Last Thread: A few similarities about us became apparent as the threads naturally evolved; - Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common) - Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull) - Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing) - Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning) - lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague) - windows were covered - tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too; - Interest in /x/ phenomena - Heavy early twenties drug period - Forehead scares - Early speech therapy - First born sons - Migraines - Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking) - Meme Magic - Premonitions/prophetic dreams - Above average intuition
Bumping to remind everyone this shit is far to creepy.
Cameron Gutierrez
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common) Yes. - Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull) Yes. - Birth Complications 3-4 months early - Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning) >Had something like that on a trip to Cocoa Beach, nearly drowned in a pool because my autismo brain told me to keep going to the deep end. - lack of memory of GATE >I have a lack of memory of GATE specifically, I believe they changed their name at some point. What we did was under the PETS (Primary Education Thinking Skills) program. Don't remember much about the teacher, I remember she had a poster of the 2004 Athens Olympics on her wall during the last year I was there.. Large Swaths of my memory are missing from that timeframe when I was in GATE/PETS, don't remember much about what I did there. - windows were covered >No windows in room, back behind the library. - tendency to being followed >Feeling like I'm being followed sometimes, never experienced being followed, except before I switched middle schools after the program. - Interest in /x/ phenomena >Yes, what got me interested in Sup Forums in the first place, found /x/. - Heavy early twenties drug period >19. Haven't reached that yet, but wouldn't be surprised if I do, spent the last summer smoking weed with friends. - Forehead scares >Not particularly. - Early speech therapy >Yes, a lot of it. Still have a slight speech impediment. - First born sons >Yes, my younger brother didn't go into it. - Migraines >Occasionally. - Israeli art student girlfriends >I'm on Sup Forums, what makes you think I have had a gf let alone one that specific? - Meme Magic >Yes, helped in the meme war. - Premonitions/prophetic dreams >Some, get deja vu VERY often, most likely an error in memory processing and storage, not fixable though. - Above average intuition >Yes.
All of this is pretty strange.
Adrian Wright
Reposting mine from last thread: >Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common) My eye color is blue and grey. >Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull) I guess. >Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing) Nope. >Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning) Nope. >lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague) I was not in GATE, I got recommended for CTY. I got in, top 1% of scores nationwide when I took the test. I only took one course in it, an online one, it really creeped me out. I remember freaking out b/c it felt like someone was fucking me the entire course. As if I was being treated as if I were a child(what I told my parents), and somethings plaything(kept this bit to myself). >windows were covered Nope. Did online course. >tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too) I always felt a tad paranoid like someone is following me. Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too; >Interest in /x/ phenomena Sorta. >Heavy early twenties drug period 18, we will see but I've stayed totally clean up till now. >Forehead scares Chin scars, I remember how I got them too, I was like 3 and acted retarded. >Early speech therapy Yes. >First born sons Yes. >Migraines Never had one. I have had headaches before but no migraines. >Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking) I'm Israeli(((JEW))) by birth, never had a girlfriend. Only 18. >Meme Magic I guess. >Premonitions/prophetic dreams All the fucking time as a kid. >Above average intuition Yup.
Also sociopathy, or rather our fear of it, and high language cognitive skills. ADHD all that and the like.
Elijah Watson
Question concerning meme magic: to what extent? Simply believing in it, or practicing it?
Also, to those that have premonitions and dreams, do you ever dream about the school where you were part of GATE?
David Rodriguez
What about the kids in Gifted and Talented programs who aren't white? Diversity Quota?
Ayden Lewis
I only took one online course. They still email me even though years have passed. I was too creeped out(and at a place to geographically far from any real GATE location to bother) by it to continue and actually go for the actual program IRL(which I had up until then wanted to go to. >Meme magic:to what extent No clue, I wasn't in the original thread, merely joined in last thread. I'd imagine practicing in it? >Gifted and talented program kids who are not white. Depends, we talking Asians or dindus? Also do Jews(hi by the way) count as white? If not, then no, I did not get in on diversity quota.
Colton Roberts
Imagine a society in such a state of culture shock and future shock that it begs for a Caesar or messiah to save them here and now. Now imagine this savior, or saviors has almost limitless computing potential, an unstoppable global surveillance network, and nearly god-like firepower.
What if we bring in a tyrant, or a group of oligarchs with these powers? Why have we fundamentally forgotten the human potential do wickedness and error?
We are still in control of our future, but we are balancing now on the edge of a knife. Soon we will not have this control, and it will be true of what many these days say. It will be "inevitable".
Also check out the connections of these programs to Tavistock and strange new methods of education. There are many strange institutes and think tanks that support these kinds of educational endeavors and are supported by major governments.
Adam Foster
Have all but 3 traits, was schooled in Pennsylvania but never tested before i moved to FL, scored 99th percentile in standardized tests and slowly declined over the years. Has anyone had an experience similar to this:
I just confirmed with my mother that I was going into second grade but we moved states and I needed an energency daycare until I started school again. The place was a large red office building, very plain looking. Parents were not allowed to enter any further than the front desk. Inside there were just long corridors and white walls. The days started off with us eating in a large windowless room, children sat in rowd eating breakfast. One thing that stood out was a woman who would address us every morning with her face projected on a large screen in front of us while we ate. I do not remember anything she said to us. The only other memories I have of this place was another smaller windowless room with flourescent lights and a small jungle gym with a slide. I was removed from there after I told my mom about a "secret room" with a single bed which I personally don't remember. My mom seemed unsettled to this day. Happened in the mid-late 90's.
Jose Bell
Asians, Dindus, Spics (myself included), Poos were all in Gifted Programs when I was in school, and a good amount were females (mostly white). Did Gifted Programs in the mid-2000's differ from that of the 1990's?