Iran fires mortar shells in Pakistan.
Iran fires mortar shells in Pakistan.
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Persians and Pakis have been killing each other for thousands of years.
Just expect England to get flooded with able-bodied male Paki refugees.
Only makes it more likely that the Pakis give the Saudis nukes just to spite Iran.
This is going to set Pakistan back DECADES!
More refugees for us yaaaaay
fuck this gay continent
Now Pakistan is going to be a shitty barely developed country!
News or just Monday in the ME?
>21 may
I hope China intervenes due to CPEC and one things to another leads WW3.
Please god!! please!!!
calm down pajeet
What the fuck for? What beef does Iran have with Pakistan? Also Pakistan can just fucking nuke them.
They've got Mother Russia by their side
You realize this is a regular occurrence over there right? Pakistanis Al-Qaeda or whatever hop over the border, blow some shit up and escape back over the border before the Iranians can respond.
>implying Russia would back them if they did something stupid like this
>existing before 1948
Amerifat shit for brains.
Could this cause a "shitstorm?"
They fired mortar shells over Afghanistan?
I'm not buying it, poo in loo.
Pakistanis can't fight.
The place still existed you stupid faggot
Calm down Pajeet, this shit happens all the time
It was just the other week, Pakis killed a couple dozen Afghani because they kept fucking with the border.
Wake me up when the start taking cities
Sorry. The only history book I ever wrote was about Finlandization and its military during the Cold War.
Pajeet that's a regional war not a global one dont shout or we will come
Holy shit I fucking love Iran now?
>Just expect England to get flooded with able-bodied male Paki refugees.
And why would we let them in?
>not always loving Iran
What's your problem?
and also make sure to attach an image with your shit-covered fingers next time
>capable of fighting
The place wasn't called Pakistan and Pakistanis didn't exist you fucking eastern mong.
How did Pakistan ever get Nukes anyways?
The land and people were there before 1948...dummy
Your face when the Islamic subhumans kill each other
No one fucking cares about your autism you faggot, everyone else understood what he referred to.
Chinese. To undermine India.
The same reason you've been letting them in for like, a century?
Prbly the chinese.
AQ Khan Stole the Technology from France and blackmarket trading with DPRK.
at that.
They started their nuclear program in 70s I believe, but right now all they have are Chinese toys....success of their nuclear program is questionable
holy shit how do you lose this bad
Croat user, I've seen you on another thread; what's your obsession with non-white women?
top kek, no wonder they were desperate for nukes. they cant fight for shit, with their luck theyll probably nuke themselves anyway attaching a bomb to their plane
source? I want to read about this, sounds interesting
What? Tomcat was a great plane. Much better than the Aardvark.
who were they aiming for?
Might help you about it a little.
>Burger geographical knowledge
Fuck off with your misnamed filenames.
Its a feat really.
Iran is the only Muslim country worth keeping
paki nukes = saudi nukes.
1/2 the saudi army is rental paki units.
Pakistan only got the bomb because of saudi money, many strings attached.
>both muslim
don't care.
Because you're cucks lel
wait what??
aren't pakiland supposed to fight with India and not with another muslim country?
Russia can't even back itself, what makes you think they'll do anything more than talk out their ass?
To keep you company, Abdul
Nigger you were still being cuckd by the English, they're the only reason you won that
Kek, based Iran. I hope they got that paki that keeps posting about how England won't let him in to rape women.
Siya-Sunni ideological difference maybe, but I'm not entirely sure.
It could, it has second most powerful military and it's already fiddeling too much with you guys.
Hello muslim
>"""""""people""""""" dying in in
Call me when actual people die.
Iran is just that crazy! They just couldn't help shooting some mortar rounds over there. Yea they just couldn't stand all the attention those two were getting and they snapped!? ISNT THAT RIGHT RODRIGO??? YOU SNAPPED! YOU MURDERED YOUR WIFE! SAY IT!
>Recently, the ties between the two neighbours got stressed after ten Iranian border guards were killed at Mirjaveh on the Sistan-Baluchistan border by the Pakistan-based Sunni terror outfit, Jaish al-Adl or "The Army of Justice".
>Iranian police said the guards were killed by long-range guns and called on Islamabad to assume ultimate responsibility for the crime. The Sistan-Baluchistan province in south-east Iran has long been plagued by drug smuggling gangs and separatist militants.
This is what it's about
>It could
They can't, their economy is shit to all hell and they're barely keeping it together in Syria. Why do you think they stopped pushing into Ukraine?
They have no money, they can't lend shit to anyone
Well, here's the false flag that starts our invasion of Iran. We were warned 5 years ago.
They can do the same thing you're doing.
>Selling the weapons, against each other to boost their economy.
what's not to be obsessed about =)
It's a British tradition at this point.
You can't change the race of the people,same with Pakistan they are like a grass you cut them,the grass has no fault,same with pakistan.
To be fair
>4 Hawker Hunters
>when you get btfo and resort to ad homs
>Why do you think they stopped pushing into Ukraine?
When were they pushing into Ukraine?
>when you get btfo
no one cares what some sperg thinks
Everyone else understood what that Yank meant, the little Canadian poo in a loo found an opportunity to sperg out
>he's trying again
stop man, you got rekt. just give it up
also I didnt read your shitty post past the greentext
>also I didnt read your shitty post past the greentext
because you are mad as fuck
The middle east is in a Sad! state