Immigrant experiences

>be me
>Greek immigrant in Poland
>Wish I could get out, but it doesn't depend on me
>Only have to stay one more year, thank god

What are your experiences as immigrants Sup Forums?

If there is one thing I hate it's people who immigrate to a country and then do nothing but bitch and moan about it.

Well, I wouldn't complain if it didnt suck dick

Why don't you like it there?

Considering being part of exchange program in Uni

>Go to decent American/Swizz school for free
>Study there for a year
>Show your face to local companies so inquiring future jobs would be easier even if youre abroad

The wages suck here and taxation is awful desu. Thoughts on the plan?

People are unfriendly, that's my main problem. I hate the title of immigrant and Third Culture kid, becaus it makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere. Drunks are all over the streets. There is a higher chance to step on human poop than on dog shit. It's cold as fuck on winter and I have no motivation to learn the language and actually be more independent. Admitedly, the last one is my own fault, but I just really want to go back to Greece.

>but I just really want to go back to Greece
Από πιο μέρος της Ελλάδας είσαι ?

Αθηναίος είμαι

But are you a true Greek or just a roach that was born there?

> Third Culture kid
explain pls

> There is a higher chance to step on human poop than on dog shit
stop LARPing, Paweł

Don't even get me started on immigrants. Fucking white people coming in and stealing our jobs and women.

Then why don't you fuck off? Migrating and then complaining is one thing I will never understand.

>Third Culture Kid
It's a stupid ass term that describes people who have a different culture from their parents, a different culture from where they live, but they actually belong in their own culture because those circumstances make them special snowflakes

I've actually seen more human shit on the streets, no joke.

I said, I had no choice. I was dragged here by parents

Where do you live?
I might have seen a human poop on the street like once or twice in my life. Dog shit used to be a problem but everyone was so sick of it and it's much better now with discipline and social ostracism. There are drunks late at night but nothing terrible.

Are your parents Polish?

Yo wonder you say people are unfriendly - we are very xenophonic nation. We will welcome every tourist, but we don't like migrants from other-than-our cultures. And if you don't know the language, then you will be never accepted in the society.

And about a poop, what the fuck, do you happen to live in Łódź or Sosnowiec?

No, Warsaw

You are crazy dude, I stayed at Warsaw for 6 months studying and it was fucking awesome. Polish girls are top tier, they are so ridiculously attractive that I now have a Slav fetish, no joke. Looking forward to the summer and the onslaught of Russian hotties for some good time at the beach. Just go out there and have fun (and sex) and your mood will be great again.

Trying to go into public transport is impossible because of how much alcohol stink there is. I do have a few Polish friends, but I cant hang out with them that much because all they want to do is get drunk

I do get the fact that not learning the language wont help, but I cant bring myself to do it

What, during the day it smells too?
Never been to Warsaw, so I can't really confirm.

Quads checked

Ive been here for 3 years now. I had one girlfriend, she was great. I guess the kind of fun in Poland is not for me though

Oh yes it does. Its really not uncommon to see Drunks even in the morning

Well, we're a drinking depressed nation, what did you expect. There's some fun to be had here still, you just need the right attitude and people.

What is the right attitude?

Being depressed alcoholic too

>What are your experiences as immigrants Sup Forums?
Love it here. Migrated from turkey 25 years ago. Got called a wog once but that's all racism wise. All my mates are aussies. Ama