>Makes the biggest arms deal in U.S. history with the main exporters of global Islamic terror and the financiers behind both 9/11 and ISIS >Does a curtsy for the king of Saudi Arabia after ridiculing Obama for doing so >Goes to Israel and grovels before the Wailing Wall whilst wearing a yarmulke
How can anyone defend this piece of shit at this point?
>black nigger does it he's a cuck, hates america, can't wait to bring america to her knees in submission >orange nigger does it and it is strategic, cunning negotiation because he loves america
Liam Green
the orange man is cutting your food stamps tyrone
Colton Phillips
James Ortiz
>>Does a curtsy for the king of Saudi Arabia after ridiculing Obama for doing so
Obongo did it for no reason, trump received a gold chain you faggot
Hudson Roberts
cant wait for 2020 the salt wave will be so much sweeter
Austin Walker
your're right, that makes riding the dick of a shit country who exports global islamic terrorism by the ton justified!!
oh wait
Xavier Adams
I know, Sup Forums is going to shit itself even harder than the Democratic landslide next year.