Fuck donald trump

fuck donald trump

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stop crying retard


fuck you.

vote Labour
my name is not on there
looks like you failed


Good goy

american capitalist democracy means nothing. the only democracy i know is proletarian democracy.

I wasn't gonna vote, but because you tell me to vote labour I'll vote conservative :D fuck lefty crybabies trying to tell everyone to vote their side.

you arent even old enough to vote


libtards up to being retards again

is this supposed to scare me
fuck donald trump.

Don't you whiny regressives understand that your incessant bellyaching helped contribute to Trump getting elected? We've started wishing one of you motherfuckers would...

stop acting like you didnt whine your ass off when obama won back in 2008 and 2012.

It's happening in britain too. All the labour voters are insufferable uninformed retards who think they're the law on politics telling you who to vote for. Thing is I don't mind Corbyn, I'm more right than left wing but May is just a scumbag. But I'm voting conservatives because i want to see these retards cry

where were the protests when obama won? oh right there wasn't any. Retard liberals can't accept they lost, it's been over half a year since the election and you can't stop crying about it. Get a grip you degenerate

i mean 2012 everyone should've been complaining after obongo showed us he was a pure neocon shill

I didn't, because I'm not a little bitch. I did go to watch some of your protests during the election though. You faggots are completely unhinged. Conservative reactions to Obama were a lot more civilized.

"im voting against my own interest and opinion because i want to protest against evil SJW leftists"
you are so stupid it hurts
sad how you think trump is going to be any different


I just like chaos and seeing the tears of retard liberals like yourself :D cry more all you're doing is persuading more and more people to vote against you. Even now you retards can't realise that you're the reason for trump winning

who said anything about trump being different? the people who voted for trump did it because they didn't want neocon version 6.0. fuck you