For the islamophobes on Sup Forums

You say the quran is bad, but no book has killed more people than this book, now you you want to bring it back? Was 65 million innocent people enough???

You waste of oxygen, the Holocaust didn't happen

Yes goy they killed 60 sectillion of us, gib reparations money

>implying it was only 60 sectillion
youre a fucking antisemite and should be ashamed of yourself

Are you completely fucking retarded? Do you have any idea how inconsequential National Socialism was compared to Marxist Leninism?! Literally less than a quarter of the body count.


Hitler was Jewish, look it up

Which is why muzzies love reading Kampf in muzzie countries.

The Communist Manifesto has killed more than the Quran and Mein Kampf put together.

Actually Mein Kampf is apparently the second most popular book in the Middle East after the Quran with it being a common book owned in that region. It's apparently been a big seller there for a long time.

You have to go back


Ironically one of the most peaceful rulers in history gets labeled the most evil. Jews sure are funny.

hes not talking about the holocaust.
hes talking about ww2.


are you having a bubble

also reminder iran had Aryans before the great mudding

yes, but USSR had like 10x more time to kill compared to national socialism.

Raise you 100 million corpses.

underestimating the numbers again it was 6000000 gazillion

Reminder to sage bait threads.

Japan didnabout half of it, excluding the holohoax and you cant pin 100% of the war in europe on Hitler so frig off


Yep. Bolshevik Jews have killed more Christians than Muslims and Germans combined

fake news, the nazis added 50 million fake deaths to the communists death count, don't believe everything you read.

if u have a zapper machine that incinerates anyone who walks through it in your house and 65 million home invaders walk into your house and you tell them not to becuz they will be zapped to deaths are you responisible for the zapping deaths of those 65 million ppl? or is it the jews who told them to invade your house in the first place/.


He was killing bolshevik commies, not really people

Nazis went forward in time to mess with Mao's stats?

what do you mean by that?
do you imply that the allies were the invading side, and that germany was justified in ww2?


this was about the quran though, don't change the topic.
anyway, communism has done more good than bad, can't say the same about nazi-germany ..

>and you cant pin 100% of the war in europe on Hitler so frig off
he started a fucking world war.

>Don't talk about the millions of Christians Bolshevik Jews killed
>Communism is good goy
Found the Jew

All communism did was delay modernization in several countries, as well as kill a fuckton of people. Nazism at least gave us Adidas, Hugo Boss, and Volkswagen. Also rocket science.

>>>insert newspaper Judea declares war to Germany. 1933

Yes, but it is not a physical conflict.
Last time I checked, it needed to get physical in order for a conflict to turn into a world war.