Why does Sup Forums as a whole despise Canadians? I never shitpost. I am not left wing...

Why does Sup Forums as a whole despise Canadians? I never shitpost. I am not left wing. But no one takes me seriously because I'm Canadian. Is it because most Canadians are liberal shills or something else?

Also, Jesus loves you.

shut up leaf

better be careful replying to me post. call me the wrong pronoun and I'll call the cops on you.

Yes its because your countrymen are liberal faggots

God speed

basically California of the north, they also stamp their cuck leaf on everything like they have anything to be proud of.

>unironically worships the god of the heebs

Im certain american shitposters use proxies to post under canadian and russian flags so americans dont get associated with what they really are. Ive seen a lot of blatent degenerate shit that I know only an american would say come under russian flags.

it's just a meme OP

give it a year or two and people will stop

>find a from of prehistoric shitposting on a cave wall
>btw guys, this is actually a sincere representation the Jews made of their God t. professional archeologist

Canada's full of leftist faggots. That's why the autism called bill C-16 is getting passed

>Why does Sup Forums as a whole despise Canadians? I never shitpost.
>Jesus loves you.