war America has ever fought, meaning the greatest loss of life the country ever experienced was the Civil War. We lost an estimated 2 percent of our population to the war. If we were to refight that war today, that would be the same as 6,482,375 dead. Now, if we were to translate that 2 percent number to Chinese numbers today, that would be 27,646,500 dead. And there would still be 1,354,677,000 left.

You do not understand the sheer amount of Chinese there are. I've been there. It's...daunting, to say the least. The people have to do something during the day. The Chinese economy (and the Indians, for that matter), when you actually sit down and think about it, is simply statistically impossible.

Watch this:

I agree with what the Australian says and I also think there is quite a bit of geopolitical thought behind it. Let's ignore how vast the silkroad is for a minute and think only about regional power. China is currently in competition with India, and Japan to see who will be viewed as the absolute regional powerhouse. The Silkroad would be a huge symbolic victory.

Yes, yes it is.
He also skipped over (((who))) advised the governments and provided the banks to make this happen.

Best post so far.

>Nixon birthed superpower China
However, I don't think he birthed it, Kissinger had a bigger role to play than Nixon. And, we must always consider who actually benefited from such an arrangement? The corporations.

India is developing faster than you might realize. Its seen a huge amount of foreign investment, its become more desirable for a lot of investors who are pulling out of china. Even Chinese citizens are investing in india now because china is simply too unstable, they're putting their money in all kinds of overseas projects, any kind of asset that isnt simply liquid is being bought up or being bought into by the Chinese. They buying and developing property overseas, see canada and australias housing bubbles, chinese investment is what sparked that.

India is already producing electronics, not on a wide scale like china, but its not going to take long, they're experiencing an explosion of industrialization at the moment and they're producing many similar goods to china at cheaper prices, another reason why china is starting to outsource there.

People are losing confidence in China which only exacerbates their problems causing them to exponentially get worse, this is easily leveraged by other countries including india.

All the responses you have so far are good. And don't forget that the natural Chinese response to a downturn is to invest and build massive amounts of infrastructure. Cities, highways, railways, damns, power plants.


protip: Rockefeller created China

US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China

pathologist from the Rockefeller (founder of Federal Reserve Bank and Globalist advocate) Institute for Medical Research, purposely infected human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells; 13 of them died

Thats how they've propped up their GDP for so long. They've got entire cities built that are entirely empty. All this infrastructure looks good on paper but is actually harmful overall because the government is sinking government money into these projects and not getting anything out of it other than making it look like the country is okay for a little bit longer.

>Even Chinese citizens are investing in india now because china is simply too unstable, they're putting their money in all kinds of overseas projects, any kind of asset that isnt simply liquid is being bought up or being bought into by the Chinese.
I wasn't aware of that, cheers.

>. According to three of the officials, one was shot in front of his colleagues in the courtyard of a government building — a message to others who might have been working for the C.I.A.


Very interesting. Thanks.

Why did the bonds dip after 2008?

>The Chinese economy (and the Indians, for that matter), when you actually sit down and think about it, is simply statistically impossible.
Is there something you forgot to put here? I apologize, but the wording is confusing me.

The Chinese economy(and the indians) what?

You're welcome mate. India and Africa are currently two of the biggest countries seeing investment from China, both countries are seeing rapid technological and industrial expansion much like China did during the Nixon years onwards as a result of U.S investment. They're bringing their technology to these countries which is causing both places to boom, the labor is also cheaper in both countries, they're actually undercutting chinese jobs, china now has a middle class because of their boom and is now sending all their money out of china, over seas which is grinding chinas boom to a halt. If you've got money to piss around with put it into india for sure mate.

We didn't know about it until a week or so ago

Bonds dip when consumers lose confidence. High bonds = high consumer confidence and the system is running well, bonds taking a dive means people dont want to invest, there is no confidence, the system is doing poorly, the lower it dips the worse. The higher the rates continue to rise, which it will another 3 times this year, the lower the bonds dip until boom

Yes, sorry. It should read like this:

>The Chinese economy (and the Indian economy, for that matter (I mean India the country)), when you actually sit down and think about it, is simply statistically impossible.

What I mean is, think about how wealthy you or your friends families are. I'm assuming you're an average American, like me. Now look at pic related. Look where Mexico is. Look where Germany is.

Then think about the other countries on that list.

>How come the media never reported anything bad that happened during the Obama administration?

>they're putting their money in all kinds of overseas projects
>see canada and australias housing bubbles, chinese investment is what sparked that.

We've also got some in NZ, and the west coast of USA thanks to China. There are probably more all over the place too.
I thought that higher yield meant less confidence/higher credit risk, and lower bond yields meant higher confidence. I have seen what you said referenced many times, but I could never figure out the disconnect.

Let's look even further.

Because the US spies are the bad guys?

And further. Starting to notice some things? Just by glancing at this list, are certain things popping out at you that seem unsustainable?

I think you forgot it again. The economy failing because so much labor. Is that what you were getting at?

>there are people here actually defending the agency that has been successfully undermining the US government for decades

Really enables my synapses

>spark Ukraine revolution
>lose Crimea
>spark Syrian revolution
>Assad wins
>Spy in china
>all spies executed
>Shill Hillary
>lose election to this Taiwanese image board

When did the CIA turn to shit lads ?

Yes. They'll never be a wealthy country. As a collective, I mean. It's utterly impossible. Of course, there will be a few wealthy Chinese, but the rest will remain third world. Unless something comes through and causes such an astronomical death toll heretofore thought unimaginable let alone speakable...the cycle will continue.

I don't think anyone is defending the cia here.
Complacency gets you killed

>the Chinese picked off more and more of the agency’s spies, continuing through 2011 and into 2012. As investigators narrowed the list of suspects with access to the information, they started focusing on a Chinese-American who had left the C.I.A. shortly before the intelligence losses began. >Some investigators believed he had become disgruntled and had begun spying for China

The vast majority of Chinks, regardless of where they're born, will always consider themselves first and foremost as Chinese. Giving Chinese-""Americans"" access to vital national security information is insane.

That is an interesting way to look at it. While having excess to such a strong labor force is a strength it also means a lot of poor people that your enemies can try to agitate. Very interesting perspective, thank you

I wonder if we(westerners) will ever come to this realization again

>Why media don't talk about Obama's fail

Well, let's see...

>You have spies in other countries
That makes you the bad guy, you don't want to tell this to your voters

>20+ agent burn
That mean that other intelligence are better than yours, much better if so many went down.

Btw if you listen/read some scholars that work in geopolitical/intelligence sectors of US you will notice how much they are confident that China will be balcanized, and it will happen "spontaneously" like URSS.

I think that US is planning something like we saw in Jugoslavia for China, but it is failing so hard that it is embarassing.

>literally cucks

US is full of Chinese moles.

Well... administration Clinto-Obama-Victoria Nuland

We are talking about idiots and psycopaths.

Where is the Turkey incident? That was pretty cringe worthy.

China's share of world GDP is heading to 20% and USA to 15%.
CIA faggots can't do jack about the losing the manufacturing base.
CIA should stick to selling crack to niggers.

That was so cringe that I was shocked for days.

Australia user, thanks for the posts!

Although I was unaware of some of the facts, your points resonate a lot with what I was thinking (as a starting risk management consultant)

Netherlands bro! Im glad you enjoyed my posts. I actually used to be an risk management consultant, its a fun job I hope you enjoy it. There is definitely a wealth of information out there for you to look at, you'll never be able to go through it all on your own, the best thing you can do is surround yourself with people who know what they're talking about, then you always have someone to ask, or someone to share their knowledge on current events, some may even offer you insider knowledge you normally wouldnt be privilege to. Im lucky to have a job that lets me do all that and put together the pieces. I hope my information can help you in some way user.

>Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States. In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.

>The Grand Chessboard in .pdf form

tl;dr they need russia b4 they destroy chinese menace they created thus having an excuse to cull the planetary population thru war

CIA attempts at weakening China by spreading feminism have so far failed, although they are trying REALLY hard-->

And here's Soros' "human rights" organization whining about how China needs more feminism badly after a video made by another merchant was released-->

Feminism is one of the most successful tools they have used against the West, so they're desperate to get it in places like China and the Middle-East