What is the point of gay pride
Gay pride
Other urls found in this thread:
Cries for attention because "muh oppreshun"
sucking healthy cock and shiet
To piss off christians
have fun? Meet friends? let people know you exist?
If you dont like them don't go to one
It is very important that every guy on Sup Forums sucks dick at least once, and gets his dicked sucked. It is a rite of passage.
Important for the development of out board culture.
Gaining moral capital by pretending you're persecuted.
gay pride is a lot like national pride, really. millennial gays are hopping on the back of previous generations that protested and actually got beat up for it and are telling the world they're "apart of the history/struggle" and should be respected. Kinda like Americans and the accomplishments of their previous generations.
Homosex-user here. Gay pride WAS something that needed to be established in the 1970s in the minds of most faggots due to it's obscurity and unimportance - however, open homosexuality was blocked - which it needed to be - which spawned the entire movement of people shilling for basic rights. The first few were just the same as equal rights for women and civil rights movements, as in being relatively reasonable and nonviolent, but still it spawned into the monstrosity it is today in the mid 1990s.
The general point is to attention whore and """"normalize"""" homosexuality to the point in which it's an ordinary, everyday thing. However, many homosexuals fail to realize that doing so just makes people hate them more. Seeing as I personally see that sexuality doesn't matter unless it directly has a downside to whoever it may affect (IE trannies mutilating themselves or faggots bug chasing), it should be the view of many that homosexuality isn't important and doesn't change the person unless they are just in general a fucking terrible person with a lack of meaning or morals (ie sleeping around with every single guy they can find.)
Another motive of these pride parades is to infect the minds of many into this "second wave of sexuality rights" that has the grasp of view of so many people. Just like third wave feminism, second wave homosexuality embraces fake and forced garbage to the likes of "pansexuality" or anything else you can think of. This movement pushes this narrative through it's parades and speeches, and much to many people's horror in schools.
Gay pride parades due to their recent lack of any meaning other than pushing nothing more than utter degeneracy should be banned - or atleast, made to model parades to the likes of the east (Countries such as Japan have much more tame pride parades surprisingly).
t. papua new guinean tribesman